Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/index.php)
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-   -   [Burger] GFF Hammerwatch Night: A Chorus of Fucks (http://www.gamingforce.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43431)

THIEF Sep 4, 2013 05:04 PM

Poor face :(

Were you in chat last night?

LIAR Sep 4, 2013 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by ^___^ (Post 816522)
Am I reading that you played L4D2 and I wasn't informed.


Are... are you even awake at the time for GFF game night?

Vemp Sep 4, 2013 08:30 PM

GFF game night is on American time, which means I'm at work :(

Franky Mikey Sep 4, 2013 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 816525)
Are... are you even awake at the time for GFF game night?

On that one occasion, I could have been!

Worst part is, I might have noticed but the Steam downtime prompted me to go to bed earlier than I intended. Damn.

Helloween Sep 5, 2013 01:34 AM

Sad part is, we only needed one more for 8 players. Instead we got some random. Confondido... what an asshole.

Franky Mikey Sep 5, 2013 08:55 AM

Sad. Well, remember me for next time, whenever that may be.

Out of curiosity, who were the Fabulous Seven?

LIAR Sep 5, 2013 10:10 AM

Helloween, Garr, Rasputin, Diss, Hyde, myself, and my roommate. Term was with us for a game or two as well, but seemed to have some internet connection problems.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 5, 2013 11:32 AM

ahahahhaha CONFUNDIDO!?

The unmovable stubborn Sep 5, 2013 07:36 PM

I feel increasingly bad about the Euro/Asia folks that can't make it because it's 5 AM what the fuck. You guys should get your own deal going. Game Night Auxiliary. Play only complex, execution-heavy console games.


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 816535)
Term was with us for a game or two as well, but seemed to have some internet connection problems.

Term stop living inside of a tornado :mad:

Additional Spam:

The unmovable stubborn Sep 11, 2013 01:28 AM

Yeah, Hidden was great up until RANDOMS, as always. Can't complain about lag much since WhoDunIt didn't really grab me anyway, partly because the maps were big enough to support the entire surviving Doom mod community and partly because piling so much stuff on top of Doom's elderly framework makes things glitchy as hell.

Still think we need to try The Ship sometime, which is the same basic WHO IS TRYING TO MURDER ME idea but without having to remap 50 keys.

As far as next week I know the idea of booting up ZunTzu is going to make some people groan, but: Forbidden Island? It's a cooperative class-based game like Pandemic, and that seemed like it went over well. Rules are here, game file is here. Unless it stops being there because ZunTzu is terrible at link curating, in which case just yell and I'll throw it up on Saxy or something.

Dunno how long it runs; if we escape the Forbidden Island early we can be introduced to gentlemen of the Alps whom we have not heretofore met, or perhaps enjoy refreshing ice cream cones.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 11, 2013 01:31 AM

My issue with Hidden is that it gets sort of boring watching Garr and Hawkeye trade the role back and forth for hours. It's called the Hidden 'cause that's the really fun part of the game; they originally called the mod Bumbling Squad of Stupid Marines but it wasn't well received. I wish that it would choose the hidden like Whodunit chooses the murderer.

LIAR Sep 11, 2013 10:15 AM

Based on the one server we were on last night, I'm pretty sure the hidden is chosen based on damage dealt. The percentage of the total damage you do to the hidden is your percentage change of becoming the hidden. So if 120 damage was done to the hidden and you did 60 damage, you have a 50% chance. Then on the start of the next round, the game does :math: and picks its hidden based on those odds.

It looks like the same player will stay the hidden if no damage is done to them.

As far as next week goes, I am down with some virtual board gaming. Forbidden Island, assuming people learn the game early, shouldn't take too long to play. But knowing our group of people, it won't matter as we'll find a way to thwart Pang's plans and make game night last forever on turn 1.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 11, 2013 12:05 PM

I love coming into games without having made any attempt to previously learn the rules or mechanics! Count me in!

Scent of a Grundle Sep 11, 2013 01:50 PM

i've played forbidden island a few times, and it takes about 45 minutes to play, though you'll have to tack on 15-30 minutes for ZunTsu and the obligatory 15 for game night. game is max 4 players, though, so there's that. (Alternatively, i'm sure Helloween would love to teach you guys Arkham Horror, which is also co-op but waaay more complicated)

Hidden can have a random selection for the hidden, just no servers use it. I thought when Acer set up his server we had it on random, though i might be remembering wrong.

LIAR Sep 11, 2013 04:35 PM

Acer did not have it set to random. I didn't know a random feature existed until last night when it was mentioned.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 11, 2013 11:21 PM

I have my older computer here that isn't being used for anything, and I would be happy to try setting it up to run as a host server for game night stuff if it's desired. It's a few years old but it's still like a 3GHz with 4GB or something like that so I think it would probably be pretty all right in a hosting capacity.

Then I would make myself invincible in response to TKs! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA



The unmovable stubborn Sep 12, 2013 01:19 AM

I've definitely seen a random Hidden pick on some servers, Acer just couldn't figure out most of the server settings (which is no slam on Acer, shit is poorly/not-at-all documented and the man has animes to attend to).


Originally Posted by Scent of a Grundle (Post 816590)
game is max 4 players, though, so there's that. (Alternatively, i'm sure Helloween would love to teach you guys Arkham Horror, which is also co-op but waaay more complicated)

Aw, dang, you're right. Well, we can just break into two groups or whatever I guess, hasn't killed anyone yet.

From what I hear Arkham Horror takes like 4 hours even when you already know how to play, so for Game Night maybe we can set aside the entire month of October for that. I would very much like to give Chaos In The Old World a spin as well, so I hope everyone will be free for the entirety of winter '13-'14.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 13, 2013 12:03 AM

I think the streaming is fun, we can redistribute game/Skype hosting easily enough so you can keep doing that.

Whodunit is fun in concept, I think the maps we're playing are just too large for the number of participants we have.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Sep 15, 2013 01:44 PM

I'm a few days late, but I thought Hidden was fun and all at first, but then I only got to be the Hidden a few times out of the 40~ or so rounds we played. I'm not sure I even touched the Hidden during the last hour of play, so it was kind of dull after a bit.

I'd love to play Arkham Horror, I've played a bit before and maybe we should consider doing some independent research to learn the rules a bit before jumping right in. It's fun but takes some time to really grasp I think.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 15, 2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Vaginal Assault (Post 816623)
maybe we should consider doing some independent research to learn the rules a bit

You.... you clearly have no idea who you're dealing with. It is a rare night when we all show up knowing what we're supposed to play.

Helloween Sep 17, 2013 12:57 AM

Like, seriously? Arkham Horror? My all time favourite game (sort of, a little bit, it's complicated). I guess i'll have to show up.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 18, 2013 01:55 AM


Additional Spam:

FatsDomino Sep 18, 2013 01:58 AM

answer all diss trivia with "some canadian asshole"

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 18, 2013 02:07 AM

Beginning to think we can't take Diss anywhere without him picking fights with guys on the street he thinks are looking at him funny.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 18, 2013 10:11 AM

Look, man, I think we can all agree gogo's judging was pretty awful.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 20, 2013 09:55 PM

Gentlemen, next Tuesday is rapidly approaching and no one has suggested anything. It is high time we get Serious.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 21, 2013 11:23 AM

I can finally participate again thank christ.

just need to find my mic and where I packed that.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 21, 2013 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 816691)
just need to find my mic and where I packed that.

Oh, don't go out of your way on our behalf.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 21, 2013 12:57 PM

look motherfucker

I have too many boxes of shit around here.

I have too much crap in general.

I have no idea which box is the mic, since all the organization got ruined thanks to the carpet situation and the fire thing and LOOK SUCK A DICK

Single Elbow Sep 22, 2013 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 816689)
Gentlemen, next Tuesday is rapidly approaching and no one has suggested anything. It is high time we get Serious.

I'm in.

The unmovable stubborn Sep 22, 2013 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 816691)
just need to find my mic


Originally Posted by Term (Post 816695)
I'm in.

Speaking of terrifying rattling sounds and the ghostly moans of the damned, October's almost upon us so let's share some ideas for appropriately spooky games.

I've been meaning to get round to Killing Floor for a long while and it's a fair bet they'll do a Halloween event of some kind. Cry of Fear is a free Source mod with an appropriately wonky and stupid multiplayer campaign. Not a lot of other multiplayer horror games out there as far as I know. L4D2, I suppose, though it would be better to get some custom campaigns... or maybe Valve will do something for L4D2 for Halloween as well.

Actually I think I remember trying a "Haunted Mansion" campaign for L4D2 that might be perfect.

Arkham Horror's available for Vassal, so assuming Vassal's fairly simply to set up that's definitely a go. Also on Vassal is Betrayal at House on the Hill, which is a board-builder/find-the-traitor game.

Might be able to put Fury of Dracula together for Roll20.

Then there's also a zombie book for Action Castle, and I could potentially run a night of the White Wolf Vampire RPG but I don't know if there's any interest in that and you'd all just roll Malkavian anyway.

Total pie in the sky I would love to do the old Nightmare VCR board game but that would require hunting down a lot of scans and somebody would need to stream the video so we'd be roughly in sync. Still, plenty of time to set that up before the 29th if there's interest.

In before we end up just playing Cards Against Humanity while I micspam Monster Mash

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 22, 2013 09:39 AM


FatsDomino Sep 25, 2013 08:59 AM

Seriously those freaking walls. I got tripped up by them not being walls sometimes. I'm looking for a door and it's THERE but I just don't see it. I see a wall! Why is that?! Oh you're not a wall! You're an opening that looks mysteriously like a wall sometimes because you're not a wall? How can this be? I must conclude that you are not a wall but your wallish disguise is most genuine. Like some sort of wall assassin. A door ninja. A hallway hitman. A gateway spy.

LIAR Sep 25, 2013 10:38 AM

"Is Acer STILL looking for the door?" "Seriously guys! There are nothing but wal-oh hey, this wall isn't a wall after all! There is a door here!"

I am down for finishing the campaign next week. I need to do so for glorious achievement epeen.

THIEF Sep 28, 2013 02:17 AM

I miss you guys. :(

Animechanic Sep 30, 2013 07:32 PM

Hey guys. I found a thing. Double Action: Boogaloo mod for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - Mod DB

RacinReaver Sep 30, 2013 11:00 PM

That actually looks pretty similar to the OperaMod from Half Life. Amazingly I can't even seem to find a clip of it anywhere on the internet. It focused on 1v1 battles where you did more damage depending on how stylistic you were while shooting. It also had specially programmed cape physics. Was so badass at the time.

Edit: It did exist! http://web.archive.org/web/200607092...eemedsoft.com/

Edit edit: Man, it was first released in 2002. Somehow that makes me feel more old than most games I used to play that are way older.

Edit^3: Looks like some of the guys behind that one you linked were the guys that made Action Half Life, one of my favorite uncommon mods for HL! http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/11/do...ble-pre-alpha/

Animechanic Oct 1, 2013 03:23 AM

That's pretty funny. First thing I thought was that it reminded me of The Specialists, another HL mod. Guess there were a lot of those back then in the wake of The Matrix.

RacinReaver Oct 1, 2013 07:34 PM

Apparently The Specialists was also made by the guys that did AHL. I had never heard of it prior to all my googling last night, but it seemed to be described as a much better version of the Opera Mod.

It all comes together. :p

The unmovable stubborn Oct 2, 2013 12:44 AM

Good Game Night, killed Term.

Additional Spam:
Does anybody actually want to spend money on Daikatana because much as I am lured by the prospect of horror I also would sort of rather spend my money on literally anything else

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 2, 2013 12:50 AM

I would prefer that my friends not be able to see that I purchased that.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 2, 2013 08:53 AM

Well I could purchase a bunch and then gift them.

Or does that show up on the feed too?

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 2, 2013 12:51 PM

That was mostly a joke, I just don't think it will ever be worth seven dollars.

THE POWER OF WATER Oct 2, 2013 01:15 PM

You don't think it's worth making Skills waste seven dollars of his own money?

The unmovable stubborn Oct 2, 2013 06:56 PM

Every dollar that Skills spends on Daikatana is a dollar not spent on an Atari Jaguar. :argh:

The unmovable stubborn Oct 6, 2013 09:12 PM


Click here! for Vassal, then here for the game. I figure you probably want Base Game and Base Game decks.

Hopefully someone who knows how to play will show up! All right!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 6, 2013 09:53 PM

I have no idea how to play, hopefully that is GOOD ENOUGH

Scent of a Grundle Oct 7, 2013 05:31 AM

I will be free Tuesday night, so barring anything crazy i plan to be present. Impressed that we're actually considering playing this, but if i can teach a bunch of easily distracted high school students how to play the game in an afternoon, you guys shouldn't be too much tougher to handle.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Oct 7, 2013 08:57 PM

I want to descent into madness. Count me in.

