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Dopefish Mar 14, 2008 09:33 AM


It's been assumed that Claire and her baby were fine because he was conceived off the island.
Aaron was born on the island.

Wall Feces Mar 14, 2008 09:40 AM

Conception is different than birth, Dope.

Sousuke Mar 14, 2008 10:26 AM

The super-long theory that sprout [I think?] posted a while back is still intriguing to me. And, if it's actually true... It leads me to believe that Sun wouldn't have died had she stayed on the island. The only women that died seemed to be 'natives' of the Island, or 'The Others' as referred to by everyone else. The theory suggests that the natives are a physical manifestation of that guy, which is why they can't really 'create new life'.

At least that's how I see it. Sun, being an actual human, probably would've been perfectly fine, following this theory. Just some food for thought.

Wall Feces Mar 14, 2008 10:34 AM

That's a real good point, Sousuke. I never really registered that until you brought it up just now.

Any thoughts on how Ben can produce 300+ bodies and a whole bunch of airplane wreckage? I think this has to do with the "magic box" he told Locke about last season, and I also think the monster is somehow connected to it all.

Sousuke Mar 14, 2008 01:47 PM

Either that, or... the bodies from when he gassed the island. Sure, there was a pit of skeletons that he pushed Locke into, but there were probably more bodies than that. And who knows, maybe there was already a plane wreckage near the island? Heh.

Alex Mar 14, 2008 08:33 PM

To further that crazy long awesome theory, I found something.

When you stream Lost on the ABC site this is one of the commercial/loading screens.

There's a city skyline reflection in the ocean! I can't tell if it's Manhattan or not. Any thoughts?

makura Mar 14, 2008 10:30 PM

Nice find! It fits that "Astorian Theory" that sprout posted a while back.

I'm wondering how they're going to "explain to the public" how there are six survivors when they've already confirmed that all the passengers were found in the staged wreckage.

Morrigan Mar 15, 2008 12:19 AM

I thought the flashforward/flashback thing was cheap and gimmicky, myself. A lame "gotcha!" attempt that only worked because it was rigged. I mean they even made sure the "regular doctor" wasn't available, because he wouldn't have said something like "want me to call your husband?". Cheap.


And Jin being dead made the cutesy romantic little scene of loving forgiveness even cheaper now. It just makes for an awkward mix of sappiness and forced tragic-ness that I dislike a lot.

That said, it was still an okay episode.
I loved the tension between "Kevin" and Sayid. Priceless. And yeah, "do not trust the captain" indeed, how about "do not trust Ben's man"? I don't think the people on the boat are necessarily "good", but Ben is far more distrustworthy, yeah.

I disagree that Sun is a "lying bitch". She was frightened and vulnerable, and that's why she lied, not because she's malicious or manipulative or anything.

I also want to know what's up with the "Others". And there's probably many questions that I really wanted to know, but forgot they even existed since there are just too many of them coming in all the time.

Krelian Mar 15, 2008 04:19 AM

I'm not really sure if 'Kevin' is Ben's man on the boat.

What opportunity did Ben have to tell him what to do when he got there?

Morrigan Mar 15, 2008 12:32 PM


When he captured him and Walt, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised if he had made those arrangements all in advance.

Besides, when Locke asks Ben who the man on the boat is, Ben tells him to "grab a chair" or something like that, implying that Locke will be shocked by the revelation. That would mean Locke would recognize the person, so I don't see who else it could be but Michael...

Sousuke Mar 15, 2008 05:26 PM

My question is... When 'Kevin' suddenly appeared at the freighter... wouldn't it be a little weird for the crew? I mean... "Where did this guy come from?"

Wall Feces Mar 15, 2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Sousuke (Post 583436)
My question is... When 'Kevin' suddenly appeared at the freighter... wouldn't it be a little weird for the crew? I mean... "Where did this guy come from?"

I guess we'll find out next week! I think it's going to be one of those "where have they been" episodes, like what they did with Claire way back when she was kidnapped.

speculative Mar 16, 2008 09:17 PM

I think we're missing the most important symbolic reference of all, the theme that will tie this mastermind of a show together. Clearly, Ben is Thom Yorke:


And the island is the physical manifestation of Radiohead's music: (warning, spoilers ahead)


You are the sun and moon and stars are you,
and I could never run away from you.
You try at working out chaotic things,
and why should I believe myself not you?
It's like the world is going to end so soon,
and why should I believe myself?

You me and everything caught in the fire,
I can see me drowning, caught in the fire.
You me and everything caught in the fire,
and I can see me drowning, caught in the fire.

The survivors can't "run away" from the island, they try to work out its chaos, and there is talk of the world ending (the hatch blowing) and Locke's faith in his beliefs.

"I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo..." Ben is the creepiest person in the unknown universe. "Creep" was Radiohead's first big hit.

"Anyone Can Play Guitar"
And if the world does turn and if London burns,
I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar.
I want to be in a band when I get to heaven,
anyone can play guitar and they won't be anything any more.

A literal reference to Charlie, and foretells Charlie's death.

"No Ripcord" - symbolic of the helicopter parachutists?

I'm not a veg'table,
I will not control myself.
I spit on the hand that feeds me,
I will not control myself.

The waters break, the waters run all over me.
The waters break, the waters run
and this time you're gonna pay.

