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Summonmaster Apr 30, 2006 08:16 PM

Black hair, hazel eyes.
That sounds Asian to me. Filipino to be specific. I love my black asian hair, and I'm glad I don't have funky multicoloured eyes like some people.

unknown_user Apr 30, 2006 08:50 PM

Dark brown hair, looks black almost when wet, and brown eyes. I wish my eyes were a different color other than plain old brown though.

Thanatos Apr 30, 2006 09:21 PM

Mine is black hair, hazel eyes.. LOL. Asianness like woot

XerxesTheMighty Apr 30, 2006 09:59 PM

Black-ish brown hair with light blue eyes. Most of the time I'm fine with it until someone says I have "very pretty eyes" or something along those lines. I don't know why, but it pisses me off.

I poked it and it made a sad sound Apr 30, 2006 10:12 PM

I am naturally blonde with green eyes. I like my green eyes, but ever since I was 16, I've been dying my hair every color of the rainbow. I've had it blue, green, black, red, bleach-blonde, brown. Never purple though. Hm.

Its not that I don't enjoy being blonde - I just like to try out new shit.

Alice Apr 30, 2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sassafrass
I am naturally blonde with green eyes. I like my green eyes, but ever since I was 16, I've been dying my hair every color of the rainbow. I've had it blue, green, black, red, bleach-blonde, brown. Never purple though. Hm.

Its not that I don't enjoy being blonde - I just like to try out new shit.

Well, you just said pretty much everything I was going to say, except I HAVE had purple...well, magenta anyway. It's not that I hate blonde hair, it's just so boring. I've been coloring my hair red for so long now that I sometimes forget it's not natural.

I do like my green eyes, though. I used to have them in my sig, but it was sort of creeping me out looking at them, so I changed it.

pisscart deluxe Apr 30, 2006 10:27 PM

I've got bigger physical flaws to fry than menial things like my hair and eye color.

Especially since I have black hair and green eyes, which makes me sound Hot On The Internet.


I poked it and it made a sad sound Apr 30, 2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by pisscart deluxe
Especially since I have black hair and green eyes, which makes me sound Hot On The Internet.

Well didn't you just win my heart.

Not only did you pretty much admit to NOT being hot, you totally played into the whole "Yea, makes me look Hot on the Internet."

You're fucking awesome.

And Alice, is your hair, like, a natural dirty blonde, or true Abba-esque blonde? Because if it's the true kind of blonde and not the shitty crap blonde, I don't see why you wouldn't let it grow out naturally in favor of it.

Though I have been asked about a million times to go back to blonde. And once you've dyed your hair so many times, unless I shave my head down to the skin, it would likely be impossible to get the blonde back. ;_;

Alice Apr 30, 2006 10:46 PM

It is BLONDE blonde. Or at least it was the last time I saw it, which was like a decade ago. It's probably gray now, but I have no intention of finding out, thank you.

Why Am I Allowed to Have Gray Paint Apr 30, 2006 11:11 PM

I have chocolate brown eyes with black hair, with a TEENY bit of white in there but you can't see it unless it's long; another good reason to keep it short and business-like in my opinion. And I don't think i'd ever reach for the bottle; change should be embraced and not be something to cry about. Hey pissface, green eyes are cool, you should be happy that they might help distract people from your less than ideal "flaws" as you put it. Cheer up!

kat Apr 30, 2006 11:33 PM

Black hair, dark brown eyes. I'm asian so there's not much leeway on either. As a kid I used to tell everyone my eyes were black (becuase they looked black to a 6 year old)

Sometimes I wish my eyes were green. Or purple. Dark brown eyes are pretty boring but I love my hair color. It's a really dark black and I'm pretty pale so I like how it looks with my skin.

Rockgamer Apr 30, 2006 11:46 PM

I don't mind my hair (it's black, because black people only have either black or brown hair), as it's my favorite color and has always suited me. However, I never have been too fond of my brown eyes. I've always liked blue and green eyes more.

Visavi May 1, 2006 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Gumby
eriol: I've been asked by more than one person if I was an albino. There is nothing wrong with being white so don't let some idiots get to you. BTW tanning looks like shit on extremely white people.