Scent of a Grundle Oct 8, 2013 03:02 PM

I've pretty much got this program figured out, so that's good. Oddly, DRM for this setup is apparently "no card text on basic items so you have to own the game." So it's a good thing i have a copy.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 9, 2013 02:50 AM

GFF Lost in Time and Space night

The unmovable stubborn Oct 9, 2013 02:56 AM

They've got hippos!

Scent of a Grundle Oct 9, 2013 03:15 AM

Well i certainly had a lot of fun, a night complete with all of the wonderfulness one would expect from GFF game night playing board games on a new platform (don't stack anything, ever (also why am i drawing cards from the bottom of the deck)). Now that most of you know how to play, the game would probably go a lot faster should we ever feel so inclined to play again in two years when everyone has forgotten this particular episode.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 9, 2013 03:35 AM

I was enjoying another quiet night in the Black Cave when the dizzy broad slid into my office. Slid right underneath my chair. I waggled my six guns and three swords in her direction, but she wouldn't budge. She was stuck to me like glue. It was gonna be another bad night, the sort of night that can set a man to shriveling, get him staring into the void. My lucky cigarette case felt cold and alien in my hand. Maybe it was long past time I got back to the train station.

LIAR Oct 9, 2013 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 816859)
I was enjoying another quiet night in the Black Cave when the dizzy broad slid into my office. Slid right underneath my chair. I waggled my six guns and three swords in her direction, but she wouldn't budge. She was stuck to me like glue. It was gonna be another bad night, the sort of night that can set a man to shriveling, get him staring into the void. My lucky cigarette case felt cold and alien in my hand. Maybe it was long past time I got back to the train station.

There is a heavy lack of meeping in your story and for this I am saddened. I think you need to go wander around the woods for awhile.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 9, 2013 11:34 AM

Why would he wander about the woods when he could instead stand in the city streets just outside the woods and gaze hungrily in anticipation of all the clues that must surely await him within?

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Oct 9, 2013 01:30 PM

Oops, ignore this!

The unmovable stubborn Oct 9, 2013 09:06 PM

Erik what are you doing. Erik stop.

Serious Review Time: I actually liked Arkham Horror quite a bit and wouldn't be at all averse to trying it again some time now that we (mostly?) understand how to play. Definitely not, like, this year, but some time.

Given the hype around this game I expected descending into madness! to be a little more involved than what turned out to be a glorified MP meter. It seems if you're going to make something complicated it should be that rather than a monster movement system evidently dependent on the phases of the moon, but oh well.


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 816697)

Swamp Monster Fiasco also obtained.

Next week suggestions: AVP Classic or Betrayal At House On The Hill (Grab 1.1b)?

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 9, 2013 10:48 PM

Good news, everyone!

[20:20:36] [ +Diss ] Hey CHz
[20:20:41] [ +Diss ] I have a suggestion for the forums
[20:20:46] [ @a_lurker ] Activity?
[20:20:49] [ +Diss ] No
[20:20:51] [ @a_lurker ] That'd be nice
[20:20:52] [ @a_lurker ] oh.
[20:20:53] [ +Diss ] He can actually do something about this one
[20:20:55] [ @CHz ] Nah, that'd never work.
[20:21:24] [ +Diss ] Can you make it so we can swap viewing thread tags by date instead of alphabetically?
[20:21:40] [ +Diss ] Seeing new ones in the gaming night thread is getting out of control hard
[20:21:55] [ @CHz ] Hahahahahaha it is.
[20:22:10] [ @CHz ] I'm actually kind of surprised you guys haven't hit a limit.
[20:22:48] [ +Diss ] Also
[20:22:51] [ +Diss ] While you're at it
[20:22:57] [ +Diss ] Can you remove whatever limit there might be
[20:22:59] [ +Diss ] lololol
[20:23:57] [ @CHz ] Oh man, I can increase the tag length to 100 characters
[20:24:01] [ +Diss ] YES
[20:24:08] [ +Diss ] Also that other stuff
[20:24:09] [ +Diss ] <3
[20:24:11] [ @CHz ] ALREADY DONE
[20:24:18] [ +Diss ] I have had to rewrite so many tags because of that lengthlimit
[20:24:18] [ +Diss ] Oh man
[20:24:23] [ +Diss ] Can you enable capitalization?
[20:24:25] [ +Diss ] That would also be mega-boss
[20:24:31] [ @CHz ] I'm looking at the options now, I have no idea if I can do any of the other things you've mentioned.
[20:25:07] [ @CHz ] Ah ha, there is no cap on tags per thread.
[20:25:11] [ @CHz ] I could put one if I wanted.
[20:25:14] [ @CHz ] I, of course, will never want to.
[20:25:53] [ @a_lurker ] And that's why I married you.
[20:26:29] [ @CHz ] "Force Tags to be Lower Case" disabled
[20:26:36] [ +Diss ] Yessssssssssssss
[20:30:18] [ @CHz ] There's no setting for sorting tags by when they were added. Not sure if it even records that somewhere.
[20:30:21] [ @CHz ] Lemme poke the database.
[20:30:40] [ +Diss ] Not to worry, I'm sure you could just add that in there
[20:30:43] [ +Diss ] :D
[20:31:29] [ @CHz ] The list of things I could do is significantly longer than the list of things I'm actually going to do.
[20:32:55] [ +vemp|work ] CHz making GFF better and better every day
[20:33:23] [ @CHz ] It does timestamp!
[20:35:36] [ +Diss ] YESSSSSSSSSS

FatsDomino Oct 10, 2013 09:12 PM

On April 6, 2012 a very special GFF Game Night occurred. After an unsuccessful train investigation something amazing happens. A robot DJ chocolateer, a chimney sweep, a canary wizard, and the time-traveling ghost of Queen Victoria reincarnated as a wandering warrior or something go on a quest to terrorize the town and challenge the agents of chaos.

Join Pang, Rychord, Colonel Skills, Stop Sign, and myself as we play some very silly games: Orient Express & Legend of Anglerre. Diss reminded me of this night and asked me to look up my archive. It is for you to enjoy now.

YouTube Video

Legends of Anglerre starts at around 1 hour 19 minutes and 18 seconds into it if you'd like to skip to that.

After game posts:

Scent of a Grundle Oct 11, 2013 04:03 AM

It is still the greatest tragedy in GFF Game Night history that COUPLERS is the one video that got mangled. Even just the audio from that incident would be perfect.

FatsDomino Oct 11, 2013 11:10 AM

Oh, I have the audio. Nothing wrong with it. The video is just a slideshow is all.

What the hell I'll upload it. The humor still manages to get through for the most part:

YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Oct 11, 2013 11:56 AM


Scent of a Grundle Oct 11, 2013 01:54 PM

Laughing so hard. I was still so new to game night, just doin' my job and utterly oblivious to the coupler issue. It's kind of a shame we didn't have skype up then, but it that plan wouldn't have worked if it had been, so. The only thing missing from the video is Pang and Skills' pile of pilfered couplers.


where are you going


The unmovable stubborn Oct 11, 2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Scent of a Grundle (Post 816897)
It's kind of a shame we didn't have skype up then, but it that plan wouldn't have worked if it had been, so.

Yeah, Skype was intentionally left off that night expressly because Microsoft Sam inherently makes everything much funnier than our actual voices would be exclamation point

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 12, 2013 02:15 AM

CHz's laziness and my self-loathing have resulted in my doing a thing

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 13, 2013 03:58 AM

That game was really fun. As pretty much everyone observed, the level design is consistently excellent and all the stages have their own interesting subtleties. The attention to detail is really impressive - when someone is getting close (5 to go, or so?) to the score limit the stage music (yes, each stage plays the appropriate music!) changes to the boss music. This is also appropriate to the stage - in Quick Man's stage the MM2 boss music plays, for example. Really polished, really fun. Would defs play for game night.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 13, 2013 07:53 AM

For lack of compelling Thanksgiving games out there I am gonna go ahead and declare Robot Month for November, so that'll work out fine.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 13, 2013 02:11 PM

But Thanksgiving is in October...


The unmovable stubborn Oct 13, 2013 03:07 PM

Unfortunately Game Night holiday policy was decided some time ago and the meeting to decide on adjustment of policy is scheduled for Boxing Day, which, due to policy, we are unable to recognize.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2013 01:45 AM






(then Deni ragequits)

THE POWER OF WATER Oct 16, 2013 01:48 AM


The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2013 02:14 AM

Gentlemen, it might not be in keeping with our Halloween theme, but I feel as though we have little choice next week other than to play Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 16, 2013 02:29 AM

I don't even remember buying that, but apparently it happened at one point or another.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2013 02:31 AM

It may have been inside another box.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 16, 2013 02:32 AM

I'm sure that is exactly what happened. Sometimes you can only open so many nested boxes before you're forced to just throw up your hands and leave some boxed still.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 16, 2013 07:57 AM

holy shit that game rules yes let's play that.

LIAR Oct 16, 2013 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 816949)
It may have been inside another box.

Perhaps a humble box, containing a bundle.

Scent of a Grundle Oct 16, 2013 02:16 PM

My first thought was that i didn't want to spend $20 for a game i already own so i could play it for game night. Almost caved and bought the game (because it's awesome), then realized i'm working next Tuesday anyway. :(

The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 816954)
Perhaps a humble box, containing a bundle.

A bundle is merely a sort of soft, lumpy box.

Helloween Oct 22, 2013 04:14 PM

Alright, I'm actually gonna be there this week (as in in a few hours). Burnout sounds fun. Never played it. Going in blind.

The unmovable stubborn Oct 23, 2013 02:40 AM

Man, dealing with Term when you've slept 2 hours in the last 40 is basically like a fever dream.

Next week, Spooktastic Adventure Castle / Fiasco.

FatsDomino Oct 23, 2013 03:08 AM

power parking


Tails Oct 23, 2013 09:06 AM

Lmao that was a riot. I'm still back home on leave for a bit so I had to keep the noise down while people slept. Still, good times to finally be able to play vidya with everyone again.

Also I wouldn't feel too bad about the parking thing, we had a time and a half with some of the latter challenges on the circlebox. It's all in good fun.

LIAR Oct 23, 2013 10:01 AM

Power parking took me forever to get down when I was learning Burnout. I have it down now only because I had to keep practicing it.

That was a lot of fun. Lets make note to play that again. I still have lots of challenges to do!

Tails Oct 23, 2013 01:24 PM

That means I should probably play offline a bit to unlock some cars that don't such huh.

Also where is the patch that allows me to put Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" on loop permanently EA pls

Scent of a Grundle Oct 24, 2013 02:41 AM

If we're officially dog-earing this game as a "backup plan game" (along with the dozen or so we already have), i'll make sure to watch for it to go on sale. If it doesn't, i'll probably just get it anyway, but hey, i wouldn't be a good mennonite if i didn't at least try.

Also angry that i missed the one time when Tails was around.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 24, 2013 03:07 AM

Fuck that game

The unmovable stubborn Oct 30, 2013 12:36 AM

Fiasco is played with Skills and Shade: Wacky Arctic Stripper Adventure

Fiasco is played with Rasputin and Diss: The Films of Lars Von Trier

Next Week: that Megaman Deathmatch business?

v A beaver dam place is basically a large, complex box

FatsDomino Oct 30, 2013 12:44 AM

Did you know that a single beaver can move 10 times its body weight per day? I didn't. Find out more about beavers and the places they build!

YouTube Video

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 30, 2013 08:07 AM

Is there a recording of this Fiasco somewhere?

The unmovable stubborn Oct 30, 2013 01:34 PM

If CHz noticed all the furious clicking, then SOMEONE was streaming.

And history has vindicated my assumption that these streams leave a record of some kind even though both streamers deny it whenever I ask.

But if you do get to watch it, remove all sharp objects from your vicinity once Erik decides to elucidate all the things that be ruined in a mortal life

FatsDomino Oct 30, 2013 01:40 PM

I was a bit late to the party and started on my laptop which I don't like streaming from. So yeah I didn't stream last night. Garr did though. He said last night in chat that he might get the recording for us.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 6, 2013 12:44 AM

Eternally denied my one true desire for Instagib Hard Fisting

Next week: No More Room In Hell! Because zombies are kind of like fleshy meat robots, and also because Erik does not own Unreal Tournament*.

*Erik is a terrible person.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Nov 6, 2013 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817168)
*Erik is a winner when it comes to being a terrible person.

Believe it.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 7, 2013 12:59 PM

Hey Game Night Superfriends, Skills and I have been discussing getting some more Mega Man in on Friday. If we drum up enough interest we could try some other game modes like Team CTF and Team DM, which sound pretty fun. I'm also going to look into whether I have the ability to manually set weapon spawns so that Pang's Hardfist Emporium can become a reality.

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 7, 2013 06:41 PM

I've checked out MM8BDM in the past and it was a Windows-only thing because of that custom launcher and stuff, but this time I actually spent more than five seconds on the internet and I found a guy who's maintaining unofficial Mac builds and there's one for the latest version.

So maybe I will bring my snakehole on Friday?????

