Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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-   -   [:plant:] I Guess We Still Play This Kart 8: 16:17 <+BZ> favorite course: Music Park. (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45373)

FatsDomino Jun 28, 2014 01:14 PM

Probably only if you want rumble and a 1 to 1 gamepad to controller experience. If you're comfortable with the Wii Pro Controller and don't care about rumble then just use that. It's Mario Kart.

SailorDaravon Jun 28, 2014 01:38 PM

To be clear it wouldn't be just for Mario Kart specifically, was asking for general purposes. I wasn't sure if there were new buttons that maybe just are completely not on the Wii one. In that case I'll leave it for now, I could see myself maybe picking one up for Bayonetta 2 or something though.

Also setting up all the Wii U stuff, goddamn the interface and finding out where shit is and how to navigate it is a goddamn mess. I'm sure it's a non-issue after a bit, but goddamn. It's also completely ridiculous how you have to launch Wii stuff through a separate Wii mode, which also means you have to deal with all the regular Wii pointer and menu jank. Right now I'm trying to download some Wii VC games I had codes for from old Club Nintendo stuff that I've been sitting on until we got a Wii U since we haven't had a Wii in forever (Mario RPG, etc) and I'd forgotten what a complete fucking wreck the Wii shop was with timeouts, being slow as shit, etc.

Good news is I beat Persona 4 (fucking finally, that game has been backlog white whale for nearly 6 years), and I'm getting the Wii U stuff taken care of right now then I'll see if I can get Skype on this. The audio/physical setup is going to maybe be a challenge though, we'll see.

OmagnusPrime Jun 28, 2014 01:58 PM


Still need someone who'll be on Skype PC to offer to host, but we'll try and get that going a few minutes ahead of time. I'll be setting up the MK8 session so as long as you have meed added on the WiiU you should be able to join the game.

If anyone needs to add me on Skype: omagnusprime
On WiiU: Omagnus

SailorDaravon Jun 28, 2014 02:33 PM

Okay, I'm all set up and I added you on Skype Omagnus. As full disclosure I've used Skype twice in my entire life and not in probably at least 3-4 years. I also had a ton of problems getting my mic working with it properly, so I expect that side of things to be a potential shitshow and/or not working on our end, but we'll see how it goes. Philia gets off at 5 when this is supposed to start, I'll probably meet her when she gets off and I'm not sure if we're going to eat or anything first, so I'd expect us to be on anywhere from like 5:15-5:45? I honestly don't remember, if I can't get the mic stuff working on our end do group Skype calls have a text chat as well? Absolute worst case we'd be able to hear you guys and I could type if needed, and then over this coming week I'll try to get this set up properly if there is a problem.

I also sent friends request to everyone in the OP that had their NNID listed. This is the first Mario Kart I've played outside of one or two rounds of Wii/DS MK in over 10 years and I don't know if Angel's ever really played, so this ought to be a good time all around for us LOL. This seems like a cool idea for a weekly thing though and Philia seems to be down for playing so unless one of us is working we'll probably be able to make most of these, thanks for setting it up.

OmagnusPrime Jun 28, 2014 03:37 PM

Right, so I've managed to get my Astros hooked to my PC from across the room without issues, so I can host the Skype call on PC. Might mean I need to hop up and down to add people if needed, but should be fine. Will propose if you want in on the call, and to make life a little easier, connect in about 5 minutes early (ping me a message on Skype, or in IRC - use Omagnus to signal me there).

See you on soon peeps. :)

SailorDaravon Jun 28, 2014 04:54 PM

We just got home and are eating, should be on in ~10-15 minutes.

OmagnusPrime Jun 28, 2014 05:27 PM

Sorry about the timing on us wrapping up Daravon and Philia, but thanks to everyone who showed up.

So the plan will be to get people together the same time next week, unless anyone has a massive objection and wants to move the time a little. But I think that worked out well and was good fun (despite the blue/red shell fuckery XD).

SailorDaravon Jun 28, 2014 05:30 PM

No worries, timing was weird on our part today. Also just as well, gives us a week to actually play the game for more than 10 minutes and maybe not be completely terrible at it.

OmagnusPrime Jun 28, 2014 05:42 PM

That's OK, you'd be playing against Tritoch and he's terrible at everything. :p

Just as a heads up:



SuperSonic Jun 28, 2014 07:22 PM

It actually didn't hit me until the FINAL RACE that I should've been recording this madness. Oh well, probably would've been better from Team Canada's point of view.

YouTube Video

The Plane Is A Tiger Jun 28, 2014 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by OmagnusPrime (Post 821459)
That's OK, you'd be playing against Tritoch and he's terrible at everything. :p

Hey now, I took second place in the first set of races we did. It was Skills getting SO MAD at the CPU players he asked us to turn on.

FatsDomino Jun 29, 2014 10:03 AM

My favorite part of this recording is how you guys all leave goodbye messages right as SD and Philia show up in the lobby.

SailorDaravon Jun 29, 2014 11:23 AM

Yeah, I was like oh they're probably having to remake the lobby or something.....oh.

It's fine though, we got on super late and we just played Mario U afterwards so it's all good.

The Plane Is A Tiger Jul 1, 2014 11:40 AM

I'm afraid I'll be out this weekend and likely the next several weeks unless we can move it back to around 2pm or so. I just got stuck with a client who works weekend late afternoons/nights.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 1, 2014 12:18 PM

I'm going to be in Winnipeg this weekend, which means i'll be away from my Wii U for the weekend. Also probably going to miss game night this week for the same reason.

THE POWER OF WATER Jul 1, 2014 03:09 PM

Sounds like you need to head over to Skills's place and go 2P online with him on Saturday. I'm sure that'll be a delightful experience you'll treasure forever.

OmagnusPrime Jul 1, 2014 06:53 PM

I have no problem moving it slightly earlier (by 2 hours in this case), but was trying to find a time that would work across the US, east to west coast.

Who else might be down for this weekend?

SailorDaravon Jul 1, 2014 07:39 PM

I'm 50/50 for this weekend. Following weekend definitely not as it's EVO weekend, but then most of my Saturdays should be clear for a good while after that.

Philia Jul 1, 2014 07:54 PM

Yeah, I'll be home after a long shift on Saturday at 4pm. Just in time to do some mario kart.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 2, 2014 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by CHz (Post 821682)
Sounds like you need to head over to Skills's place and go 2P online with him on Saturday. I'm sure that'll be a delightful experience you'll treasure forever.

I had begun considering this possibility, especially considering we're meeting for lunch already on Saturday. Just head home with Skills and play Mariokart for an afternoon.

The real question is, how likely am i to get back home if i get into a car with Skills?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 2, 2014 01:14 AM

We'll see what the plan is after lunch. I am looking at a work schedule and I might need a development meeting to take place on Saturday.

Or I might be able to push it to Sunday/Monday.

This depends on the contractor I'll be meeting with. Will fill you in, Hawkeye.

OmagnusPrime Jul 5, 2014 01:00 PM

Not sure who might be turning up today, but a few people seemed to suggest they'll be about. So that being the case, I'll be hosting the Skype and MK8 sessions again.

If you need to add me on Skype: omagnusprime


SuperSonic Jul 5, 2014 04:20 PM

Streams available:

Let's Play some viderogams 'n' stuff


THE POWER OF WATER Jul 5, 2014 07:42 PM

I've been playing a lot of online pub matches, including a whole week while most of you were trapped in a house somewhere or something. Sorry. :(

OmagnusPrime Jul 5, 2014 07:49 PM

Gives us a target to aim for. ;)

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