Both of my grandfathers were half American Indian and most people in my family tan easily except for me. Maybe my skin genetics is more European (or maybe it's because I don't worship the sun), but I don't mind it. I even joke around about being an albino indian, so don't worry so much about being tan. Or, if you want to go tan, then either get healthy doses of sun or use some spray-on tan in order to try to avoid getting leathery skin, wrinkles, and cancer. Whether or not spray-on tanning causes cancer I don't know.


Originally Posted by XSO
Eyes: Hmm....I'm gonna have to say some sorta war between green and brown and brown has conquored most of the eye. When the light shines on my eyes you can see some green and red but otherwize a sorta hazely colour. It would be interesting to have blue eyes (super hawt on some people I know) or some sort of Heterochromia because personally I think people find hazel-very-slightly-green eyes are boring but eh, grass is greener etc.

If you want to believe in superstition, green eyes are suppose to be a sign of intelligence, but I do understand what you mean. I have green/hazel eyes as well (it's hard to tell which since I have brown around the pupils and it fades a little into the green). People tend to think that green-eyed people are either full of Irish rage or very jealous and arrogant.


Originally Posted by Devo
My hair is pretty much all shades of brown (or one) depending on the light source. Inside it tends to be dark but outside you can actually notice highlights.

My eye ( not edited but this pic makes it look so much more interesting than it is):

There is a weird silver area on the bottom, that's just a reflection of moisture.

That is a very awesome eye color. It's like a reddish brown color.


Originally Posted by Summonmaster
Black hair, hazel eyes.
That sounds Asian to me. Filipino to be specific. I love my black asian hair, and I'm glad I don't have funky multicoloured eyes like some people.

Hmmm...black hair and hazel eyes? Also, someone mentioned black hair and green eyes. I have never seen that combination before. That sounds very interesting (especially since I have an aunt who is Filipino, but not a very nice one :( ).

scotty May 1, 2006 12:47 AM

I have dark brown hair, and blue eyes. I don't mind them, and sure as hell wont change them (although it would be fun to change my eyes red, and yellow with those eye colour changing contact things) As a kid I had super blonde hair but it turned brown it took about a year until I finally noticed (I was 6 and wasn't very observant) It was quite a shock when I finally looked in the mirror!

Dee May 1, 2006 12:48 AM

I have very dark brown hair, to the point where you can see it look very prettily brown in the sunlight. Brown eyes. I like them both very much. I love how my hair is just naturally smooth and straight. Gives options for both short and long cuts.

Nahual May 1, 2006 01:04 AM

I like my black hair and my brown eyes. I sometimes wish I had green eyes.

eriol33 May 1, 2006 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gumby
Shit my hair has like 10 different colors in it ranging from completely white to an extremely dark red. Over all it gives my hair the appearance of a strawberry blonde color. I've never died my hair, why fuck with a good thing?

That's something unusual.

Genetic inheritance? do your other family members have the same attributes too?

HazelGuy May 1, 2006 05:42 AM

Coppery brown hair, hazel eyes. (leaning more towards green)

I like them.

Rachelle May 1, 2006 06:20 AM

Black / extremely dark brown hair? It looks black normally but can look rather brown when under the right lighting conditions... wish it was jet black like some of my friends :( ... eyes dark brown.... I probably wouldn't really mind what the colour of my pupils were, since I never really notice them haha

DarkChaos May 1, 2006 06:30 AM

I was a blonde but my haor turned brown. And my eyes are blue/green, So i'd say i like my hair & eyes.

Unforgiven May 1, 2006 07:02 AM

Black hair and brown eyes. Go asian traits.

But I'm thinking of changing my hair's color. Not sure yet... hmmm.

Angel May 1, 2006 07:04 AM

Straight brown hair (eventhough I used to dye it in every imaginable color, brown still suits me the best), blue eyes and very pale skin.

splur May 1, 2006 08:34 AM

Naturally black hair and very dark brown eyes with a black outter ring. I should be happy with my asian characteristics, but bleh. Blue eyes would be cool.

Tek2000 May 1, 2006 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Shenlon
Black hair under no light and brown with some light.

Under no light, everything looks black!

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