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 7, 2013 07:02 PM

I have tomorrow off, so after I drag my car to the GET THIS SHIT FIXED lot then YES furious metal blade noises

The unmovable stubborn Nov 7, 2013 07:05 PM


[Fisting Intensifies]

Single Elbow Nov 8, 2013 01:38 AM


LIAR Nov 8, 2013 11:35 AM

I can partake for about an hour after I get home.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 8, 2013 06:28 PM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 8, 2013 07:10 PM

Unless anyone has issues with it I'm gonna arbitrarily decide a start time of 5pm PST.


Tails Nov 8, 2013 09:44 PM

This is happening by the way.

Tails Nov 9, 2013 09:57 AM

Just a reminder that when the Cat calls you DO NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. It is a trick.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 9, 2013 11:41 AM


Step your game up, ladies.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 9, 2013 01:49 PM

That's cute, Skills got a screenshot of the game where he had the most frags!

YouTube Video

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 9, 2013 02:32 PM

I'm sorry, are you whining because you had a 2.5x man advantage and still couldn't do anything of value, and lost to CHz?

I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but you ain't one.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 9, 2013 02:40 PM

I'm not sure destroying a happless Pang/Hawkeye duo over and over is something anyone legitimately good would brag about.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 9, 2013 02:50 PM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 9, 2013 02:57 PM

I wanted to find some hilarious cartoon gif to link in here, but after googling "man beating up children" I'm too depressed to even keep going. You win.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 9, 2013 03:00 PM

So what's on for next week anyway?

I'm fine for more of this but I wouldn't be against a revisit to Paradise City.

oh shit nevermind it's zombies

Scent of a Grundle Nov 10, 2013 03:19 AM

By the end of it all i wasn't doing too badly, it just took a long time for me to figure out how to aim. So long as we stayed on one-shot-kill mode, anyway.

Also, some of those tiny CTF maps in insta-kill mode were hilarious. Needed more people to make things more impossible, though.

Tails Nov 10, 2013 12:56 PM

Oh man y'all finally got CTF to work? How long did that take and why didn't it work the first time? :mad:

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 02:46 PM

There appears to be some disagreement between the custom launcher .exe and the Zandronum .exe in terms of propagating rules changes to the server. It was trying to enable CTF without enabling CTF maps, which was what was causing that error. I had to go in and manually exclude all the normal DM maps, and it worked after that.

Tails Nov 10, 2013 04:31 PM

Well fuck man why couldn't you have figured that out earlier. :(

The unmovable stubborn Nov 10, 2013 04:35 PM

Man I was as optimistic about the potential of CTF as anybody but in practice it amounts to Walk A Long Way And Then Garr Sees You.

Instant Respawn on CTF is just the worst. The Worst.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 05:02 PM

On regular DM maps I can force a respawn as far away as possible from where you died, but that would obviously be silly on a CTF map. I'll look into forced respawn delay.

There's also a king of the hill mode that we didn't try out.

Tails Nov 10, 2013 05:48 PM

Only if the hill is on the boat.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 05:53 PM

ahahahaha that avatar


Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 07:06 PM

21:00-21:10 most glorious ten seconds ever

Tails Nov 10, 2013 08:19 PM

Lmao he was just sitting in that fucking corner, it was so easy.



Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 09:41 PM

2:09:00 has Tails trying to look at CHz's sprite while Garr walks up and murders him. I've watched it like four times in a row and I can't stop laughing jesus christ

Additional Spam:

Tails looooooooooooool

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 10, 2013 10:09 PM

Where was that boat game where my score was like -5 because I kept trying to teach Bad Box Art Mega Man how to swim.

Maybe he'd be better at it if he'd put down that gun and use both hands. :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 10, 2013 10:55 PM

Boat is around 1:30

Scent of a Grundle Nov 11, 2013 01:10 AM

Only after watching Garr's video do i realize that other people had aiming reticules. It never even occurred to me to look for an option for such a thing. :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 11, 2013 01:44 AM

Ahaha I actually had mine off, too. Every time I open that game I have to re-do all my settings (which is super annoying) and I always seem to forget to turn that on.

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 11, 2013 03:54 AM

Mine was on, I just ignored it because I can't videogame for shit.

LIAR Nov 11, 2013 11:33 AM

I hopped off shortly before everyone else jumped on. It was great fun and I look forward to more of it. So much cat.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 12, 2013 01:14 AM

Highlights up to the 1:47 mark:

The Fuckyou Smirk
Garr chumps Shade; is chumped by Tails
Welcome to the WINDY CITY
Shade blocks a gigantic boulder with his little shield
Garr is educated on rocks-throwing
Garr and Diss perform learning
Tails calls Skills because he's late
Pang's emotional outpouring
Yo, fuck cats ya heard?
Fuck you, Big Oil!
Garr bait
Mmmmmmmmmmmmega Man 8-bit Deathmatch
Freeze, Cracker
How do clocks work
Star Man stage easter egg
Garr succeeds! CHz takes credit.
You know what's goin on? ::dies instantly::
Somehow Tails plays for 4 minutes without noticing the boat
Skills' Noisy Revenge
Diss sounds... mad
Tails is good at jokes

Tails Nov 12, 2013 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817247)

Hey look, when you consider how hard it is to kill people with that stupid fucking axe weapon I'd say it was worth it.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 13, 2013 04:04 PM

So judging by the total absence of any ZOMBIE HYPE I'm guessing NMRIH was something less than a hit with everybody?

(Sorry I couldn't make it, staying awake was just not a thing that could happen.)

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 13, 2013 04:25 PM

The reactions in the stream ranged from "it was OK" to "I would rather be redeployed to the Middle East than play this shit a second time."

Additional Spam:
Then afterward they switched to more Burnout Paradise, where the reactions ranged from "WHY ACER" to "ACER WHY."

Tails Nov 13, 2013 06:03 PM

It was alright for like the first thirty minutes and then it turned into a game of "Who can dick around the longest until the zombies overrun us".

Mad y'all waited until I went to sleep to play Burnout, fucks.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 13, 2013 06:35 PM

The concepts in Zombies is pretty solid. The implementation really really fuckin' isn't.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 13, 2013 08:15 PM

Disappointing. I had such high hopes when I saw one the player models was basically Walter Sobchak. Oh well.

Anybody object to some UT '99 next week? You can bring your Megaman custom model if it makes you feel more comfortable.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 13, 2013 11:32 PM

There's plenty of addons for Firefox (and I would assume also Chrome if that's your deal) that'll be happy to grab any old video on a page and download it. Fuckin' weird that Twitch wouldn't have an internal solution for that but if they're removed the feature to make shit permanent it might be advisable to download ANYTHING you'd like to still exist next week because that is an eyebrow-raising UI decision.

Additional Spam:

Originally Posted by FUCK MOUNTAIN
the password didn't involve Deni being horrible


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 14, 2013 02:07 PM

As an alternative to UT'99, if you're down for it.

That Chivalry expansion with the spartans and the ninjas and the vikings and the pirates and the samurai comes out like


We could all buy that. There are 20% off coupons for GMG so you can get it for 12 dollars.

Head chopping now with ninjas sounds pretty excellent I can't lie

Tails Nov 19, 2013 06:19 PM

By the way I won't be around tonight, got things to do~

The unmovable stubborn Nov 19, 2013 07:47 PM

Oh hey the Steam version of UT99 uses an outdated patch iteration so:

UTPG :: Working To Keep Unreal Tournament Alive!

Grab the 451b patch? That would be super good of you.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 19, 2013 09:27 PM

[ 18:14:01 ] [ +Garr ] Garr's Broadcast
[ 18:14:09 ] [ +Garr ] Setting up form unreal troanmetn
[ 18:14:13 ] [ +Garr ] What the fuck was that
[ 18:14:18 ] [ +Garr ] I'm not even that drunk.

THE POWER OF WATER Nov 19, 2013 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817360)
[ 18:14:18 ] [ +Garr ] I'm not even that drunk.

The evidence suggests otherwise.

Talec Nov 19, 2013 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817360)
[ 18:14:01 ] [ +Garr ] Garr's Broadcast
[ 18:14:09 ] [ +Garr ] Setting up form unreal troanmetn
[ 18:14:13 ] [ +Garr ] What the fuck was that
[ 18:14:18 ] [ +Garr ] I'm not even that drunk.


Franky Mikey Nov 20, 2013 07:38 AM

Thanks for the game, guys, I really had an awesome time. As you may have noticed it was quite late for me (I left around 5:30 AM) but worth every minute.

I still have no idea who GIMME_A_FUCKING_NAME was, by the way. :(

FatsDomino Nov 20, 2013 09:42 AM

That would be diss, Face. You played a fantastic game.

Also shade you were wrong. I did not win the snow level. Face came in first, Garr in second, and then me in third.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 20, 2013 11:47 AM

But for you that was like winning!

FatsDomino Nov 20, 2013 12:48 PM

Oh sure, I managed to get a double kill, go on a killing spree, and see pretty pretty snow falling all in the same round. A winner was me. But for real I am just awful at most fps games*.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Nov 24, 2013 09:52 PM

So what's on for this week.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 24, 2013 10:20 PM

Pretty sure it's that Chivalry With Samurai Awkwardly Crammed In

Helloween Nov 26, 2013 08:48 PM

I know i've been absent from Game Night for several weeks now, and unfortunately i won't be around tonight either. I'm going to make it a point to be available for next week, though.

Biganime Nov 26, 2013 09:58 PM

Sounds like a fun time to play with Fellow GFF members, I'll try and find time to get on and play around. Should be a hoot.

Tails Nov 29, 2013 06:42 PM

Hahah, sorry these past two weeks have been super shitty for me with us trying to prepare for the holidays down here. This week I should be around.

The unmovable stubborn Nov 29, 2013 09:08 PM

So since Deadliest Warrior didn't happen, is that next week's plan or whats

Additional Spam:
PS everybody buy Nation Red while it's $1.50

Single Elbow Nov 30, 2013 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817467)
So since Deadliest Warrior didn't happen, is that next week's plan or whats

Additional Spam:
PS everybody buy Nation Red while it's $1.50

DW is only operational on 64-bit systems. If it will be, I'll just watch at the wayside.

(I do have Nation Red, however)

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 30, 2013 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Term (Post 817470)
DW is only operational on 64-bit systems. If it will be, I'll just scream profanities involving unlikely anatomical contortions at the wayside.

(I do have Nation Red, however)


Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 30, 2013 06:24 PM

Divekick is on for $5, and a big round-robin of that some night would be hilarious.

Save 50% on Divekick on Steam

Scent of a Grundle Dec 1, 2013 04:17 PM

Divekick was $2.50 there for a bit, it might go down to the same price at some point during the fall sale here. But yes, that game is hilarious and awesome.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 1, 2013 09:46 PM

Monaco's also on for 3 bucks for anyone who doesn't have it.

Save 80% on Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine on Steam

LIAR Dec 3, 2013 02:42 PM

In case anyone missed NS2 in the steam sale, check out the latest humble bundle:


Nice selection of games, especially for those who might not own any of those games already. There's a couple in there that would be fun to play for game night.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 3, 2013 06:16 PM

Yeah, definitely pick that up for Garry's Mod if you don't have it. I've seen some amazing games for that lately, including a take on WhoDunIt where the maps aren't all gigantic sprawling labyrinths.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 4, 2013 01:39 AM


Additional Spam:
PS: Garry's Mod next week, for those who didn't make it tonight. BECAUSE THEY WERE PLAYING BIOSHOCK INFINITE.


THE POWER OF WATER Dec 4, 2013 02:00 AM

Garrmondo - GFF Improv Game Night: Left 4 Dead 2 - Twitch

spike229/Acer/Diss/Garr vs. Pang/Hyde/shade/Term

This match lasted 32 seconds after leaving the safe zone. Garr led Pang to the edge of the dock to fall off on his own accord, Acer barreled shade off with the charger moments later, and then Garr grabbed Hyde and suicidekilled both of them.

This has got to be one of the best L4D matches ever played.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 4, 2013 02:10 AM

In my defense, from my perspective I was still jockeyed when I went in the drink. Probably. Maybe.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 4, 2013 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817520)

Additional Spam:
PS: Garry's Mod next week, for those who didn't make it tonight. BECAUSE THEY WERE PLAYING BIOSHOCK INFINITE.


New computer!

15 Gig download for Left 4 my asshole 2!


Background download my dick into your butt

PS I can tell I'm in for a bad time when it's checkpoint saves only, ugh.

LIAR Dec 4, 2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817520)

Additional Spam:
PS: Garry's Mod next week, for those who didn't make it tonight. BECAUSE THEY WERE PLAYING BIOSHOCK INFINITE.


Since nearly everyone has purchased the humble bundle (and if you haven't, you're a terrible person), then I propose that if we have more than 6 players, we play Natural Selection 2, and if we have less, we play Garry's mod.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 4, 2013 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 817526)
Since nearly everyone has purchased the humble bundle (and if you haven't, you're a terrible person), then I propose that if we have more than 6 players, we play Natural Selection 2, and if we have less, we play Garry's mod.

