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Free.User Oct 2, 2007 07:20 PM

Am I feeling an overall negative vibe from this thread regarding Crysis as a game? While it doesn't hold a candle to some of the things BF2 got right, I think that as a game, it's great fun to play, and it's certainly a positive experience.

Skexis Oct 2, 2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Free.User (Post 510824)
Am I feeling an overall negative vibe from this thread regarding Crysis as a game? While it doesn't hold a candle to some of the things BF2 got right, I think that as a game, it's great fun to play, and it's certainly a positive experience.

I would personally say no, at least for the mode of play that they're trying to promote. (I can never remember the name of it.) Like I said before, the bottom line is that it's just trying to do too many things at once and ends up doing none of them well.

(Err, no, as in, it's not a good experience.)

Slayer X Oct 2, 2007 07:51 PM

Yeah I've been getting that too, which is why I haven't posted here in a while. But I'm still looking forward to the game, I'm not much of an online gamer anyhow so the multiplayer isn't a concern for me. I'm just excited about the whole weapon customization part.

Tagonist Oct 2, 2007 08:15 PM

What sounds like real fun is using that suit in single player.
Good tactical resource management is always fun.
Well, I'm really looking forward to Crysis, sadly it's release date kind of crashes with that of Mass Effect... *_*

Lukage Oct 2, 2007 09:38 PM

Again, I like the game, but the general feel along with the bugs (yes, I know this is beta) just screams Battlefield 2. I just think that they shouldn't have even done this multiplayer and stuck with the SP demo.

Slayer X Oct 2, 2007 09:42 PM

Which crashes with gaming's most expensive month ever with things like Rock Band, Unreal Tournament 3, Assasin's Creed, Call of Duty 4, Army of Two, Haze Kane & Lynch and Area 51.

Whew, I need to catch my breath now.

Oh, grand total: $580 + tax

It's not a demo, it's a beta. Big difference.

Greykin Oct 3, 2007 09:09 PM

Hnn, I don't know about everyone else, but I really enjoy the MP beta. It feels like Command and Conquer Renegade. I'm running it quite well on a 8600 GTS, all settings on medium, high resolution, and maybe 25% of settings on high.

I noticed one thing though, no one seems to pay attention to grenades, I get so many kills from them.

I've only played this game for 1 day so far (I don't know how much time I'll have later though with midterms) and my experience so far has been very positive, very enjoyable. I'm sure there is bugs and stuff, but the only one I've experienced is where I loaded up the game for the first time, and all the textures were messed up in yellow colours and things loaded up.

Ah, one beef about the game though, when you switch you stealth, you go into it right away, I kind of wish it was activated by SHIFT and deactivated the same way. (perhaps a option to turn on and off in the options menu I missed :P)

Free.User Oct 3, 2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Greykin (Post 511334)
I'm sure there is bugs and stuff, but the only one I've experienced is where I loaded up the game for the first time, and all the textures were messed up in yellow colours and things loaded up.

As far as I know, it's not a bug, just a method of loading textures, and it happens to everyone the first time.

Sparhawke Oct 26, 2007 06:07 PM

SP Crysis demo available.
link1: http://na.llnet.cdn.ea.com/u/demos/Crysis_SP_Demo.exe
filefront got it also: Crysis SP Demo - FileFront.com

Windsong Oct 26, 2007 10:06 PM

Just finished playing the demo. I think it fails to live up to the hype a tad..like MOH and Jericho did. Decent games for sure..just not completely mind blowing the way they were described by their devs. Had it on medium with a dual core/3 gigs/x1900 and was....eh. Water was nice..but other textures were so so. Looked a LOT like Far Cry. Actually had more fun with the UT3 demo than this..but we;ll see I suppose.

One bother I had was that it took 6 shots to down a soldier unless it was a headshot. A definite WTF moment. Now I;m more looking forward to Timeshift and gears of war for pc.

Free.User Oct 27, 2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Windsong (Post 522448)
Just finished playing the demo. I think it fails to live up to the hype a tad..like MOH and Jericho did. Decent games for sure..just not completely mind blowing the way they were described by their devs. Had it on medium with a dual core/3 gigs/x1900 and was....eh.

