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Ryuu Apr 20, 2006 12:13 AM

I HATE Kadaj's voice. SO MUCH.

Marlene's voice doesn't really sound too great either.

Cloud is fine though.

WolfDemon Apr 20, 2006 12:30 AM

Wow. And I thought it sucked before that they didn't redo the lipsynching. Now that I've seen some of it in action...

They could have at least changed the lines, if only a little, to match the mouth movements. Holy god it looks bad.

Hantei Apr 20, 2006 12:54 AM

I'm actually liking the voices so far, no complaints from me. Though that one clip with Tifa, Cook didn't do a very good read with the lines. Overall though, really liked Beau Billingslea's performance as Barret (thought it suited him), Blum as Vincent sounding good, and Greg Ellis did a great job with Cait Sith. But I agree that the lip syncing definitely seems a little off. They really should have taken the time to reanimate the mouths, as the awkwardness with some of the lines would have been avoided.

Oh and Kadaj actually used "remanents."

Magi Apr 20, 2006 01:41 AM

There is a world of difference in terms of voice acting between this and Spirit Within. >.> I mean, I felt that the voice acting in Spirit Within wasn't extraordinary, but it wasn't bad either. ;_; I didn't know it could sound this awkward. Now advent children just sound like one of those anime dubs rather then voice acting design for movies which I think it deserves. I wish I could describe just how different those two sounded, but lacking the technical know how to do so, but I'd still called dubbing in advent children sounded like amateurs, in fact, the fragmentation of sound bit sigments sounded even worse then FFX's voice acting.

Sarag Apr 20, 2006 04:13 AM

I don't want to hear these sorts of things. Come on, Kadaj's voice was the best in the Japanese version. :(

UltimaIchijouji Apr 20, 2006 04:27 AM

Well, this is pretty bad.

I didn't know they could do dubs this bad. Times had supposedly changed. I was wrong.

Cyrus XIII Apr 20, 2006 04:53 AM

Hm, I only watched the Kadaji-Wheelchair Guy conversation, the former being voiced ok, the latter not quite the way I expected, a little too intimidated. The script seems to be good though. Not too faithful to the Japanese original but thereby invoking some sense of style.

CuteChocobo Apr 20, 2006 11:48 AM

OMG just watched most of the english dubbed clips on youtube.com and I gotta say that I am disappointed with the dubbing... I dun think they could possibly take that long to dub a film of this audio quality. I am not blaming the VAs coz they are unique in their own voices, but first no lip-sync and confusing dialogues!

That just won't do for me, however as I promised my self I am still buying this one for collection sake! I gotta say thou, the VAs sounds too happy in some occasions!

Soldier Apr 20, 2006 12:16 PM

Even though I'm not watching any of those clips, I'm going to assume that it's the same case as the online videos for Xenosaga in that the rips don't reflect on the overall sound quality. Online video previews tend to sound much worse than the actual product, so I don't think you should be quick to judge the voices from a few potentially spotty online clips.

In any case, IGN was very favorable with the dub, so I'm not worried.


Weeklan Apr 20, 2006 12:20 PM

25th of this month? Not lip-sync'd? wow, for sure I thought it would've been! wow, just wow. o_O I would understand if the delay was this looong if it had lip-sync but not even that? wow, lol. I am.... speechless, to say the least.

OK and I searched some clips on YouTube. and I gotta say the dub ain't great, mediocre at best.

Red XIII sounds like some old British buttler, and most of the VA's don't sound true to the scenes.

Oh well, I got my Japanese so its all good. And I dont want no fanboi to start going crazy and critising me on all I've said, cause it's just my opinion.

Dark Nation Apr 20, 2006 12:32 PM

Well, I paid the last of the 20 bucks on the movie at my local mall suncoast store, so now I just gotta wait for the movie to arrive. I heard its already available in some places, but 5-6 days ain't nothin to stress over.

I'll post a review of the dub when I get it, obviously after watching it a few times :p

SouthJag Apr 20, 2006 12:48 PM

Darknation, you were about to preorder at Suncoast? Odd considering they're going out of business...

AC1 Apr 20, 2006 07:17 PM


After going through all the English clips on youtube, I am happy that I downloaded the Japanese version almost 9 (damn actually EIGHT but still) months ago. My God they're just talking for the sake of talking, with no real emotions.

I don't know if I should buy this or not. The deleted scenes and the making of feature intrigues me...

However, I liked how Dende from Uncut DBZ has competition from Denzel in the cussing department :tpg:

Sarag Apr 20, 2006 08:12 PM

Question: is this advertised on tv at all? Just wondering.