For reasons unknown to him, Pang wakes up suddenly, weeping with joy.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 4, 2013 03:25 PM

i picked up the bundle, but i've already got Natural Selection 2, so if anyone out there needs a free copy i've got one floating around. Also Magicka, should anyone be foolish enough to want to subject themselves to that.

2 more weeks

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Dec 4, 2013 03:46 PM

There's little danger of me being up late enough to join in with you guys any time soon (Plus I need to buy an actual mouse rather than using a trackpad which works fine for playing Civilization, less so for fps games) but I do have a steam account now, username ed_can_do if you want to add me. I'll probably go through the thread of usernames adding people anyway. :)

The unmovable stubborn Dec 4, 2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 817526)
if we have more than 6 players, we play Natural Selection 2, and if we have less, we play Garry's mod.

(Counts players)


(Kicks Shade)

THE POWER OF WATER Dec 5, 2013 02:28 AM

If you need another body for Mega Man to eat bullets and never, ever hit you back, I'm in.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 5, 2013 04:00 AM

This might go without saying, but just in case anyone is totally unfamiliar with Garry's Mod: the more Valve games* you have installed, the more Stuff you will have to fuck around with. You probably want Maximum Stuff. Particularly if we're going to play Murder/Prophunt/Trouble In Terrorist Town/Morbus, because the default GMod sandbox maps are inherently sort of shit for that.

Also, I don't think GMod will work at all unless you have something with the SDK installed. Possibly the Bundle version is special, though.

*Except DOTA. Even Garry knows better than to let DOTA leak into other games.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 5, 2013 02:33 PM

BEES (aka Sanic) is $5 on steam right now, so since that has come up a couple of times as a "what do we do now?" game, those who don't have it should definitely pick that up.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 5, 2013 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Full Grundle Eater (Post 817535)
I have a proposition for you guys.

If you've got the time and the inclination, I say we round up a couple of dudes for some Mercenary Kings. Friday, 9 PM EST, Game Night Supplemental, LET'S GET CLAW

Or if turnout is much bigger than that game allows, we can bring out some Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch.

What do you guys say?

I am pretty sure I'll have Friday open, so I'm in.

FatsDomino Dec 6, 2013 02:22 AM

So here's my perspective of the shortest l4d2 match I've ever had the pleasure of ending.

Watch as I pummel shade off the docks. Watch as I sporadically change the camera to see what the hell just even happened.

YouTube Video

THE POWER OF WATER Dec 7, 2013 02:21 AM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 8, 2013 09:47 PM


Tremendous victory!
Tails is good at math
CHz and Garr are good at ninja
Dat fake out
Tails has feelings about lasers.
Fuck California!
Tails attempts to inspect CHz's sprite
Collateral damage
Slippery butts
Jumping mishaps
Feel the intensity
Damn fatcocks!
My friends call me "Slippy".
If you recall this from 40 minutes prior...
...here is the riveting conclusion.
Leave no emporium unfisted.
Where is Garr hiding?
This link is here solely because I demand recognition for this sweet-ass dodging.

Additional Spam:

When trash talk goes wrong
This is legitimately Dull's reaction to seeing Tails' face.
Rock time aborted
Dull learns FPS
Maybe not
Suspicion confirmed: not actually Deni
Tails is good at names
Okay this is legitimately awesome. Garr killed three dudes with one shot.
"Hahahahahaha... stop that, that's gay."
Mega Man, secretary to the fuck
Diss is good at tact
Topical death jokes
Mo0 is a horrible racist
And a horrible jumper
Don't ask to see it
"What now?" inquired Tails
Jazz hands!
Acer, stop that.
Snarkiest Acer
Mo0 confirmed unfamiliar with jackets

Tails Dec 9, 2013 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817593)

This was already the best thing but it looks so god damn funny from Garr's POV.

LIAR Dec 9, 2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817538)
This might go without saying, but just in case anyone is totally unfamiliar with Garry's Mod: the more Valve games* you have installed, the more Stuff you will have to fuck around with. You probably want Maximum Stuff. Particularly if we're going to play Murder/Prophunt/Trouble In Terrorist Town/Morbus, because the default GMod sandbox maps are inherently sort of shit for that.

Just so people know, here's a list of games that directly affect content in Garry's mod:

List of games supported by Garry's Mod - Garrys Mod Wiki

I'm not sure what happens if you join a person who has these installed and you don't. Do you just get kicked off when an item is used from one of those games?

The unmovable stubborn Dec 9, 2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Shade (Post 817599)
I'm not sure what happens if you join a person who has these installed and you don't.


THE POWER OF WATER Dec 9, 2013 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817593)


Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 9, 2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by CHz (Post 817605)

lmao I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed that.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 10, 2013 11:46 PM

Protip: Skills is always suspicious. Murder him.

Additional Spam:
Particularly if he is crouching

LIAR Dec 11, 2013 11:30 AM

Sorry I had to bail for the rest of game night. I kinda glanced in occasionally and saw you guys still playing murder, so glad the computer/garry's mod held up for you guys.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Dec 11, 2013 04:55 PM

I swear I didn't hear the password.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 11, 2013 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 817617)
Particularly if he is crouching

The best part about all of this?

I don't think I crouched once, all game.

Y'all fallin' for mind games up in this.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 12, 2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 817624)
Y'all fallin' for mind games up in this.

If You Spawn

With A Gun

Murder Skills

And Have More Fun

Burma Shave

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 14, 2013 08:19 PM

What are we doing this week?

Have we considered Dino D-Day? It's on sale for two fucking dollars.

It looks suitably awful.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 14, 2013 11:15 PM

People were talking NS as I recall.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 15, 2013 02:53 PM

I've got NS2, and haven't played it yet, so i'm up for that. I've also still got an extra copy from GoG kicking around, if anyone needs the game.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 16, 2013 08:43 PM

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod gets absurd launch trailer ahead of its impending release | PC Gamer

This is a thing we should consider

Tails Dec 18, 2013 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817659)


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 18, 2013 12:35 AM




The unmovable stubborn Dec 18, 2013 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 817697)

So, yeah, THIS on Friday, if anybody wasn't paying attention due to how hard I was licking all their power nodes. Gonna skip the 24th and the 31st, if I even need to point that out.

NS actually started to get really fun once I figured out all the tricks the Gorge has. Fuck being a marine, though. Ammo management is never interesting.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 18, 2013 03:00 AM

Being the commander in NS was pretty cool, though it was also neat to be one of the people being commanded.

i should be able to make it on friday, though i might be late. I'm probably working until at least 9 or 10 pm my time (currently Central), and depending on how things go i might go to a staff party if i'm feeling up to it. Will totally show up at some point though, just hopefully in time to talk to more than crickets.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 18, 2013 08:56 AM

I feel that the game has a lot of potential, just not...with us. As a group.

Because we're retarded.

LIAR Dec 18, 2013 11:15 AM

I actually really enjoyed NS2 last night. I did a much better job in the commander seat than I did as a peon, but it was still fun regardless. The only problem I had was being a Marine and constantly running out of ammo. You had to stick close to base until the commander built an ammo dispenser somewhere else. I think we as a group could have some really intense battles in it once most people know how to play.

Scent of a Grundle Dec 19, 2013 01:53 AM

It does make some level of sense that the Mechsuits are weaker than the rhino aliens, considering a suit costs 40 resources and a rhino 60. It really comes down to having a competent commander who can help you hold enough resource nodes to let your team pull ahead. Which i was not.

Single Elbow Dec 19, 2013 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Full Grundle Eater (Post 817720)
Looking forward to that multiplayer jazz on Just Cause 2. I've not loaded the game up proper, I should probably do that here either tomorrow or Friday before we get rolling, get a feel for the controls.

Oh, the multiplayer is massive fun. Sure, they despawned enemies (at least on the two servers I got on to earlier) but it definitely can support more than 50 players in such a massive world. With no lag, no less.

RacinReaver Dec 19, 2013 05:08 PM

Starting January I might actually be able to start joining you guys for game night, woo!

A few quick notes for NS2 strategy for anyone that enjoyed it enough to possibly start playing.

- Watch the YouTube tutorials, they'll help you a ton.
- The mech is weaker because it's supposed to be a siege weapon. You want to stay in the back of an assault and pick off all the aliens going after your teammates. It's also amazing against alien buildings, and can take things out pretty quickly. A single minigun mech is also kinda butt, because your firepower is halved versus a dual. This might seem obvious, but 1/2 firepower is a huge handicap when you're up against a decent fade.
- The pistol for marines is really underrated. It has higher DPS than the rifle, and can kill a skulk faster than they know they're being shot at. Probably the best way to clear a skulk biting a power node or resource tower that's not paying attention.
- Don't waste your gun's ammo on alien structures. Use your axe to take out RTs and make sure your weapons are fully loaded for when the skulks show up. The only time to use your rifle to take out a building is when your commander is dropping ammo packs on you (or you know you're gonna die and just want to do as much damage as you can).
- If you have a fairly new marine team, getting phase gates quickly is important. Then the lower ammo capacity of marines doesn't become as much of a concern since you can always just die, respawn, and run back to the front lines faster than trying to ammo up.
- Power nodes are free to rebuild. That means don't bother attacking them as aliens unless they're the most vulnerable part of a base. It's generally better to just kill the resource tower (RT) and leave the power up in terms of time vs resource burning efficiency.
- Skulks are free, as are all of their upgrades. Treat them as disposable units which are good for hit and run techniques. You can cover the map a lot faster than marines can, so if you can take out two marines building an RT, you'll likely get back there faster than they will.
- Skulks stick to walls and ceilings. Use this to your advantage when you're fighting marines. Don't even try to bite them until their clips are empty.

Anyway, there's a ton more, but that's just a start. The game is a ton of fun and actually gets way better once you understand a bit of basic techniques for each class.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 19, 2013 07:28 PM

I enjoyed it a lot, but as I said at the time I think it's something that we'd have to try playing semi-seriously 'cause it doesn't seem like it can really shine as a game if you're goofing off which, let's face it, is basically what we do for game night.

I will say that after playing as the alien commander (without ever having the chance to play as an alien loooooooooool) I understood way more about what I should've been doing as a marine. It's worth taking a turn in the seat, even if it goes badly, to see how things develop from the top.

RacinReaver Dec 20, 2013 02:23 AM

If you guys want to play it again as a gamenight type of thing you should actually try out CombatMod for NS2. Basically get rid of the RTS parts of the game and instead replace it with an assault mode where the marines are supposed to assault the alien hive. Kills/teamwork gets you points which let you buy upgrades. Probably a much better intro to the game than standard mode. One of the upgrades for marines is also ammo pack drops, so that helps out a lot with ammo management, as well.

Someone also recreated The Hidden mod except in this case it's called The Faded where it's marines vs a fade.

THE POWER OF WATER Dec 21, 2013 04:55 AM


Ahahahahahaha god this fucking plane cracked me up. Garr turns around for ten seconds and suddenly there it is in the street, bouncing like it has hydraulics. Then it teleports to the shoreline and catches fire. Then it hurtles toward a condo and kills Diss, vanishing thereafter. Then, a minute later, it suddenly reappears in the street, crushing shade and knocking Garr off a rooftop without even touching him.

Also funny: shade ghost riding Garr's car, only for Garr to drive off a cliff.

The unmovable stubborn Dec 21, 2013 05:41 AM

Hard to even pin down highlights, there were very few moments when something was not balling out of control. Definitely have to do this again, ideally after some server scouting to find functional territorial control & infinite-strength tethers.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 21, 2013 11:24 AM

And the boost button.

Server needs boost function.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 21, 2013 12:56 PM

I'm gonna have to look through for that part that made me laugh so hard I could barely breathe. I believe it may have involved a BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS.

FatsDomino Dec 21, 2013 05:48 PM

Please do, diss.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night. I was just simply too tired and passed out at like 9 PM or something. Jeez it's been a long time since I've gone to sleep that early. Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.

Tails Dec 21, 2013 08:44 PM

I think my favorite part is late in the game where we all brought up the passenger airliner that was doing fucking flips in the air at different intervals.

"What is that fucking plane doing?"
::5 minutes later::
"Dude do you guys see that plane?"
::3 minutes later::
"Oh my god this plane what the fuck?"

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 21, 2013 10:05 PM

Garrmondo - GFF Game Night Supplemental: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer - Twitch

This is magic.

Additional Spam:

Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817736)
I'm gonna have to look through for that part that made me laugh so hard I could barely breathe. I believe it may have involved a BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS.

Garrmondo - GFF Game Night Supplemental: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer - Twitch

YEP definitely involved a bus.

[ 20:23:03 ] [ +Diss ] From my view this was the funniest thing
[ 20:23:04 ] [ +Diss ] Garrmondo - GFF Game Night Supplemental: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer - Twitch
[ 20:23:16 ] [ +Diss ] We were making these careful arrangements for tethering things
[ 20:23:26 ] [ +Diss ] And all of a sudden this bus came from behind where I was looking
[ 20:23:38 ] [ +Diss ] And slowly backed right over the top of Skills' plane
[ 20:23:45 ] [ +Diss ] And kept going
[ 20:23:49 ] [ +Diss ] Like Pang didn't even notice it was there
[ 20:24:00 ] [ +Diss ] Just right over the middle of it

The unmovable stubborn Dec 24, 2013 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 817655)
Have we considered Dino D-Day? It's on sale for two fucking dollars.

