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Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by SOLDIER
You mean they looked like normal, human battles (minus the airborne special attack and the henshin Knight), which is a good thing. Not every RPG hero can fly a thousand feet in the air while slicing entire buildings in half.

Nah just a little more force in the blow, have an animation the the character taking a heavy step or some action indicating exertion.


And Lost Odyssey was decent, but didn't carry over the transition from FMV to realtime very well. The worst part was watching the ingame battles, where the main guy slashes at thin air instead of the enemy, followed by numbers indicating damage. Going for that classic RPG feel? Nope, just laziness.
It's got time to grow, like FFXIII and White Knight Story.


Well I'm out for the night. Keep the thread updated, guys, I hope to wake up to even more good news.

Oh and for those of you still awake, here's pictures of GT4:HD.

Let me explain. GT4:HD is simply GT4 with HD assets, tracks, cars. The problem is, you have to buy cars through microtransactions. You buy the game with 0 cars present.

GT4: Premium is basically GT5: Prologue. Assets built from the ground up for the PS3 and it shows. The following screenshots are of GT4:HD.




Freddy Krueger Sep 22, 2006 04:02 AM

Also btw LO is 80% complete, White Knight is 70% but FFXIII still has a year left. Still all 3 look amazing!

Hantei Sep 22, 2006 04:08 AM

Nice, the cars and environments look almost photo realistic. Especially the shot from the rear.

Also I stumbled upon a couple pics of Ridge Racers 2. And the one that really caught my eye was Reiko (I assume it's her), she almost looks like a real Japanese girl...



Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 04:35 AM

Have a look athe the boxart for GT:HD (and a look at the format of the cases, no less):


The PS3 strip widely criticized has been thinned out considerably and pushed more towards the spine. The case is shorter and thinner than DVD cases. Overall, it looks nice. Hopefully that transparent case look won't stick.

Inhert Sep 22, 2006 06:47 AM

sweet! wow all those screen shot are amazing, White knights and Ninja Gaiden are the oen that catch my attention ^^

and I like the transparent case, like they are doing with the psp case, it's nice to have a great cover and open the case to see abother wonderful "inside cover art" in it (look at Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth cover) well at least it's better then that ugly cover with the big blue thing on top of it...

Omnislash124 Sep 22, 2006 08:33 AM

I don't give a damn about GT4, but White Knight has given me genuine interest in the PS3. It would be truly magical if those screens became reality and the gameplay matches even half of what those screens are showing me.

Freddy Krueger Sep 22, 2006 08:45 AM

those screens are pretty much gameplay, the entire trailer is. WATCH IT NOW DUDE it's really good.

Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 09:21 AM

Err, the White Knight trailer is all gameplay folks, just so you know. Level 5's been working on it for a good bit, since reportedly it's 70% complete.

FFXIII BTW, the shots below are all realtime. This has been confirmed by many at the event, along with the new locales shown in the trailer.


Originally Posted by IGN
The trailer for FFXIII was essentially a remixed version of the E3 trailer, with added scenes to show off more gameplay. The trailer started off in a speeding train much like the E3 trailer, but quickly shifted to other locations, such as a populated city. The trailer also showed how the heroine is able to move with such accuracy and speed; she uses a special device that allows her to literally levitate when she's not moving, and it also lets her move faster than normal. This might make sense in battles; the game still uses menu-driven combat, and it's possible that while making decisions on what to do, the game will go into slow motion a la The Matrix while it waits for your commands. The trailer ended in the same fashion as the E3 original, with our heroine squaring off against a giant monster. Overall it was a cool trailer, but there wasn't a lot of footage that suggested how the game is going to be played.




RacinReaver Sep 22, 2006 12:00 PM

How much does a setup cost nowadays that lets you see graphics like this?

Because I'm guessing the PS3 will look pretty similar to the ultra-smooth games (like Ace Combat/Ratchet & Clank) on my 15 year old CRT, how much of a real boost can I expect when playing?