Hantei Apr 20, 2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by AC1
The deleted scenes and the making of feature intrigues me...

Haha, actually the deleted scenes were really nothing special. The making featurette was pretty good though, wasn't as indepth as it could have been though.

Forsety Apr 21, 2006 12:40 AM

Is anyone really even going to bother buying it? I figured anyone who wanted to see it already did so when it came out anyway.

Soldier Apr 21, 2006 12:48 AM


Question: is this advertised on tv at all? Just wondering.
Yes. I've seen it twice in Adult Swim and Comedy Central. Well, I haven't actually seen the whole thing, I turn around and see the last 5 seconds or so. It's a bunch of really fast, action packed scenes with OWA playing.

Doesn't matter. Any form of advertising they attempt is just a formality anyway.

Kairi Li Apr 21, 2006 02:34 AM

Seeing as I own the Advent Pieces, probably not, might watch boyfriend's copy instead.

WolfDemon Apr 21, 2006 02:46 AM

Since my girlfriend works at Blockbuster, I got a chance to see it a little early, and it's actually not that bad. They at least try to make the lines fit in with the lipsynching and there aren't that many glaring problems, like Yuffie's "Who's touching my materia" line. Mena Suvari still sucks as Aerith, but not as bad as in Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm strangely comfortable with Cid's accent. I guess now that I know that his accent in the JP version is Osakan, it's a little easier to swallow. Haven't watched it in Japanese yet, but I have a feeling they just use the exact same script for the subtitles. Dilly dally shilly shally made me want to vomit, but apparently, that's what's supposed to be said, from what's shown in the 25 minute Venice Film Festival Footage.

khan0plinger Apr 21, 2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Forsety
Is anyone really even going to bother buying it? I figured anyone who wanted to see it already did so when it came out anyway.

Every single damn person who posted at least once in this forum will buy it. Even if they complain how much it sucks..they will still buy it. Isn't the japanese audio on the dvd as well? If you think thats better, why are you complaining about the dub then? /lrn2notcomplan.

Jesus, this is without a doubt the most complaint filled thread on the entire board. First you were upset that it got delayed, then you were upset that you didnt get some lame Last Order bonus, and now the lip syncing isn't good enough for you. I believe that even if everything was perfect...the majority of FFVII fanboys would say "its too perfect, it overshadows the game", so to have something to complain about.

kainlightwind Apr 21, 2006 06:17 AM

I'll buy it cause my bootleg copy is turing to crap. I've caught a few clips of it and...ugh. I suppose I'll watch the whole thing to give it a chance but from what I've seen so far, I swear I'm watching an episode of Digimon or something with the voice. I swear!

Freelance Apr 21, 2006 07:25 AM

I never buy anything without subs. I mean, there's no point of getting something if you have no idea what's going on anyway, and the fact that not everyone can watch Japanese DVDS on their DVD players. I downloaded it when it came out, and have been waiting for the NA DVD ever since, haha...I'll be picking it up in May sometime, hopefully sooner than later :3

Forsety Apr 21, 2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Knighthawk
Every single damn person who posted at least once in this forum will buy it. Even if they complain how much it sucks..they will still buy it. Isn't the japanese audio on the dvd as well? If you think thats better, why are you complaining about the dub then? /lrn2notcomplan.

Jesus, this is without a doubt the most complaint filled thread on the entire board. First you were upset that it got delayed, then you were upset that you didnt get some lame Last Order bonus, and now the lip syncing isn't good enough for you. I believe that even if everything was perfect...the majority of FFVII fanboys would say "its too perfect, it overshadows the game", so to have something to complain about.

That is the biggest crock of bullshit I've seen in this entire thread thus far. People have a right to complain, if you don't like it don't fucking read it. Lord knows I've seen you complain about your fair share of shit on this forum so do shut the hell up, thanks.

Hantei Apr 22, 2006 01:00 AM

Diamond Comics to release the FF7AC polystone statues to NA, due to ship in October 2006. Apparently Sephiroth measures in at 14" tall and Cloud at 10". Each will be sold seperately, at a hefty price of $200 a piece. Unfortunately, I think I'll be passing on this set (just too expensive).

Source: http://previews.diamondcomics.com/de...s=132&ai=28149

Shenlon Apr 22, 2006 08:40 AM

I just saw the english version of the movie. The voices weren't necessarily bad for the characters but the way they said it. The marlene opening comments sounded as though she was reading right off the script for the first time without any practice. The Sephiroth voice wasn't bad its just one or two lines that didn't sound right.
I'd still get the dvd either way, it should have the japanese audio so I have no complaints ^_^

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