It looks suitably awful.

Anybody who hasn't grabbed this, go ahead: it's still $2.49 until the end of the holiday sale and Nazi dinosaurs are happening when we resume on the 7th.

Other January plans:

Dominant Species, an evolution-based board game

Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers

and then, completely abandoning the prehistory theme to celebrate our second anniversary: we return to MOONBASE ALPHA, which added a competitive mode (with SPACE MADNESS) last year sometime when no one was looking.

(Primal Carnage is $5 during the sale but from what I've seen it has all the jank of Dino D-Day and none of the charm, so eh.)

Scent of a Grundle Dec 31, 2013 01:42 PM

It currently being New Year's Eve, and without any actual exciting plans, i'm probably going to end up just kicking around at home for the evening. Should any of you find yourselves in a similar situation, we should pull an impromptu game night. As for what we'll play, i have absolutely no idea - that depends on who shows up and what they have.

LIAR Dec 31, 2013 04:12 PM

I will not be around tonight, got a gathering with some friends for new years eve.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 31, 2013 05:13 PM

I haven't decided if I feel like going out tonight or not, so the most I can currently offer is a maybe.

LIAR Dec 31, 2013 05:49 PM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 2, 2014 09:20 PM

Anyone feel like doin' something tomorrow night on account of the (for the most part) break from game night? My appetite for trash talk has gone unsated for too long.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 2, 2014 10:03 PM

Don't ask them if they're going to do something. Tell them they're going to do something.

For example, tomorrow night* you're all going to enjoy Deus Ex's hilariously janky multiplayer. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

Number 1: That's terror.

*No. Within six months.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 2, 2014 10:26 PM

Good point.

Tomorrow we're going to make a second attempt at playing Natural Selection, and instead of just throwing ourselves against a wall that has sharp teeth/machine guns (depending on which teams you played) until we die over and over we're going to actually learn some shit about how the game works, so that we can actually potentially enjoy it.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 2, 2014 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 817851)
we're going to actually learn

And then, when that fails—

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 2, 2014 10:35 PM

When that fails, there's always Mega Man. That doesn't require learning anything, not even what Mega Man is, as Dull so effectively illustrated in his child-like wonder.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 4, 2014 02:23 AM



Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 4, 2014 02:24 AM

We learned that we need more than 6 to play NS!

The unmovable stubborn Jan 4, 2014 02:27 AM

There may be a threshold of players beyond which NS2 becomes playable, but that number is larger than the number of people one could theoretically persuade to play NS2.


Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jan 4, 2014 07:28 AM

Apparently I own Natural Selection 2, not entirely sure how that happened, it must have been in a bundle. Obviously that still leaves the issue of me rarely being up at 5am on a Tuesday or whenever but just putting it out there.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 4, 2014 01:08 PM

Yeah, it was included a couple humble bundles ago.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 8, 2014 03:05 AM


Additional Spam:
Next week: Carcassonne! With cavemen! If you've been to a meet you've learned how to play Carcassonne whether you wanted to or not, and if you haven't, don't worry! It's significantly more dumb, random, and easy to learn than you might expect!

If you don't have VASSAL, get that! Then get this!

Module:Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers - VASSAL


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 8, 2014 08:32 AM

Holy shit rockets, it's amazing how much I actually liked Dinos.

The leaping.

The biting.

The tankasaurus.

The setting shade on fire.

Don't even front, that shit was great. I want to try this one again with Acer about at some point.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 8, 2014 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 817938)
Don't even front, that shit was great.

It was great for the entirety of the period in which we were all mostly on the same team

And then that fell apart and it was sort of less great but still decent-to-middling

And then Nachos happened and the whole world narrowed to a black, red-rimmed point full of Shade's flamethrower and some pubbie asshole forcing me into unskippable GET GNAWED ON cutscenes and there's no round timer on this point capture map? Really? and the only great thing was the frequency and variation of the curses I was laying upon the developers and the seven generations of their descendants

Still, Microraptor Trolling while Hawkeye devoured all your unguarded shins was pretty hype, BIRD/10

LIAR Jan 8, 2014 04:24 PM

During the winter sale, this kept going on sale. Diss and I kept bugging people to buy it. I snagged a 4 pack and have given out 2 of them so far for $5 a piece. I have one remaining for $5. I would love to give it a try for game night one week if we can get enough people to get it.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 12, 2014 10:08 PM

Ok so what is this week anywho

The unmovable stubborn Jan 12, 2014 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pang, literally five posts ago (Post 817930)
Next week: Carcassonne! With cavemen!


If you don't have VASSAL, get that! Then get this!

Module:Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers - VASSAL

It is a mystery of time and space

THIEF Jan 13, 2014 01:24 AM

Never used Vassal before, but downloaded the Carcassonne's thing. Hopefully will be around Tuesday to kick it with you folks.

LIAR Jan 13, 2014 11:18 AM

Carcassonne can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on how fast people play. Also any expansions added immediately add more time to the game since it adds more tiles.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 13, 2014 02:33 PM

So far as I can tell, Hunters & Gatherers is more of a reskin than an expansion. You just have forests, meadows and rivers instead of cities, fields and roads. I would figure 3 hours is enough time for at least 2 rounds, assuming a no-more-than-usual level of bumblefucking and foot-dragging.

Rules are here, if you want

Maybe we could talk about switching nights at some point. I may be looking at some early Wednesday mornings myself in the near future.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 14, 2014 09:22 PM

Pang if you're dead or were eaten by THE RULES OF NATURE please let me know

otherwise imma keep choppin ninjas and shit

The unmovable stubborn Jan 15, 2014 01:08 AM

Did you guys seriously need my help to explain how to put a tile down next to another tile

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 15, 2014 01:44 AM

Shade said something about being unable to rotate the tile and that was good enough for the rest of us to not even attempt it and instead play Mega Man.

If a night change is up for discussion I'm gonna selfishly suggest any night that isn't Sunday or Tuesday. Thursday would be pretty boss, for example. How do you all feel about making it a weekend night?

Pro: People located further east would be able to stick around later.
Con: People may occasionally have other plans and be unable to participate.
Pro: Deni might be one of those.


The unmovable stubborn Jan 15, 2014 02:29 AM

The board game failed because you guys weren't rotating the components enough? What is this.

(I popped it open, apparently rotate is set to Ctrl + Right Bracket. That is stupid. You chose correctly.)

Well next week was going to be Dominant Species but now that I take a hard look at the rules it seems like a fiddly mess that makes Arkham Horror look like compact design. So, instead: Mâamut, a game about hunting a mammoth. With only 4 pages of rules. Won't that be nice.

(If this fails somehow we'll just fast-forward to MOONBASE, fuck it.)

As far as scheduling goes: turns out my own personal get-the-fuck-up-at-dawn-situation is going to be totally unpredictable, so there's that; I'll just have to bail early when I have to bail early, week to week. Assuming Thursday works for Garr it's as rad as anything else.

I'm a little leery of making Game Night proper a weekend thing; we already have Supplemental on Friday about half the time and it feels like Supplemental is a good fit there for the no-effort chat crowd that just wants to play the same 3 or 4 games over and over.

Scent of a Grundle Jan 15, 2014 03:33 AM

While we're being selfish about moving game night, please don't move it to Monday or Wednesday for my sake. As it is, any other day of the week will still get a 50% attendance rate from me, but those two days will never not be work days.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 15, 2014 09:17 AM

Thursday is totally cool for me.

LIAR Jan 15, 2014 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 818070)
Did you guys seriously need my help to explain how to put a tile down next to another tile

Putting tiles down isn't the hard part. Flipping the center tile over was the hard part. I had the board loaded but the center tile was all LOOK AT MY BACK SIDE and I made a frowny face before declaring ice cream cones a bust and then trying to host everything all at once.

THIEF Jan 15, 2014 12:33 PM

Thursday is cool with me.

Also, Shade: meet me on the roof. We're playing basketball.

FatsDomino Jan 15, 2014 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 818072)
(If this fails somehow we'll just fast-forward to MOONBASE, fuck it.)

Speaking of...

YouTube Video

Also I'm not all that enthused about Thursday cuz I have work Friday morning but eh I'll try to work with whatever the group wants.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Jan 15, 2014 04:31 PM

Do not forget: I beat you all. Twice.

Just let that sink in.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 15, 2014 07:07 PM

In other news, all the planets have moved out of alignment.

It wasn't until I scrolled down to type this that I realized how fucking enormous that block of tags is. Good work, gentlemen.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 18, 2014 01:45 PM

Well, all together it looks like Thursday is the option that steps on a minimal number of toes, so let's roll with that until some new disaster happens. Thursday the 23rd. Mammoths. Huzzah.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 18, 2014 02:37 PM

There has been talk of an impromptu Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch night tonight. For anyone who hasn't played before, you're probably not even reading this thread. But whatever! If you don't have it yet, it's a free Doom 2 mod and is available here: Cutstuff.net – Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch Home

Typically we start game nights at around 6 pm (hahahaha, start) Pacific time, as that allows the west coast to get home from work etc. Obviously, being Saturday, we are under no such obligations.

I am going to suggest a 4:30 pm Pacific start time just to throw a number out there. Is that too early for anyone?

No. Hard Pass. Jan 18, 2014 02:40 PM

Whenever you get it up and going just text me.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 20, 2014 03:45 PM


Kindly purchase the current Humble Weekly Sale. For $6 you get everything you need to play DayZ, which would usually cost $25 or more. There may also be another interesting game in the bundle, I didn't really notice.

THIEF Jan 21, 2014 06:09 PM

Is game night tonight or Thursday this week?

The unmovable stubborn Jan 21, 2014 06:15 PM

We Thursdayin' it up for the foreseeable future.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 22, 2014 01:58 AM

It wasn't that awful when I tried it, but I did notice that it took a good 15 minutes or so, which is very uncommon for files of that size.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 22, 2014 05:56 AM

Well, just in case I've gone ahead and mirrored both the game and the newest version of VASSAL:



SailorDaravon Jan 23, 2014 06:52 PM

I just found out that there is a web version of some kind of Cards Against Humanity and your Game Night was my first thought, but then I see you already did it :(. Has anyone looked at Nidhogg, or is the netcode total shit?

Also goddamn that's a lot of fucking tags.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 23, 2014 09:11 PM

We do online Cards like, every other week these days.

(I have heard that Nidhogg's netcode is in fact total garbage, sadly.)

SailorDaravon Jan 23, 2014 10:15 PM

How long has CAH had the online thing going? I only heard about it a few days ago and it sounded like it was a new thing but I guess not. I freaking love the idea of CAH and have watched some streams/videos of people playing the physical version, but I have almost no one locally I could possibly get a game going with.

Looking into Nidhogg, seems like if you are regional with the other person it's pretty solid, but cross country gets dicey.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 24, 2014 07:27 AM

Well, there's patch reports going back to early 2012, so then-ish I'd guess?

Trip report: 2 games of Mâamut played before FLIP THE TABLE kicked in. A simple, decently strategic game for people with more patience than us. Ah well.

Next week: MOON.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 24, 2014 02:32 PM


[ 11:29:25 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] speaking of naps earlier
[ 11:29:26 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] diss
[ 11:29:28 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] sorry about last night
[ 11:29:33 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] operation don't pass the fuck out on the couch
[ 11:29:36 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] was a miserable failure
[ 11:29:51 ] [ +Diss ] ahahaa
[ 11:29:55 ] [ +Diss ] That is precisely what we all assumed.

map car man words telling me to do things Jan 24, 2014 03:18 PM

[21:38:09] <CS|DevMachine> Diss> That is precisely what we all assumed.
[21:38:13] <CS|DevMachine> God
[21:38:15] <CS|DevMachine> I can picture it
[21:38:20] <CS|DevMachine> "where's skills, that asshole"
[21:38:29] <CS|DevMachine> "I bet he ate something fattening and then fell asleep"
[21:38:32] <CS|DevMachine> "what a fat fuck"
[21:38:38] <CS|DevMachine> "I'll text him"
[21:38:41] <Diss> ahaahaha
[21:38:43] <CS|DevMachine> ::no response::
[21:38:46] <Diss> That's pretty much exactly how it went.
[21:38:48] <CS|DevMachine> "yup he's dead"

The unmovable stubborn Jan 28, 2014 10:15 PM

Dukematch is happening the week after Moon. I have decreed it. It is my will as Moon Lord.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jan 28, 2014 11:27 PM

If anyone wants to jump on a 4-pack I'll throw down with that.

FatsDomino Jan 30, 2014 09:18 PM

I actually have a free copy of The Ship. I bought it a while ago. It came with an extra copy and no one has wanted it.

