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Sarag Jul 29, 2006 02:20 AM

No, someone else brought up the 'perfect broad except she's devestatingly dull' strawman that the perpetually lonely beat on when someone suggests that physical attraction is important.

I'll explain it again for you if you need. My time is valueless.

Stealth Jul 29, 2006 04:07 AM

Guess I missed the joke. But please, Jessica Simpson is far from perfect.

Pez Jul 29, 2006 08:14 AM

I'd take an appreciation or interest in gaming as a bonus trait in anyone I dated as opposed to a 'must have' quality. Then again, I myself play games less and less regularly, so it's not really a major concern.

surasshu Jul 29, 2006 08:40 AM

Like Shin, I have come to stop dating girls whose musical taste clashes too much with mine. It really, really doesn't work.

Other than that, I can get anyone to enjoy a video game. I got my mother addicted to Pikmin 2, and my dad is a huge fan of Yoshi Touch & Go. My last ex-girlfriend (who hated games when I started dating her) is currently an avid World of Warcraft player, and I play Puzzle Pirates with my current girl.
So no, it's not a prerequisite trait, because they'll end up gamers if they spend more than a day with me anyway. =D

As for the whole "attractiveness is important", of course that's true. But, I think it's more important to guys than to girls. Admit it lads, you don't want to be dating some ugly broad, no matter how open-minded you are.
My experience is girls go more for the "charm" factor: ie. smooth talking, cocky/confident, sense of humour...

(I suppose that if you define attractiveness as "the traits that make a person attractive", then charm and even personality rank among them too, but you know what I mean.)

EDIT: I like your av/sig, Hydelloon. ;)

Duo Maxwell Jul 29, 2006 08:50 AM

If you have to ask this question, it would seem you have one of several problems:

A) You play too many videogames to take the time out of your day to do something someone else might enjoy, and foregoing the opportunity to grow and expand your horizons.

B) You're a codependent personality that spends every waking moment with your partner. Seriously, there should be plenty of inbetween time to do what you want to do for yourself.

C) Shin is an alcoholic.

Ah, hell, that makes two of us.

THIEF Jul 29, 2006 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by surasshu
Like Shin, I have come to stop dating girls whose musical taste clashes too much with mine. It really, really doesn't work.

Other than that, I can get anyone to enjoy a video game. I got my mother addicted to Pikmin 2, and my dad is a huge fan of Yoshi Touch & Go. My last ex-girlfriend (who hated games when I started dating her) is currently an avid World of Warcraft player, and I play Puzzle Pirates with my current girl.
So no, it's not a prerequisite trait, because they'll end up gamers if they spend more than a day with me anyway. =D

Haha, I like how you got your family to game. My parents used to play DDR and my dad played Nintendo. The music taste thing is a big one. I totally forgot about that.


EDIT: I like your av/sig, Hydelloon. ;)
I like your avatar and sig.


Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell
If you have to ask this question, it would seem you have one of several problems:

A) You play too many videogames to take the time out of your day to do something someone else might enjoy, and foregoing the opportunity to grow and expand your horizons.

B) You're a codependent personality that spends every waking moment with your partner. Seriously, there should be plenty of inbetween time to do what you want to do for yourself.

C) Shin is an alcoholic.

Ah, hell, that makes two of us.

Actually, I was just curious what other people thought on the issue. Surasshu brought up a good point with the music that I should mention again. I spend a lot of time at college going to parties, art festivals and music events with my girlfriend. I do spend a lot of time with my girlfriend but I think there is enough inbetween time because we study different majors so at least I don't see her at class and study sessions.

I'm also an alcoholic.

Paco Jul 29, 2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell
C) Shin is an alcoholic.

Ah, hell, that makes two of us.

He's not an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who suffers from inebriation. He, much like myself, enjoys every minute of it.

Anyway, to stay on topic, it's funny that I was just thinking about this last weekend. I took this girl out to lunch and we just sat for a couple hours talking about this exact topic. Our conclusion: No. It's not imperative that your significant other plays games. It is, however, important that they respect your knack for playing them. I mean, if you don't click, you just don't click. There's no hidden agenda here. However... If you play video games to the point where it obstructs your actual relationship then it does become a problem and you need a new hobby.

THIEF Jul 29, 2006 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Encephalon
However... If you play video games to the point where it obstructs your actual relationship then it does become a problem and you need a new hobby.

Thankfully I don't play that much games. Although I can't speak for WOW players....

ComradeTande Jul 29, 2006 03:06 PM

>_> now to get back on topic...

i don't think i could date a guy who doesn't play video games, or at least has some kind of history of videogames. Either that or he needs to share the love of anime or SOMETHING nerdy. I usually don't care about looks, but he can't be damn ugly as hell.

and if he's a WoW player i'll have to say...uh...no. I have that thin of a personality. All the WoW players i've came across have a certain...bad zing to their personality. The kind that says that some other mmorpg sucks when they haven't even played it. And that just pisses me off

Paco Jul 29, 2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by ComradeTande
All the WoW players i've came across have a certain...bad zing to their personality.

I think it's the fact that they no longer live in the real world, so much as they live in the city of STORMWIND.

washyu64 Jul 29, 2006 04:15 PM

I find that having a significant other who at least understands your hobbies (including gaming) is extreamely helpful to a relationship. I also find that it can be a source of headache, especually when you both play the same MMO and you have an argument later about the loot that dropped :)

Seriously, though, my wife was a mild gamer when I met her and I have slowly turned her into more of a gamer as well as hooked her onto anime. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages, as our tastes now overlap and that creates some unique situations sometimes.