Cetra Sep 22, 2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by RacinReaver
How much does a setup cost nowadays that lets you see graphics like this?

Because I'm guessing the PS3 will look pretty similar to the ultra-smooth games (like Ace Combat/Ratchet & Clank) on my 15 year old CRT, how much of a real boost can I expect when playing?

Well a good quality, 30ish inch LCD HDTV runs at about $900 at the moment where lower quality screens can be found for about $600. A large price drop on HDTVs is expected this year around Christmas time as well.

Another option is LCD monitors. You can get a 20-inch widescreen from Dell for about $370 and can pick up a HDMI-to-DVI cable for ~$10.

As for getting an idea on the boost in quality, play a modern PC game at 640x480 resolution then kick it up to 1280x1024. That's pretty much the difference in quality between a SD and HD signal.

RacinReaver Sep 22, 2006 12:18 PM

I'm asking about the quality improvement from a PS2 to PS3 on an older CRT, not to new technologies (I've seen that plenty whenever I walk into my local Best Buy).

Heh, and it's a shame I bought my LCD display back when they were pretty expensive. I had a really tiny-ass dorm room and wanted enough space on my desk to put both my keyboard, monitor, and a textbook, so I forked out $450 for a really nice 17" Dell monitor (it was a steal at the time, too!). The monitor's still looking beautiful, so I doubt I'll want to replace it any time soon, and there's no way I'm going to be able to drop $600 on a new TV, so I guess I'm stuck with old technology for another generation. :(

Soldier Sep 22, 2006 12:19 PM

Doesn't look like I've missed much so far. Any word when we'll be getting anymore news? The show runs until tommorow, right?

Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 12:21 PM

Ok, here's some more news guys. While it may not interest some, or most of you, Ridge Racer 7 is also running at 1080p at 60fps. If you want proof, here it is running on Sony's new (and ridiculously expensive) XBR2s:

BTW, I can't wait for Ace Combat 06. I wouldn't surprised if it looks startlingly photorealistic.

RR7 TGS trailer (looking a bit better than RR6):


Omnislash124 Sep 22, 2006 12:22 PM

Jesus Christ. That setup must cost an arm and a leg....XBR2?!

Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 12:25 PM

Yes, XBR2. XBR1 was last year's SXRD sets. RXBR is the Premium SXRD sets for this year and XBR2 are the top of the line (flat out gorgeous styling and picture) LCDs.

Cetra Sep 22, 2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by RacinReaver
I'm asking about the quality improvement from a PS2 to PS3 on an older CRT, not to new technologies (I've seen that plenty whenever I walk into my local Best Buy).

Heh, and it's a shame I bought my LCD display back when they were pretty expensive. I had a really tiny-ass dorm room and wanted enough space on my desk to put both my keyboard, monitor, and a textbook, so I forked out $450 for a really nice 17" Dell monitor (it was a steal at the time, too!). The monitor's still looking beautiful, so I doubt I'll want to replace it any time soon, and there's no way I'm going to be able to drop $600 on a new TV, so I guess I'm stuck with old technology for another generation. :(

Oh, sorry for my misunderstanding. But yes you'll still see a substantial increase in quality going from a PS2 to a PS3 while using the same screen. The much higher polygon count, sharper textures, far draw distances, smoother animation and higher frame rates the PS3 offers over the PS2 will still be highly noticeable especially on a CRT that can support resolutions above 640x480. You may lose a bit of sharpness having to covert from HDMI to DVI then from DVI to VGA but it wouldn't be a huge loss of quality. This is assuming the CRT does not have a DVI cable, which most do not.

Again, considering PC games try playing Morrowind at say 800x600 at max detail then move to Oblivion using 800x600 max detail. Even at the same resolution, Oblivion is obviously going to look far better thanks to higher capabilities of the Oblivion engine.

Metal Sphere Sep 22, 2006 12:33 PM

Not to mention, downscaling 720p or 1080p gives people playing on CRT sets free FSAA (or is it MSAA). Either way, aliasing will likely be less noticeable on regular televisions.