FatsDomino Jan 31, 2014 01:50 AM

Also I'll have you know that Hawkeye, Garr, and myself actually fixed the moon after you guys left. :colbert:

The unmovable stubborn Feb 6, 2014 09:10 PM


Additional Spam:
As it turns out Duke Time is a euphemism for tremendous lag

THE POWER OF WATER Feb 7, 2014 02:44 AM


Pang keeping right in the thick of things.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 7, 2014 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Full Grundle Eater (Post 818704)
Anyone got any ideas for next week?

Every time you people make me play Megaman, you will be punished with yet another board game. The beatings will continue until standards improve.

DUNGEON! (1975)


I kid, the board games will continue no matter what. No escape. No escape.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 7, 2014 12:54 PM

Joke's on you, I like board games!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 7, 2014 07:31 PM

Joke's even further on you, we'll get bored in 15 minutes and be unable to figure it out and then revert to Mega Man.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 7, 2014 07:37 PM

That only happened once with a board game.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 7, 2014 10:00 PM

YouTube Video

...have we considered Rust

Scent of a Grundle Feb 8, 2014 05:26 AM

Could we be linked rules to said board game? One or two of us might look at them. Maybe.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 8, 2014 05:31 AM

I am pretty firmly opposed to asking anyone to buy anything Early Access unless it shows up in a bundle or something.

Additional Spam:
Hawk, there should be a rules PDF at the link there, we'll probably be doing the "Expert Game" unless turnout is super awful.

Talec Feb 9, 2014 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pang (Post 818684)
As it turns out Duke Time is a euphemism for tremendous lag


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 9, 2014 11:58 AM

>mfw when finding the Flash Bomb


The unmovable stubborn Feb 13, 2014 09:49 AM

Should I even ask?

THE POWER OF WATER Feb 13, 2014 06:04 PM

Not with a mouth full of horse cock you shouldn't.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 13, 2014 06:25 PM

But I'm not a meatatarian :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 13, 2014 06:44 PM

Lurker's horse cock suggests otherwise.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 13, 2014 09:54 PM


Her influence extends even to the depths of RPG past.

I did enjoy Dungeon, despite my rolling woes and Hawkeye's shamelessly wimpy tactics.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 19, 2014 09:20 AM

So what's this week?

FatsDomino Feb 19, 2014 03:03 PM

I know Drunken Robot Pornography is right up your alley (it is in your wish list).

Save 20% on Drunken Robot Pornography on Steam

The unmovable stubborn Feb 19, 2014 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Acer Why (Post 819192)
I know Drunken Robot Pornography is right up your alley (it is in your wish list).

This game does not appear to actually have any multiplayer support, Acer! I am dubious of its usefulness to Game Night!

Real Talk: Buy Deus Ex (2000 not 2011) if you don't have it. The deathmatch is legit goofy stupid fun and you can play the singleplayer later at your leisure (you're welcome).

I just want to prod with the prod. :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 19, 2014 07:50 PM

But you already do so much prodding on game night. Surely, your appetite for prodding has been sated ten times over!

The unmovable stubborn Feb 19, 2014 08:08 PM

My appetite for prods can no more be sated than your appetite for fist emporiums.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 19, 2014 08:13 PM

That's not entirely fair; I do have a rather large appetite irrespective of that which would attempt to fill it.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 21, 2014 02:40 AM

Trip report: the night took a grim turn after the interference of rocket launchers and Smexicans, but was luckily salvaged by BLEEP BLORP and the pulsating cluquah.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 21, 2014 06:27 PM


THE POWER OF WATER Feb 22, 2014 03:14 AM



Tails Feb 22, 2014 10:54 AM

Ahahah that thread title though. I will never abandon my eternal quest to discover just what the weird truly is. Who even said that shit to begin with? I love it.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 22, 2014 11:21 AM

Only when we figure out where this hole goes will we truly learn what the weird is.

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 22, 2014 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cakefox (Post 819269)
Ahahah that thread title though. I will never abandon my eternal quest to discover just what the weird truly is. Who even said that shit to begin with? I love it.


Tails Feb 22, 2014 11:42 AM

Ahahahaha god my sides are fucking orbit.

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 22, 2014 11:57 AM

Best thing is how even 45 minutes later we're still joking about it.


"Let us contemplate the deeper nature of the weird"

"Somebody please tell what the fuck the weird is"

"It's a form of bible stone"

Also, fucking grits man:


FatsDomino Feb 22, 2014 12:35 PM


pang: the bourbon isn't working yet!
skills: aw told
diss: i thought i could strafe it
deni: ran out of weapon didn't you, garr?
garr: i did run out of weapon it was really scary
deni: oh fuck
lurks: oh nooooo shit
diss: i'm seeing an awful a lot of a horse this match
diss: i got clawed. i got cluckquah'd.
pang: chapter 5: i'm seeing a lot of a horse
(deni laughs)
tails: you might wanna talk to a doctor about that
(pang laughs)
diss: of course
pang: just wake up in the morning, look down, horse.
tails: there's a lot of horse though right there
pang: it's just like my japanese animes
diss: see pang isn't this game more fun when we can hear each other talk?
pang: that's right. you go ahead and tempt me.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 22, 2014 12:59 PM

A threat which only resolved hours later, when I played Wing at 2% volume and Dull was still able to hear it

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 22, 2014 01:02 PM

Oh I heard it, I was just afraid that any commentary would encourage you to increase the volume. I did have to keep myself from laughing when he asked if someone was watching a Bollywood movie or whatever it was, though.

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 22, 2014 01:08 PM


[20:04:26] <Q-chan|space> "The jesus weapon comes from jewman stage"
[20:04:31] <Q-chan|space> "but jews don't believe in jesus"
[20:04:35] <Q-chan|space> tails
[20:04:37] <Q-chan|space> never change
[20:04:42] <Diss> ahahh
[20:04:49] <Diss> I forgot about Jewman

FatsDomino Feb 22, 2014 01:12 PM


deni: tails, why do you not have all alcohol within arms reach like a smart person?
tails: because... shut the fuck up that's why. hold up.
deni: you should. it's great! i don't want to be sober and talk to these humps.
pang: *cough* ahem... i mean these dah these ah
deni: i meant it

The unmovable stubborn Feb 22, 2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 819277)
Oh I heard it, I was just afraid that any commentary would encourage you to increase the volume.

I don't see why I would arbitrarily increase the volume of music for no other reason than to—

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

Originally Posted by Qwarky (Post 819278)
Garrmondo - GFF Get Thirsty Night Supplemental - Twitch

[20:04:26] <Q-chan|space> "The jesus weapon comes from jewman stage"
[20:04:31] <Q-chan|space> "but jews don't believe in jesus"
[20:04:35] <Q-chan|space> tails
[20:04:37] <Q-chan|space> never change
[20:04:42] <Diss> ahahh
[20:04:49] <Diss> I forgot about Jewman

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got The Thing
But nothing comes out when they move their Jazz Hands
Just a bunch of Blob Weapon
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Jewman

FatsDomino Feb 22, 2014 04:11 PM


dull: what is this? dog toy dildo? oh there we go
everybody: what?
dull: this weapon here
diss: i've never heard of dog toy dildo man
lurks: (laughing) yeah i mean...
deni: i don't wanna play that level

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 22, 2014 05:39 PM

Did we ever figure out which weapon he was actually talking about?

FatsDomino Feb 24, 2014 06:27 PM

I think we may have an answer to whether or not you really should desire dolphins on your body.


Do you still like dolphins though?

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 25, 2014 12:01 PM

Timestamping the best gag of the night because why not


Also I was secretly driving the Tails tank the whole time


Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 25, 2014 02:57 PM

For real, where did you actually come from there?

Additional Spam:
Garrmondo - GFF Get Thirsty Night Supplemental - Twitch

Skills briefly reverting to his native language.

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 25, 2014 03:45 PM

The log says I killed Tails so I guess I was just close range to him and getting hit made me stun.

I just love the way it looks like I just pop out.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 26, 2014 01:00 AM

So what is this week?


No. Hard Pass. Feb 26, 2014 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Qwarky (Post 819336)
The log says I killed Tails so I guess I was just close range to him and getting hit made me stun.

I just love the way it looks like I just pop out.

Directly behind him is a little step down to a lower level, and if you watch your weapons you are shooting up at him and then you pop because you're jumping up just as he dies.

THE POWER OF WATER Feb 26, 2014 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 819342)
So what is this week?


You're asking if a second game will be played, so as to allay Pang when Mega Man inevitably happens, right?

The unmovable stubborn Feb 26, 2014 06:19 PM

To the contrary.

I have embraced The Weird

And you, all of you

will come to know The Weird.

Tails Feb 26, 2014 06:42 PM

I dunno about y'all but I'm all about The fucking Weird. The truth shall set you free, but just what is it?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 26, 2014 08:51 PM

It's grits.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 27, 2014 06:25 PM

If we do end up playing Mega Man, everyone download this: chaosgenerator-2_upgraded_vG_hotfix1.wad

It's a mod called Roll's Chaos Generator, and is the one I've mentioned a couple times that adds random effects to matches. It is very silly.

In order to play with it, you will need to go to the Connect tab of the MM8BDM launcher, and click Add File under "Extra Command Line Parameters" then browse to, and select, the .wad.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 27, 2014 07:43 PM

After testing it out with Garr, some of them are really gimmicky and I think it's something that we probably wouldn't use for an entire evening, but would be fun to jazz things up a bit now and then.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 28, 2014 12:38 AM

Oh, don't mind us, hiding out in the local bird hole

The unmovable stubborn Feb 28, 2014 01:10 AM

Past tense: snuck

Present tense: snuck

Future tense: will snuck

Tails Feb 28, 2014 08:16 AM

Skills.mp3 (it's at about 42m 30s)

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 28, 2014 08:53 AM

"maple syrup hockey my boss's daughter"

crying at work

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 28, 2014 09:10 AM

::caveman noises::

map car man words telling me to do things Feb 28, 2014 09:15 AM

"Pang, you're a choo-choo"

The unmovable stubborn Mar 4, 2014 06:23 AM

HeroQuest is not a particularly complicated game, but for those who weren't around when we last played this business two years ago, here's the rulebook:


(You may also need the rulebook if you are Acer and the rules fell out of your noggin after you encountered a jackalwump on your way to the candy shoppe and you fell higgledy-piggledy all the way down the hill.)

LIAR Mar 4, 2014 11:00 AM

Oh man, I loved Hero Quest as a kid. I was sad when the kickstarter was shut down.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 7, 2014 01:16 AM

Trip Report: Acer died immediately.

PS: It's 62.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 9, 2014 10:34 PM

I kind of want to continue our Hero Questing this week, but Diss is out thanks to his move.

If he's back in time, I'd be down for more rockin' and sockin'.

If not, what's on the docket?

Scent of a Grundle Mar 10, 2014 02:51 AM

still can't come next week - i hate when my work schedule doesn't let me do anything fun.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 10, 2014 04:22 AM

If we get five people of any variety I think we can keep on questin', it's not exactly a narrative-heavy game that'll cause Diss to be totally confused if he misses a quest or two. If only four people show this week then we can finally get some Nation Red in.

On the other hand we're long overdue a trip back to sunny Panau.


Originally Posted by Full Grundle Eater (Post 819558)
All right, so I finally decided to give La-Mulana a shot.

God DAMMIT I'm going to have to play this garbage aren't I

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 10, 2014 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 819548)
I kind of want to continue our Hero Questing this week, but Diss is out thanks to his move.

If he's back in time, I'd be down for more rockin' and sockin'.

If not, what's on the docket?

Negative; internet supposed to be hooked up Weds. Since HQ is not computer intensive I still have possession of my old place and can take the ol' laptop over and play there if the connection transfer is bungled (it will be).

The unmovable stubborn Mar 10, 2014 05:12 PM

How computer intensive is taking Sven's turn

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Mar 10, 2014 05:26 PM

Just wait for the Michael Bay directed short film that will take the place of his usual text-based posts.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 11, 2014 06:58 PM

Well, that is more that I haven't really had time to go back and access the internet. Sorry. Been a busy week of carrying shit and unboxing things.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 14, 2014 12:48 AM

We learned a lot of important things tonight. We learned that you can never have enough ghosts. We learned about foreign cultures. We learned about sainthood. But most of all we learned about Florida's terrible Wi-Fi.

Additional Spam:
I guess THIS time Paul Bunyan edited MY post!

Additional Spam:
PS: decided to throw the tags into a cloud generator. PENIS HORSE FIRE MOON.


mayonnaise boner asshole

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 14, 2014 01:16 AM


The unmovable stubborn Mar 14, 2014 01:19 AM

"broken manhole dick tube shit"

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 14, 2014 01:19 AM

Back vs motherfuckers

The unmovable stubborn Mar 14, 2014 01:25 AM


THE POWER OF WATER Mar 14, 2014 01:28 AM

Deni: passive-aggressive prince

No. Hard Pass. Mar 14, 2014 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by CHz (Post 819630)
Deni: passive-aggressive prince

Well without the passive, sure.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 14, 2014 01:53 AM


Scent of a Grundle Mar 15, 2014 10:15 PM

Tabletop Simulator | Berserk Games

it's not quite ready yet (the game has yet to fully release, and it's a little lacking for games at this point), but this will definitely be good for some game nights. Once they start letting people make their own game pieces, we'll be set to play all sorts of stuff.

