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Minion Mar 7, 2006 01:32 PM

No, it works regardless. I see you're having trouble fathoming the idea that I am consistent in my beliefs, so you'll just have to take my word I guess. Or not.

Bradylama Mar 7, 2006 01:34 PM

Right, you only believe in the rights set by the majority, and that minority rights, the ones that secure our basic freedoms are secondary to the wishes of the majority, which can be construed in any manner, including one where the "Majority Opinion" isn't actually embraced by the majority (Bolsheviks).

If we don't want niggers in our town, then by God we should be able to vote on it.

Zio Mar 7, 2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cat9
Quite a presumptuous statement dont you think? Once again, if pro-lifers cannot act upon thier own beliefs, then are they really free?

Well not only that but why should only the pro-choice get to make the laws or voice thier opinions? I think people are thinking too shallow on this one.

Minion Mar 7, 2006 01:37 PM


If we don't want niggers in our town, then by God we should be able to vote on it.
Well, I also think everything should be legislated from the federal level. States are an outdated concept.

Watts Mar 7, 2006 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bradylama

Make's you feel good now doesn't it? Honestly I doubt I'd have much trouble telling you which side will vote Republican and which side will vote Democrat. I doubt you would either.


Originally Posted by Minion
Well, I also think everything should be legislated from the federal level. States are an outdated concept.

Then you've just underminded our system of checks and balances. I couldn't think of a better way to kill the American Republic.

This is why abortion is a important issue. Not because of morality, religon, or rights. But because we're trying to maintain a balance of government.

Chibi Neko Mar 7, 2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Wiewel

South Dakota's conservative voters and government are doing this because they hope that abortion will be made illegal on a national level. Which is just what this country needs. Babies being born to mothers that aren't ready, resulting in increased levels of poverty and everything else that follows from that, such as increased levels of crime. -__-

Very good point. Dr. Henry Morgentaler first began the woman's right to choose here in Canada,


Originally Posted by From CBC.ca
A Polish Jew who survived the Auschwitz death camp (where he was tattooed with number 95077), Morgentaler has pointed many times to what he saw as one of the root causes of Hitler’s death machine – unwanted children who were fighting back against a family that abused them. "Well-loved children grow into adults who do not build concentration camps, do not rape and do not murder," Morgentaler said in June 2005 at the University of Western Ontario, where he was awarded his first honorary degree.

I agree with this, unwanted children are treated differently, some are loved because the parents accept it, others do not. Not only that, what the court and the anti-abortion group needs to understand is that not all abortions happen because the mother wants to, on the first ultrasound more can be determined about the baby besides the sex, life threatening disease and conditions to the baby can occur, which can result in a very poor quality of life or may even be a still born. In most cases it is not a easy decision to make.

Again what the Courts and anti-abortion groups also need to understand is that t the beginning of the pregnancy, the embryo is a group of cells, it is not a baby... like a egg is not a chicken and a blue print is not a building. It has the capability to become one, but not is you do not want to contribute the time.

Late term abortion is also another factor, here is a good artical that sums it up pretty good.

Wrestling with late term abortions

Minion Mar 7, 2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Watts
Then you've just underminded our system of checks and balances. I couldn't think of a better way to kill the American Republic.

This is why abortion is a important issue. Not because of morality, religon, or rights. But because we're trying to maintain a balance of government.

The hell are you talking about? We have an executive branch, a Congress and a Supreme Court all at the Federal level.

Lord Styphon Mar 7, 2006 02:53 PM

Checks and balances go beyond merely the different branches of government. The different levels of government also play a major role, as do the levels and types of law.

Minion Mar 7, 2006 02:57 PM

Yeah see, I don't know if that's necessary. We're not a conglomeration of independant states anymore. We're one country. The whole system is pretty ridiculous and seems to be completely unique to the US.

I work in the insurance industry and I can tell you firsthand that the difference in laws from state to state is just stupid. There's no reason for it and if insurance weren't so complicated, insurance companies wouldn't have to hire so many employees to deal with it and maybe it wouldn't cost so much.

Lord Styphon Mar 7, 2006 03:23 PM

Germany and Switzerland, to name two, both maintain similar federal systems.

And besides, if you're really so keen to practice something closer to actual democracy, a federalized system is a better place for it than a centralized one. The larger a population gets, the less ability there is to get 50%+1 to agree on something without concessions, which the more extreme elements of that majority aren't keen to see adpoted; this is a big reason why so many parliamentary governments need to call frequent elections.

In a federal system, the whole is also divided into smaller sovereignties, which can act independently of each other. This serves to both simplify matters for the central government and lets multiple solutions to a problem be adopted where there is disagreement as to what the right one is. This is excellent for such social issues as abortion, since there isn't a one size fits all solution. If the people of one state are aghast at the idea of aborting a child, they can outlaw the procedure in their state, while if the people in another state are aghast at the idea of denying a woman the right to choose whether she wants to keep the child or not, they can protect that right in their state.