Clearly, Locke's anthem. He's through controlling himself, he lets the rain of the island run all over him as he looks up into the sky, free from his wheelchair and his past.

"Prove Yourself" - Ode to living in Other-town. People want to be free but with Ben around they can't be.

I could go on, but it's time for some ZZZ's and there's many Radiohead albums lol...

I poked it and it made a sad sound Mar 21, 2008 02:04 PM

Well. Last night's episode was certainly a pisser.

I loved the episode until they
killed Rousseau. For real, she was my favorite of everyone on the island.

Much speculation about who actually killed Danielle and Carl. I don't think it's the Freighters - I think it's the Others/Island People....JACOB'S PALS. Neither Danielle nor Carl was natives. Maybe Carl was. I dunno. But Danielle wasn't. That may explain it.

I also laughed so hard when they revealed that Tom is gay. I like Tom. Now I have more reason to like him.

Michael can crawl in a corner and die for all I care.

Wall Feces Mar 21, 2008 03:33 PM

Random text goes here to avoid people seeing potential spoilers in the top 5 on the main page :)

Thom's gayness has never been fully revealed, but boy (pun intended) did they make it obvious last season when he say naked Kate and said "you aren't my type hur hurr"

I liked the episode, but was indeed pissed about Rousseau. I have a feeling she's not dead, somehow. The writers told us that we'd get a flashback for her, and we haven't gotten one yet... Hmm...

Slash Mar 21, 2008 06:04 PM

I agree with sprout, they never actually said/showed Rousseau died. For all we know she could have been popped in the shoulder and blacked out.

I'm interested to see how they have the whole thing between Michael, Sayid and Desmond.

Musharraf Mar 21, 2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Alex (Post 583102)
To further that crazy long awesome theory, I found something.

When you stream Lost on the ABC site this is one of the commercial/loading screens.

There's a city skyline reflection in the ocean! I can't tell if it's Manhattan or not. Any thoughts?

lol, they stole it from 10th kingdom ( except for the towerz of course :tpg: )


Otherwise, I agree with what Sass just said. The end of this episode just sucked.

Matt Mar 22, 2008 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Alex (Post 583102)
To further that crazy long awesome theory, I found something.

When you stream Lost on the ABC site this is one of the commercial/loading screens.

There's a city skyline reflection in the ocean! I can't tell if it's Manhattan or not. Any thoughts?

I think it just shows the parallels of this season, the flash forwards to the lives off of the island after they (the Oceanic Six) escape.

Mithrandir Mar 22, 2008 04:08 PM

There is an interesting theory at this website: Screencaps and Easter Eggs: Hospital Bed Man

Any thoughts?

Elegy Mar 23, 2008 10:04 PM

I really don't think Rousseau is dead, but Karl is definitely dead. They made it a point to show how fatal his wound was, but not hers. As for who shot them, I think Keamy and his buddies did it. I wouldn't put it past Ben to orchestrate Rousseau and Karl's death, but the previous episode seems to indicate that Frank took the guys from the boat to the island.


Originally Posted by Mithrandir (Post 586429)
There is an interesting theory at this website: Screencaps and Easter Eggs: Hospital Bed Man

Any thoughts?

I haven't read up on much of The Lost Experience, but I bet that IS Hanso. This show is all about tie-ins like that, so it'd make perfect sense if it's revealed that it's Hanso later on.

Slash Mar 23, 2008 10:09 PM

Here's a better question...what HASN'T Ben orchestrated

makura Mar 26, 2008 11:44 PM

Anyone remember the Lockdown episode where the blast door fell onto Locke and he had "Henry Gale" push the numbers into the computer?

Ben said he didn't push any buttons but it's obvious that he did. Why would he try to mislead Locke to thinking the button was nothing? Shouldn't Ben have known that it would cause a huge magnetic anomaly that would catch the attention of people like Widmore?

Elegy Mar 27, 2008 10:30 PM

That bothered me while I was watching that part at the time, but this is my conclusion:

Ben's whole character is to get into people's minds to screw with them and that's exactly what he was attempting to do to Locke by saying that. I don't think he knows everything about the island or Dharma, so I don't think he knew goading Locke about the numbers would be a mistake in the end. It caught the attention of Penny and she has no part in her father's dealings. Charles Widmore already knew about the island by buying the first mate's journal that was aboard the Black Rock, so I don't think the hatch going kaboom sent off the big alert to Widmore. Even if it did, he was trying to find a way onto the island either way.

Cellius Mar 27, 2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Elegy (Post 588624)
Charles Widmore already knew about the island by buying the first mate's journal that was aboard the Black Rock, so I don't think the hatch going kaboom sent off the big alert to Widmore. Even if it did, he was trying to find a way onto the island either way.

I'm confused a bit about the chronology. When did Widmore purchase the journal? Before 815 crashed or after? And how did he know that the flight crashed on this island?

Elegy Mar 27, 2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cellius (Post 588627)
I'm confused a bit about the chronology. When did Widmore purchase the journal? Before 815 crashed or after? And how did he know that the flight crashed on this island?

Widmore bought it far before the crash. It showed him buying the journal at an auction in Desmond's past when his brain was going haywire, which was December 24th, 1996. The plane crashed in 2004. As for knowing the flight crashed there... no one knows, for now.

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