Also, confirmed for trollability, if there were ever any doubt.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 16, 2014 07:03 PM

I'm sure this has a lot of potential, but what I see now is someone trying to charge me to play public-domain games with the bonus of 100% more ersatz dick drawings made out of 3D marbles

Scent of a Grundle Mar 20, 2014 04:33 AM

ok, since i'll be there tomorrow/today and i haven't been around for a month, what do i need to do to get ready for these shenanigans?

The unmovable stubborn Mar 20, 2014 10:24 AM

I'm not sure if our Quests tonight will be Heroic or Titanic. If we elect to be Heroic, then all you need is the rulebook. In the event that we choose to be Titans, you must seize the Gold.

(Seriously even if we don't end up playing TQ tonight errybody grab it while it's $5 and install that business. Owning a Satyr-Punching Simulator is not a decision it is possible to regret.)

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 20, 2014 06:28 PM


The unmovable stubborn Mar 21, 2014 02:27 AM



HAWKEYE, the healer who doesn't

GARR, the most fragile of tanks

DISS, who wears the smart socks

SKILLS, melee archer

PANG, jealous of his own sword

DULL, "Leroy Jenkins"

and introducing


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 21, 2014 08:10 AM

Oh man that game was excellent.

Great suggestion.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 22, 2014 02:33 AM

So, planning times:

I think we should pencil in Hero Quest for next week before everybody forgets the rules. The week after that is the first anniversary of our decision to commit to the idea that denisux, and that no one who disagrees should be permitted among us. I feel like this deserves some sort of recognition, but I'm not sure which game conveys best the ways in which denisux. Thoughts?

Saturday April 5 is International Tabletop Day, so I think it would be nice to do a Supplemental that evening, ideally something popular and approachable. Catan maybe? Maybe even something super dumb and traditional like Monopoly, Clue, Scrabble, that sort of business.

Additional Spam:
Alternate ITD idea: Clue/Jumanji/Battleship Drink-On

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 26, 2014 09:50 PM

I have been considering all the ways in which denisux, and fear that they are so numerous and so terrible that I will not have time to adequately consider them all before next Thursday.

Perhaps something involving boxing.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 26, 2014 11:26 PM

Not too many multiplayer boxing titles on the PC. Super SFIV tournament, Balrog/Dudley only? $30 for a one-night gimmick is a bit much for some folks though. TF2 is free, and I could go for Night of The Melee Heavies.

Omigod there's a 19th-century boardgame literally just called BOXES but it looks boring as shit :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 26, 2014 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by LAND JAWS (Post 819800)
boring as shit

Well this is denisux night, is it not?

If other people have AE (I do) then I would totally be down for an evening of punching in futility with my awful 360 gamepad.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 27, 2014 03:23 PM

[ 13:05:52 ] [ +^___^ ] so what are you guys playing tonight?
[ 13:06:03 ] [ +Diss ] Tonight is Hero Quest
[ 13:07:36 ] [ +^___^ ] is that on Steam?
[ 13:07:41 ] [ +Diss ] No
[ 13:07:54 ] [ +Diss ] We use Roll20 for lot of board games
[ 13:08:06 ] [ +^___^ ] oh it's a board game
[ 13:08:09 ] [ +^___^ ] I see
[ 13:16:24 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] I thought tonight was titanquest
[ 13:16:26 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] which is on steam
[ 13:21:49 ] [ +Diss ] Pang suggested HQ before people forget the rules
[ 13:21:57 ] [ +Diss ] But that's the only input anyone's given so far.
[ 13:22:21 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] Well
[ 13:22:24 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] I already forgot them!
[ 13:22:24 ] [ +CS|DevMachine ] so

Have fun, Pang!

The unmovable stubborn Mar 27, 2014 04:14 PM

Well, if you guys prefer to do Titan Quest again tonight and if somebody wants to grab that sixth player slot, it's always on sale somewhere.

On the other hand, if we play TQ again, there's a new patch. A patch for the patch.

You won't have to watch the intro movie again, though!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 27, 2014 05:23 PM

I just read the word quest

we do a lot of quests

any quests are good with me

Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 27, 2014 05:24 PM


Additional Spam:
I'm pretty jazzed for Hero Quest tbh

The unmovable stubborn Mar 27, 2014 08:57 PM


The unmovable stubborn Mar 28, 2014 12:48 AM

Real talk we looked into it and the rights to City Connection are in some kind of limbo and Jaleco is apparently into fucking real estate these days. So we need to get that Kickstarter going.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 3, 2014 03:26 PM

any plan for this evening?

The unmovable stubborn Apr 3, 2014 03:33 PM

Well, it's DENISUXIVERSARY, so the standing plan is SSFIVAE, Balrog/Dudley only. Because an extremely strained "box"ing joke is the best we could do.

If not enough folks have AE (what with it being $30 and all) I have a backup plan that includes the twin Deni passions of putting things in boxes and smug pretensions of intellectual superiority. However, the backup plan depends somewhat on people refraining from dickdoodling, so hopefully we can get our FIGHT LIKE A GENTLEMAN on.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 3, 2014 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by LAND JAWS (Post 819877)
Well, it's DENISUXIVERSARY, so the standing plan is SSFIVAE, Balrog/Dudley only. Because an extremely strained "box"ing joke is the best we could do.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 4, 2014 02:52 AM

Denisux night: rousing :wordsinboxes: success

The unmovable stubborn Apr 4, 2014 02:54 AM

Denisux Night is sponsored in part by

The European Higher Education Association

Cubbyhole Acid Surprise

Operation Goodbye Squid

and viewers like you

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 4, 2014 04:02 AM

Will we ever find the white personal liquid? Does it even want to be found?

The unmovable stubborn Apr 5, 2014 05:46 AM

For posterity:


(forgot all about FAT REX FAP NOWS)

The unmovable stubborn Apr 6, 2014 02:58 AM


So, next Thursday, back to some variety of Questing I guess depending on turnout, unless anyone objects

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 6, 2014 11:56 PM

Hmmmmm, the version I'm hosting broke too. Turns out it only works for a few minutes before overloading and stopping refreshing. Lemme poke at it and see if I can fix it (don't get your hopes up I've never used this language before) Bug fixed, see next post.

Hey word-putters-together. I noticed that that Babble fridge magnet game is open source, so my extracurricular activity for this evening was to see if the game was irrevocably broken or if it's just that server that's fucked up. Turns out that, on my computer, the page would actually refresh on its own. Hooray!

Not so hooray: having to install a personal copy of the fucking Java runtime on the GFF server so that we can have a functional web version somewhere. Also I have to start and stop the game server manually, so you all have to let me know if it ever goes down so I can restart it.

So anyway, GFF Official Babble Times can now occur here: gamingforce.org:37423


Side benefit to running this game ourselves: I now have access to the word list. So if you all have any suggestions for additions, let me know.