It's not perfect, but it's better than the central government imposing a solution to social issues that will incense a large segment part of the population. That serves to poison discourse, discourage compromise on the issue, and make social issues that were of little importance before into issues of national import, whether they should be or not. Such is not in the best interests of the nation.

Minion Mar 7, 2006 03:27 PM

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. The only thing I see happening with this system is extreme polarization, which degerates social issues into political battles that are more about staying in office than doing the right thing.

Lord Styphon Mar 7, 2006 03:37 PM

Oddly enough, the extreme polarization on the social issue of abortion, which has turned it into the kind of political battle you described, began when the central government imposed a solution on the country.

Hachifusa Mar 7, 2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
In a well run democracy, I don't see freedom as being as important, let alone more important, than the majority's opinion. It's pretty clear what the people of South Dakota want. If you're saying that your freedom is more important than the majority's decisions, why have any laws at all?

To protect said freedom?

I thought that was the entire point of America - to protect the individual's liberty.

PUG1911 Mar 7, 2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Minion
Well, on the basis of legality, it should be whatever the hell the majority thinks. Why is this so hard to swallow?

This doesn't make sense for issues which the majority doesn't fully understand.

If you ask the majority at what stage after conception is too late to get an abortion, you'll get all manner of answers. If you ask the same question to medical experts, you'll get a much smaller variance in answers. It makes sense to me that on medical issues doctors might know better than farmers.

Another example, if you ask the majority if their taxes should be halved, or eliminated you are guaranteed to have them say yes more often than not. Does that mean it's wise? Of course not, it's because they are misinformed or ignorant of the issue.

Same goes for the abortion issue. A lot of people have opinions. These are founded on any number of things, influenced by people who misinform them (itentionally or not), or pull their opinion out of their ass and base it one nothing at all. This is true for all sides of the issue. So, does the majority picking a side mean that is what they really believe, considering how few likely understand the facets of the argument?

Double Post:

Originally Posted by Zio
Pug, if you don't like a law that was passed then you know what you can do to stop it or even reverse the law.

You can lobby or reverse any law you wish to... Atleast try to.

If I really wanted to, I could rally and reverse the decision about segregated schools.

They acted on thier beliefs, were organized, and started the ball on possibly banning it. Now that takes some guts to stand up(despite proscution and etc other things that will come.) and do something about a law that they don't think is right.

Pro-lifers think that allowing abortation is forcing wrong beliefs on everyone.

Pro-choice thinks that not allowing is.

Either way you slice it, someone's toes are going to get stepped on.

What horseshit. Being persecuted for being pro life? This isn't standing up against 'the man' or anything close to it. It's the relatively safe stance to take, you aren't going to be called a killer for it as opposed to being pro choice.

Also, despite every imaginable attempt to portray themselves as victims, pro lifers are not the ones potentially being put upon here. If 'allowing abortion was forcing beliefs on everyone' was really the case, those who didn't believe in having abortions would be forced to have one. See how retarded that argument is? No one is forcing the pro lifers to do anything they don't want to do, or trying to limit what they may do, or what they may say.

And another thing, your stance on passing laws is quite unique. Of course one can lobby for any law they wish, and that law may or may not be passed. But praising the passing of laws just for the hell of it seems odd. If you don't support it, then you shouldn't be too happy that it happens. And just waiting for it to get democricized out after a while is a pretty lame way to solve the issue. Maybe heading off things before they get passed would be more efficient, and cheaper than sitting back and applauding any and all changes made?

Watts Mar 7, 2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Styphon
Checks and balances go beyond merely the different branches of government. The different levels of government also play a major role, as do the levels and types of law.

Bingo. Which is why everytime the State of Oregon brings precedents such as; "doctor assisted suicides of the terminally ill" or "legalization of medicinal marijuana", the Federal Government is on one side, and the State of Oregon stands on the other. And it always make's it to the Supreme Court.


Originally Posted by Minion
The only thing I see happening with this system is extreme polarization, which degerates social issues into political battles that are more about staying in office than doing the right thing.

One of the big reasons why social issues degrade into political battles is because of politicians actions, especially around election time. They typically appeal to people's ego. Quite effective too. If you believe you're in the right, you certainly won't harbor much sympathy for the other side's perspective. Or any other perspective. You are right, and everyone else is wrong. Which is the basis on which I called everybody 'tools of a political agenda'. Although I'm just as guilty as anyone in that regard.

Unfortunately abortion is a much bigger issue then that. Hence, I said morality, religion, and rights don't really have anything to do with it. Furthermore in cases that define our system's balance of power there is no 'right answer', except maintaining the status quo that's been established. Which is unlikely to change under ANY Supreme Court.

Nobody wins, nobody's happy. But the fight goes on... but only during election years.


Originally Posted by Lord Styphon
Oddly enough, the extreme polarization on the social issue of abortion, which has turned it into the kind of political battle you described, began when the central government imposed a solution on the country.

A solution needed to be imposed regardless of the long term consequences. Still doesn't make it any less ironic.

Eleo Mar 7, 2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by RacinReaver
That's actually one of the arguments against it. Poor women without a means of transportation or in abusive relationships might not be able to get away to an out of state clinic.