There's your problem right there. Let's face it, this game is about the submersion, and that's only going to take place if you've got it on high settings with a decent framerate (>30). I was able to obtain that, and it's amazing.

I LOVE how interactive the environments are, destructible foliage and breakable buildings work like a charm.

Slayer X Oct 27, 2007 07:38 PM

If you're looking forward to TimeShift then I'm afraid you're going to be disapointed once again based on the 360 demo that is. It's a really average game. Blinx did a lot better job with the time stuf then TimeShift. Still worth a play I supose however.

As for the Crysis demo. I can't say much because I haven't played it yet ^^; Still at work I'm afraid. I'll check it out when I get home. Should run fine on high with my hardware so I'm looking forward to it. After I apply the new nVidia BETA driver for the demo and update to the new version of DirectX10 that just came out yesterday.

Solis Oct 27, 2007 11:43 PM

I have to say, the demo looks absolutely gorgeous, even on my x2 3800+ and 7900gs. I set most options to medium or high and bumped the resolution down to 800x600 (so that it could run relatively smooth), and even then it's without a doubt graphically unequalled. The characters and environments are just spectacular, and the day/night cycle and destructable objects are wonderfully done. The only thing that graphically looks slightly out of place is that the interiors of buildings are oddly lit, like they're being evenly illuminated by a non-existant light source. Aside from that, the game will probably look unbelievable on high-end hardware.

The gameplay was fairly fun as well, although I already got the hang of that from the MP beta. The areas feel much more open than Far Cry, and with the suit capabilities you have a few different ways of going about your goal. The enemies were pretty generic, but I'm going to assume that fighting the aliens will be more entertaining than the typical gun-weilding soldiers that we've seen in every FPS game to date. And because of the way you can break down trees, it's the first FPS I've played where you can't just take cover behind a 5 inch wide tree and get protection from bullets as you peek around the corner and pop people off with ease. Was also fun to shoot into foliage where enemies are hiding and seeing all the trees and brush falling down, reminds me of that scene in Predator.

The AI seems a bit more persistant now though, after I had driven past a couple of enemies in a truck, I noticed a few minutes later that on the radar it still showed them running toward where I went. Didn't really expect them to pursue me for that long.

Slayer X Oct 27, 2007 11:57 PM

The game is decent. If you're really into the FarCry games and what have you, this is the same sort of deal, just with a technical beef-up. All the powers and that, straight out of FarCry Instincts. Game design and atmosphere... FarCry. Honestly, if it wern't for the suits, you COULD call this FarCry 2. This just isn't different enough for me.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great technical showpiece. I was running everything on High with a solid framerate, and it looked gorgeous. But it in itself doesn't revolutionize anything for the genre.

As for myself. I think UT3 and Gears of War will be more then enough to keep my attention along with all the other great games coming out in November (i.e. Assasin's Creed & Rock Band) where I can probably hold off this one till it hits the $30 mark. And with PC games, that doesn't take very long.

Greykin Oct 29, 2007 11:37 PM

So where is this CryENGINE 2 demo? I see people talking about it on forums, but I can't find it anywhere in the single player download I got, what the crap D:

Free.User Oct 30, 2007 12:07 AM

Am I the only one who finds the AI really stupid? I can be standing about 20 feet away from the guy, with no cloak on, and he doesn't see me. Or I can be running circles around him with the cloak on, still doesn't see me. The cloak isn't supposed offer 100% invisibility. Also, boat drivers will get stuck on docks, and gunners will refuse to switch seats when drivers get killed.

Other than that, A+.

Greykin Oct 30, 2007 10:11 AM

I'd also like to point out that the enemies, even at the easiest difficulty, seem to be made of kevlar. Headshots seem to work well though.

..... and where is CryENGINE 2 editor? >=(!!!

Free.User Nov 22, 2007 11:44 PM

Here's something interesting: It appears that Crytek simply "grayed out" the option of Extra-High settings in XP, and you can actually modify the cfg files to make it work! Check it out here.

I put everything on max (Extra High) settings on a Core2Duo E6600, 2GB PC2-6400 3-3-3-12, 8800 GTS 640MB system and I had to turn off AA to make it run smoothly. I hate playing without AA, so it looks like I'm upgrading!

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