THIEF Jul 29, 2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by washyu64
I find that having a significant other who at least understands your hobbies (including gaming) is extreamely helpful to a relationship. I also find that it can be a source of headache, especually when you both play the same MMO and you have an argument later about the loot that dropped :)

Seriously, though, my wife was a mild gamer when I met her and I have slowly turned her into more of a gamer as well as hooked her onto anime. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages, as our tastes now overlap and that creates some unique situations sometimes.

That's how I feel too...minus being married

Morrigan Jul 29, 2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Shin
I ain't going out with someone who doesn't like horror films or anyone who listens to all that guitar shite kids seem so fond of these days.
But choosing someone for their hobbies over thier looks is retarded and symptomatic of low self esteem.


FallDragon Jul 29, 2006 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Encephalon
I think it's the fact that they no longer live in the real world, so much as they live in the city of STORMWIND.

Actually, after playing WoW for 2 months it's become more like a visual AIM that I pay $15 a month for. I'm bored of the gameplay already. :(

And I don't really care if someone I date plays videogames. I don't play them much these days anyway. Having them as a common interest is all good and fine, but just the same, I'm not going to demand my significant other play tennis just because I like to.

Azral Jul 31, 2006 06:15 PM

my girlfriend is very attractive. Her and I play multiplayer games together all the time, and even play through some single player ones together by switching. This type of girl is rare, but I've never really looked for any girl that wasn't a gamer in hopes of finding one like this.

we have a lot of other things in common too, but pertaining to this thread, thats really all I have to say.

Thoompie Aug 1, 2006 07:29 AM

My girlfriend is actually just a regular girl, but I often have to pull HER away from the games shelves in retail stores.
Littel iromic actually. looks like we switched the "CAN WE GO NOW" lines. I pull mher away from game stores and i can shop for hours in all the clothes stores:P

Chaco Aug 3, 2006 01:48 AM

The hot girl. Any day if I had the choice. People always will have something to talk about and I'd like to take a break from hearing about music, movies, games and stuff that I already know all about. I never go out looking for girls and I espicially would never go out looking for a 'gamerr gurl'. If the person is tolerable and plays games, even cooler but its not a 'selling' point at all.

Stop Sign Aug 5, 2006 10:48 AM

My girlfriend used to be a pretty avid gamer, as did I -- back when we had just gotten to know each other, I'd hang out at her place and help her get through Final Fantasy IX.

That said, I'd pick the most compatible girl over the hottest girl any day of the week. How should I put it.. a hot girl who has no interests in common with me, or that I don't click with with on a level deeper than physical attraction, is so boring.

I think my girlfriend is plenty attractive physically, thank you very much, but if she was the most beautiful girl who ever lived but had nothing in common with me, I would not even think of dating her. I like that I can talk with her about video games, or microbiology, or the current crisis in Lebanon, and she can match me topic for topic, and she's extremely witty, to boot. Now, that's attractive.

Phoenix X Aug 5, 2006 11:38 AM

A woman who proudly wears the title of "gamer" is, in my eyes, a level above those who don't. I've dated enough non-gamers to know that, given the amount of time I spend gaming (or talking about gaming), it's a requirement. This is why I have started using the third spectrum. I will explain.

Whenever we see a member of the appropriate sex, we place them against two spectrums of analysis: physical and personal. The first relates to the amount of percieved physical attraction, the second is the mental and emotional compatibility, or chemistry. The third spectrum... well, that is constructed from the persons abilities at various games and genres.

And yeah, Denicalis, the complete person IS superior. I've vowed to marry the woman who can own my ass in all the games that matter. ;)

GuileMike Aug 5, 2006 01:52 PM

my wife is both, thats y i got married

her undead warlock will own u

TheReverend Aug 6, 2006 12:02 AM

If she didn't game at all, I'd get sucked into whatever she's doing and game only a bit on the side. I'm a gamer, though I can shut off playing the games, but not my interest in them. I've always had to know about the newest games, what is considered "good" and ground breaking.

Looks/attractiveness is important though. 'Cause if you are not impressed by how they look, let them find someone else who will be (assuming they aren't a walking ass-face). I'd hate to find end up with a girl who isn't pleased with my looks. What kind of idiot would that make me feel like.

Alot of attractiveness also has to do with how you present yourself. A great example: I can think of 2 girls right now, both a bit over-weight (who isn't) but one who actually tries to be attractive (successfully) and one who doesn't (successfully). I'm sorry but not taking care of yourself to the point of attempting to impress people is a turn off to me. If you look bad, try to do a little something to solve it. Anything clothes, hair, make-up wise can do wonders, it doesn't even need to be alot.

Overall, gaming for me is low on the list. She'll either deal with it, or I'll just pick up a more musical hobby.

Jessykins Aug 6, 2006 04:53 PM

I can't say I'd ever be with a girl who isn't a gamer only because I seek out things that we have in common before considering a relationship. Every girl I've been with has been a friend first, and because of that groundwork of friendship, I got to know what they liked and so forth that got us to the next level.

But I mean if I had the sudden choice of hot girl or girl with common interests, I'd choose girl with common interests. Hot girl wouldn't last anyway.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 6, 2006 06:59 PM

I'd pick hot girl for that very reason!

Storm Petrel Aug 6, 2006 07:07 PM

I'd pick the hot girl, although not just any hot girl, but one that's going to last long. It'll just feel weird for me if my girlfriend is into gaming lol. Cuz at the moment I'm not even into gaming anymore. Overclocking is my only passion for computer now.

bobd Aug 6, 2006 10:20 PM

I would pick the gamer girl... I mean... she would have to be decent looking.

Honestly... people say looks arent everything, but at first they are everything. You have to be physically attracted to talk to them... usually.

But for me to kno she was a gamer girl that would mean i would have to kno her (b/c most girls arent proud of that).

In the end i would pick the gamer girl. B/c you would have something to do instead of wasting money.

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