New pictures of the PS3 box, controller, console and cases:

Both PS3 models have trim, the cheaper one having black trim.









The Blu-Ray logo is etched into the upper left of the boxes, above the black strip. Overall, it looks really fucking nice.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 22, 2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by SouthJag
I'm gonna have to check out the new Warhawk trailer. If it's making Skills consider a PS3, it's gotta be worth seeing. :D

Ahaha, I come off as that anti-Sony? I have to apologize for that. Of all the systems in my current collection, my PS2 enjoys the largest percent of games I own by a LARGE margin. (My 99 PS2 games is something like 19.5 percent of my entire collection). So I'm no anti-fanboy and I'd like to apoligze if I come off like that.

In my own defense, I was planning on getting a unit at launch up until they announced the initial shipment numbers. It was bad enough with the 360, but something like this would be worse and a lot more hellish to put up with. Especially since EB and such up here isn't taking preorders at all, no trade in deals or nothing.

But yeah. Warhawk. Hot. What did you think? I'm just pumped for 32 player online with that and landing and getting out of the aircraft and basically how fucking huge the maps are. That could be such a riot it's not even funny.

As for the cases, they could do without that large plastic bar (for lack of a better word) at the top of them there. Still, they look worlds better than the older mockups.

SouthJag Sep 22, 2006 01:24 PM

Skills, which Warhawk trailer is? The one from GC 2006?

Soldier Sep 22, 2006 01:42 PM


Ahaha, I come off as that anti-Sony? I have to apologize for that. Of all the systems in my current collection, my PS2 enjoys the largest percent of games I own by a LARGE margin. (My 99 PS2 games is something like 19.5 percent of my entire collection).
Well that's no surprise, considering the PS2 has 3 to 4 times more games than any other current system. Glad they made the boxart different from Blu Ray movies.

I'm still hoping for some more surprise announcements. White Knight Story alone was good enough to make a believer of most people, now imagine two or three more titles announced with similar production values.

And to think it's just a first generation game.

Spatula Sep 22, 2006 01:55 PM

So what happened to the whole PooS idea?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 22, 2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by SouthJag
Skills, which Warhawk trailer is? The one from GC 2006?

No, the new TGS one:

That, combined with the "Behind the Scenes" stuff from the official site has me pretty excited. The multiplayer capabilities is what's getting me going. (And because I'm a faggot for air combat games).


Originally Posted by SOLDIER
Well that's no surprise, considering the PS2 has 3 to 4 times more games than any other current system. Glad they made the boxart different from Blu Ray movies.

Well, that's a not entirely fair thing to say. While there are more games on the PS2, yes, there is also a larger amount of crap on it too. I still prefer the best of the cube's titles above most of what the PS2 has to offer. (Hell, Prime is my favorite game of this last generation. Period.)

The real reason I own that many has nothing to do with how many the PS2 has, but because I resigned to getting most multiplatform stuff for the PS2, if I had a choice.

SouthJag Sep 22, 2006 02:28 PM

Hm....air combat, check. Ground combat, check. Land vehicle combat, check. Really, the GC 2006 didn't give as good as an impression as this new trailer did. Damn, this game really does look awesome -- I thought it was all flight, but this looks really, really damn cool. Thanks Skills for bringing that trailer up!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 22, 2006 02:38 PM

You're welcome. I just hope that those MASSIVE air battles that you see in the trailer against all those capital ships are available in some sort of online mode. Like one team of 16 tries to defend those while another 16 try to destroy them all or something. That'd be some serious shit.

No details like that exist though, as far as I can tell. Hopefully the official site will have more available shortly.

Infernal Monkey Sep 22, 2006 06:47 PM

All this Warhawk talk makes me lust for a sequel to the PS2's Sky Odyssey. SO AWESOME. I think it was a first party developed title and everything, come on Sony. ;_;


Mmm N64 Expansion Pak.

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