Wait, so an abortion is free?

Also, the part about about abusive relationships, I don't get. So whoever (probably boyfriend/baby's daddy) is like eff u, you're not going out to get an abortion. If this were the case, I don't see how it would be any easier/harder to actually get one if they had to go down the block or the interstate BESIDES the factor of how much gas is going to be needed or how much the Greyhound is going to cost.

Either way when a few months pass and her stomach isn't any bigger, she's going to get "in trouble".

Feel free to make me look like an ass.

Zio Mar 7, 2006 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Devo
Pro-life has been able to restrict the methods and timing of abotion. It's not like people are turning a deaf ear to their ideals.

Indeed, this is true but all I am saying is that whenever someone tries to do something they belief such as pro-life situation where they TRY to get something done such as a law. It turns into that they are stupid, forcing thier beliefs and etc. Tis all I am saying.


What horseshit. Being persecuted for being pro life? This isn't standing up against 'the man' or anything close to it. It's the relatively safe stance to take, you aren't going to be called a killer for it as opposed to being pro choice.
You are reading too much into it. I mean standing up for your beliefs even if persecuted and mind you, it can be verbal abuse as well.

I never said being pro-choice means your a killer nor does being pro-life means your a religeious fanatic eitehr.


Also, despite every imaginable attempt to portray themselves as victims, pro lifers are not the ones potentially being put upon here. If 'allowing abortion was forcing beliefs on everyone' was really the case, those who didn't believe in having abortions would be forced to have one. See how retarded that argument is? No one is forcing the pro lifers to do anything they don't want to do, or trying to limit what they may do, or what they may say.
I could have swore I already said that I agree that no one is forcing ANYONE to get a aboration and that I already agree that the law is stupid.

I am TIPPING MY HAT TO THEM CAUSE THEY ARE ACTUALLY USING THE SYSTEM AND TRYING. Even though they are not going to win and I agree the law is stupid.


And another thing, your stance on passing laws is quite unique. Of course one can lobby for any law they wish, and that law may or may not be passed. But praising the passing of laws just for the hell of it seems odd.
That is because someone actually wasn't lazy enough to do something. That is why I am praising it.


If you don't support it, then you shouldn't be too happy that it happens.
And if that happens then I'll be the one who rallies and tries to reverse the decision.


And just waiting for it to get democricized out after a while is a pretty lame way to solve the issue. Maybe heading off things before they get passed would be more efficient, and cheaper than sitting back and applauding any and all changes made?

I don't live in South Dakota or else I would more then likely if the law became a law, then I'd be the one who would vote or even rally to get it reversed cause obviously it's a stupid law.

Like I have said, if anyone wanted to get one should be able to but those who don't, don't have to.

Simple as that.

All I am applauding to them is they actually weren't lazy, and sat back and said, fuck, I hate aborations but I'm going to sit here and do nothing.

If people want to retain thier rights to actually have them, then they will reverse and or prove that they acutally need it such as unwanted children being problems and any other thing. Yanno?

RacinReaver Mar 8, 2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Legato
Wait, so an abortion is free?

I think they're relatively inexpensive or clinics offer to do it for free if a person can't afford to pay for it.


Also, the part about about abusive relationships, I don't get. So whoever (probably boyfriend/baby's daddy) is like eff u, you're not going out to get an abortion. If this were the case, I don't see how it would be any easier/harder to actually get one if they had to go down the block or the interstate BESIDES the factor of how much gas is going to be needed or how much the Greyhound is going to cost.

Either way when a few months pass and her stomach isn't any bigger, she's going to get "in trouble".
I think the situation would be more that the woman wouldn't want the man to know she's pregnant and wouldn't want to have a child from the father (since he doesn't seem to be the fatherly type) but knows he wouldn't approve of it, so she wants to get it done secretly. If she had to disappear to another state, he might get a little suspicious of why she disappeared for a day or two without telling him. =\

Then again, I might just watch way to much Law & Order.

Koneko Mar 8, 2006 09:18 PM

Here's the problem with the South Dakota law (I totally agree its unfair to rape & incest vicitims). Accidents happen. Contraceptives break or fail.

I'd say more but a lot has been said about the situation and I agree with some people's points.

The_Griffin Mar 9, 2006 01:38 AM

But contraceptives are evil!

And you KNOW that if abortion is banned for most cases, then contraception will be next. Because if what is essentially one form of contraception is banned, why not the others?

Bradylama Mar 9, 2006 07:34 AM

Abortion isn't a contraceptive. An abortion is the terminating of a pregnancy, while contraceptive, a word that has conceive right in there, avoids the conception of a pregnancy.

Know your words, sucka!

Adamgian Mar 9, 2006 09:29 AM

The problem with the situation remains a complete revitilization of the religious right in the US.

Still, the Supreme Court would shoot this down should it reach it, there is a 5-4 pro Wade vote already, and that assumes both Bushies vote nay.

The Partial Birth bill is also coming up soon, although I'm not sure how that will fare as well.

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