Here are the current contents:
air angel arm answer audience aspirin anything
asparagus antidote AOL asteroid aquarium anybody attic alimony
art airport Albania accident affair applause attention award
ambition army astronaut angle addict author armpit Alaska
Arkansas afternoon ability ant asylum acid abstinence alibi
antarctica argument advice aura artist account ankle aerobics
apology axe advantage attraction adult agony ancestor accent
accessory activity alcohol adventure alley alternative amount
anatomy anniversary apathy apartment avert appetite area
assistant athlete autopsy autumn appendix arch apron amoeba
aphrodisiac apocalypse appliance acrobat authority allure android
approval aluminum arena aftermath assassin accordion atmosphere
brand banana boss bus bottom bag bird box blood bug
butter beard bib bicycle brain bar beer back baby brother
book behavior belly blimp bud button belt burger bath base
ball beach bank bubble border bee baboon bathtub boat
bottle bun beauty bathroom bridge birthday bullet bra Bambi
band bull bosom buddy body bed bed bedroom bite bet boy
blemish blot blister badminton bomb basement blob blond Bible
bog bargain bassoon brunt bacon bean burden binge barber
broccoli brownie bone barbecue breeze bran bread breath
buzzard bush barn bang bat batch boot beaver branch bait
Brazil board balloon bunch breakfast birth broom bride belly button
bit bigfoot bliss bell belief business bikini beagle
beef buffet bolt bingo blizzard battle blasphemy bunny booze
boom banjo battery buffalo blanket badge basket beak beast
benefit beverage biscuit bladder blaze bleach bachelor biceps
binoculars balm butcher bazooka bifocals budget butler bacteria
barrel bouquet brothel Botox boudoir baggage boomerang bourbon
Botswana blubber brochure bulletin burial boundary bludgeon
biology borscht circus chair cloud clothes candy chicken
computer car chance coward cue cow cup cop circle coffee
child color crime cousin carnival carrot cable country course
comment closet clock chick card cartoon camera curtain cat
crank condition cash chip chocolate chin couch company
Christmas CD Canada cheek charity case cattle cage cap
church conscience corner claw chest crutch crystal club
castle carnage carpet courage curiosity candidate cigar cave
chemistry credit clothing couple CIA cherry cracker center
coffin casket canoe clown comic caution curve crisis crowd
contest clam cheese city coleslaw caterpillar cemetery ceiling
cake carp coin clue cult crow cyst coke core crab class
concrete camel crayon champagne cheerleader cantaloupe chihuahua
college cookie choice chart cleavage court champion courtesy
curb cauliflower corn chore colon collar chef chunk cell
crumb cinnamon concept congratulations customer character casino
chief chump captain career catastrophe cavity celebrity
celibacy ceremony channel chaos circumstance citizen clerk
climax code coincidence concert conspiracy conversation corpse
costume creature critic crook crust cycle cuff chum cafeteria
chime coroner cocoa chameleon convent cubicle calorie
cholesterol camouflage coral century capacity cigarette clump
chorus community courtesy cupboard curry candle caffeine
cadaver cactus cramp chisel confetti cesspool California
continent convenience cubbyhole cobweb cocoon contrast cocktail
cellulose cushion combination combo climate comparison chemical
chalk crate critter conflict cohort caboose craft construction
calliope carton confidence dog day day day dinner disease
disaster dollar dentist doctor Duluth deputy drink duck doom
deviant despair dirt depth doubt dope desire duty divorce
debt drawer dress diamond deck desk door dollar donut drama
diet drum detention dirge dust doll dentures dad danger
deodorant driveway denial defect dogma ditch dye devil
detergent death dish dude diagram dictionary doghouse data
dimple disk degree demon desert dandruff dough destiny
destination date dud difference dessert daughter dawn dusk
daisy Dalai Lama decade decision decor defense deformity deli
delicacy delusion den dent deposit dungeon downtown draft
detail device detour diagnosis diaper diary dictator dice
dilemma dinosaur discipline disgust distance distress dot dwarf
daze defect Druid definition dynamite dignity dysfunction duel
dummy drought dose dumbbell document dock disinfectant diploma
dilemma data daffodil disco discount dismay defibrillator DNA
diva dumpster daddy DVD Disneyland Dachshund dermatologist eye
eye ear earth eyebrow expert egg eel espresso everything
emerald example edge error enemy experiment elbow evidence
epitaph experience ESP evening enigma eagle eek evil
emergency earring event emotion eyelash ego eruption earthquake
elevator effort English Elvis energy ecstasy elf effect entry
environment era epitome etiquette everybody exhibit existence
Eskimo entrance e-mail epidemic eczema electrolysis
enchilada expletive engineer execution emphasis exception eclipse
eggnog exam eternity epidermis earlobe element exposure fire
fly flower fool food friend flavor fantasy face fur farmer
fame father fish freckle furniture fog finger fortune family
fan fuzz fork fuss foot fist feet flaw flea fence farm
french fruit frenzy fact folly fjord freak forest factor
filth feather future frost flame fever FBI floor fuel fence
flab fungus friction fraction flesh frame funeral fox fringe
faith favor face fate faucet fellow flu flag fudge forehead
foreplay fluke fraud flute ferret flood fashion failure
freedom flight fund fabric fad farewell fatigue fault feast
festival fiber fiction foe folk formula fume function field
foil fang fib flock finesse fondue fragrance fetish
fraternity felony freckle factory fountain flair forecast
Frankenstein fiddle fiesta frontier fortress
fireworks glass game gold grass glue gum garbage glove
gerbil grandmother gym gypsy grandfather gut garage God guilt
girl gazebo gravity golf glamor geek grime goat guest
glitch goose gang gristle gutter guy government gallon gift
Godzilla grit grub ghost gibberish gun gravy guitar grape
gas gymnastics groom goggles grief grudge glory giblets
growth group gruel goal goulash giraffe garden grocery germ
garlic graffiti gossip gall gem genius gesture girdle glutton
gown grace grade grain glitter groove greed garnish galoshes
guarantee Google grouch grenade gal galaxy gangrene girth
generation gizzard gargoyle gremlin gel geyser glimpse gender
gimmick goblin ginger grump gear hammer hair hell head hand
hand house handcuff hat honey hail havoc herself himself
hamster horn hour help heap heat heart hippopotamus hernia
home hip hole human honor hose heaven holiday husband
height hag hood hog highway helmet hero hill horoscope
hamburger humor hunk horror hawk hint hinge history herd
habit Hong Kong helicopter hillbilly Hawaii heel horse hearse
hockey heck hairdo hygiene Halloween health hotel headache
herb hospital harem harmony harness hazard hobby hook host
hunger humanity haggis hundred haze halibut halitosis
hanky-panky hormone harmonica Hollywood household highlight halo
humanoid hoodlum hubbub hiccup harlot handkerchief hodgepodge
honeymoon hostess hoop hick hybrid ice it idiot island
insect infection innocence indigestion ink image iPod Iowa
item insomnia Iceland interest immigrant injury inspection
internet insurance icicle ignorance instinct inch implant idol
intention illusion idea igloo income incident influence
information insult issue intuition ivory innards innuendo
inmate invitation intestines interview intelligence institution
ingredient iguana influx individual incisor incense incentive
impostor impulse joke job jelly justice joint junk jewel
jar Jell-o jury Jacuzzi jargon juice jazz jaw jug jail
jungle janitor jackpot journey joy jeans jock jet jewelry
judo knee knife key knowledge knot kitten kiss kid kitchen
kit king kidney kaleidoscope knuckle Kung Fu King Kong kilt
kangaroo kumquat kink karaoke keg kazoo klutz Kool-aid karma
keyboard kiwi knapsack kindergarten kingdom kayak life list
lemon leg lust laundry line liquor lizard luck liver love
lady letter lip lullaby lap limb liar ladder leisure loin
law lake library laboratory lime lipstick loon laughter
little Las Vegas lingerie lettuce lunch limo lawn log lice
loss lung license lump lily lard lesson linoleum leaf
luxury lobster language labor label lace lotion logic legend
leech lunatic length lottery lasagna lawyer leash lightning
limbo lobotomy loot level llama leprechaun leprosy latex
lesion linguini lollipop liberty liposuction lumber lead
lifestyle legacy luggage lobby loft mouth mole moon music
match man man midget mustache mother money myth miser
magazine morning monster myself manual mood mold mud mush
motor map mob muscle moose mystery machine month memory mug
medal mime marriage mileage million mate meat mascara
Mongolia mirror mirage McDonald's mushroom mango mouse mortuary
mom munchkin motel megaphone mildew mile Mars mace maggot
moment mint mustard moron misery might mall monkey mutt
museum meadow magnet minute menu mercy mountain melon
mortician make medicine marble mite Montana model muffin
mayonnaise martini meal maniac motion monument message mixture
maintenance majesty majority motto melody mammoth manicure
manner mink market manure massacre math maze merit metal
meter mission mischief mayhem mistress marathon masochist
mortal maid morgue muzzle mummy morale monastery molecule
molar mist mitten minister microphone millionaire mermaid
menopause mechanic media measles mattress mat mansion mannequin
mankind mange mafia madam masquerade macramé millimeter
morphine marshmallow merchandise microwave masterpiece medication
microsoft merry-go-round macaroon macaroni monk mommy mascot
mush monogram migraine moisture moss momentum miracle midst
malarkey night night neck nose Nobel Prize nurse noose nut
number nerve nap nicotine nostril nobody nothing nation nail
nature nitwit note neurosis noodle neuron nightmare needle
necklace newspaper noon nun neon noise New Year's Eve ninja
nerd neighbor nugget New Zealand novel napkin nozzle novice
network nuisance nymphomaniac nylon nonsense nirvana neighborhood
negligee necessity navel nausea nincompoop notion odor
operation oatmeal Oscar Olympic ocean oil ox outhouse office
opinion obituary omen oven orthodontist organ orphan ointment
ostrich onion occasion outlet outlaw occupation obscenity
obstacle octopus ozone oxymoron oyster orgy oxygen overhaul
outrage Ouija board orifice optimist opium opportunity opponent
penguin poodle people plastic picture popcorn paper police
pill pal purpose pajamas princess plant pleasure person
pickle pit package puzzle prison pork plaster paw peel
party pigeon psychiatrist potato picnic pot porridge pun
psychosis price pox pride perk pressure partner pencil Pluto
privacy patio pipe peanut presence pansy prize pool priest
problem personality prune phobia pocket project parent
president parade purse puppet poison piece peace potion part
past Prozac pancreas pancake piano pulse platypus puppy
pepper peak porch parrot punk puck pair plan ping pong pole
phlegm pea puddle pore plate popsicle pimple planet pupil
power period predicament plasma prank pony palm pooch proof
pants pillow pearl program progress profit pizza peon Paris
position poultry poverty property phrase phase pygmy paradise
parasite pew path pattern penalty perfume photograph pessimist
pest pharmacist phenomenon pirate politics posterior powder
privilege process propaganda psycho pliers pain proposal
psoriasis plague pretzel polyester pyramid puree pudding pub
prude principle pregnancy posture polka playground plane pistol
piranha pioneer pumpkin pig photo penicillin pelvis patience
passport page polygamist polygraph pie payment punctuation
potpourri predator preference pomegranate profile Pokemon
password priority pamphlet phantom prom parsley peacock polecat
parole pontoon politician perspiration pasture paramedic
poppycock protein pursuit plight question quarter quirk quip
quagmire queen Quebec quilt quart quantity quota quest
quandary rain rock rug rainbow road reality rodent rat robe
right ring rampage rebel race rabbit Ralph robot room
refrigerator routine root ribbon rum reunion rag riddle river
ride rope reward religion ranch roach reptile rhythm record
rose rump radio radish rage roof revenge reflex radiation
reputation ritual range rascal ray recipe restaurant result
riot romance remedy relish razor relationship refugee referee
recess rival restraint Rogaine reference radar relic rubbish
rumor replica roommate ruckus rendezvous research rebate
response reggae revolution raisin squirrel stick spot sentence
sun skin steam seat star snow size salt something somebody
science story snake sex soap sister soup state spice
subject snow soldier summer snert self slob stripe sink
sheep sport stain spirit square sock shoe scrap spoon
sponge smorgasbord shirt seal spy sir stack store shadow
sign shack slime scar street scab spine sandwich shin soul
stranger soccer squid sedative shampoo syrup salad surface
sauce side Santa Claus Siberia spleen staple sea shelf scarf
servant spork storm scam song spatula sky siren style steel
saint spasm Smurf service sap Starbuck's stomach stone stool
sugar sailor sale sewer slack sunset sunrise smut spam
snack skunk string seed speed space scum slum soil sack
snob suit soda stub stud stew spinach school student scurvy
styrofoam seizure sound subway slave steroids skirt scandal
sundae surgery seat Shih Tzu swamp slush sample scenery sake
scoundrel stunt screwdriver silence shoulder steak slump smog
supper swine spike shell skull success shovel security season
stress shrine signature sympathy stupidity silk sand shame
skill strength substitute stork society sofa strategy skeleton
situation system symptom scent secretary stove series shade
shark sight solution souvenir stock saddle son Satan section
sheriff source statistic software stirrup stamina schedule
succotash suction substance straw spiral spider specialty
shrubbery scientist sausage spectacle scheme sauna scalp
samurai sapphire safety sissy silicone swill shortage
stethoscope salmonella scotch stimulant sinus species spectrum
stage somersault spunk squad stubble Saskatchewan socket slab
sewage satellite sushi spaghetti stampede scuttlebutt shepherd
smidgen slogan sucker sombrero scissors subway specimen stag
stench spite script speech salsa splat salve starch scourge
submarine stake squeegee spout suspense time time time tent
tree tire this that thing teacher toast telephone tummy
tutu tear tear tower teeth tuba toy toe thunder tune
triangle tennis team tool television toilet thousand trouble
TV trip tail tiger tree trout towel tad truck tank
thought tissue tube tattoo there turkey tooth track Twinkie
tag tomato top tweezers thumb tractor toboggan ton teen
talent tunnel tuna taxi table tourist two Timbuktu trial
target they trail town turnip therapy tomb toothbrush
toothpaste theme tramp tea tuxedo tub taco toga thesaurus
trend treadmill thong throat Thanksgiving traffic tax twin
tongue truth trunk tot thirst treatment thigh technique tutor
thread threat transplant tundra troop truffle truce tragedy
trousers trophy troll tricycle trigger tsunami trampoline
tonsil tone tomfoolery toll token tidbit tin tide tidal wave
ticket throne thrift thingamajig thermometer theory therapist
text texture tentacle temper tradition twilight tale tambourine
tycoon two-by-four trombone torpedo tendency taffy tabloid tab
tack turf tulip toupee Taser trifecta technology tournament
tinsel thimble tofu tablet universe use unit UFO Uranus
ukulele underwear uvula umbrella uniform Uruguay upholstery
uproar utopia utensil ulcer uncle unicorn upside vagrant
violence village vitamin value vegetable view video virgin
vodka veil variety violin vision voice vat vulture virtue
van vixen vampire Viagra vinyl victory vermin vacation
volcano villain vice virus vein valve vapor Valentine
vegetarian velvet venom ventriloquist verdict veterinarian victim
vinegar valley voodoo voyage volume vocabulary virginity
version Vaseline vanity vortex vista vogue woman woman wish
world water word wrench work whip wart witch wind wisp
wear winter wedge window way way wig web wire whisker
worm world womb whim wife wheel wit wood weight Wal-Mart
wizard what weasel wolf will wombat werewolf wench waffle
week wimp wing whale weather whiz wrist wall war wedding
welt waitress wisdom wallet walrus widow wealth wage waist
waltz wardrobe wand wretch woe wreckage wine width wilderness
warrant warmth website weekend wigwam whippersnapper wiretap
xylophone X-Ray x yourself year yarn yesterday youth yard
yak yam yogurt youngster yoga yen yuppie zebra zoo zither
zodiac zipper zone zest zombie zeal zit and and and at
at at or of of is is is are are the the a a a
to to to to to in in in in in on on on on on be
be be with with with with with for for for for for it
it it it by by i i i me me me me you you you he
he he he he she she she she she not not have my my
his his his her her her her her him him him him they
they this this this this that that that that == == ==
++ ++ ++ ++ . ? ! ,

am am am are are amaze ask ask act act annoy
age age accept alert astonish afford adore arrange agree
arouse affect abuse aggravate adjust attract accuse appeal
approve argue abandon achieve arrest admit avoid amuse add
allow amputate advance amaze apply attack approach aid aim
assume adopt abhor attach arrive appear abolish admire alarm
alter announce annihilate appoint appreciate attempt await
appall abduct acquire acquaint advertise anticipate assure
assist assault allege break buy buy been been been believe
bend bury beg bathe beam bump bungle babysit block burn
begin brace blow borrow boo bark build bother brew bill
bulge bake bore brush beat brag bowl breathe buck born
become bash bleat bail bite bless bring boil babble burst
blast bluff bear buzz blame bob blink blush blend breed
bust bounce ban bow bum beep bloat blur banish bleed
bribe bruise browse bundle beware balance brighten bet baffle
behave belong bid bloom boast bicker bewilder betray boogie
bamboozle blossom blab boost braid buff brood befuddle catch
can't can't cry cut crack come come came cruise cheat
cast curdle comply charge cough crash crawl curse check
commit charm clean cook chat cavort curl call control copy
cost could could cover cream choke cheer chop comb coax
cure clap camp compliment complicate chew chuckle click can
can can cross carry crumble convert coach comfort chain
choose challenge compose clobber combine cancel clone capture
confuse compare chirp complain close close convince contort
clamp clash chase cater cram clog chow crunch chap cuss
consider claim clutch clip crush creep coat count create
connect celebrate clutter crave cuddle coast concern cause
caress carve censor change chill chafe cultivate climb cling
collect compromise conceive concentrate confess confine confirm
care conquer contaminate contact contain continue convict
console contradict carouse criticize condemn crackle chomp
command conquer conclude consume compensate do do do don't
don't deal drift drag drop divide deliver drip dare decay
demolish dash drug describe dream draw decide drive double
defeat disturb devote duff drool drive download degrade doze
depress devastate dance depart dig dispose distract dive
doodle damage dump dip dazzle dread deny delight drone
diddle die die drain ding define drown design dribble
depend decorate deserve dangle disappoint disgrace destroy
decrease display disguise determine date deceive drape declare
decline defy delete demand drink drawl despise detect divert
demote develop devour digest disintegrate distinguish distort
donate dwindle drill delay disrobe dissect discover disagree
desecrate dissolve dehydrate destruct designate dominate dwell
dedicate deprive dispute douse dine defend dismiss discard
discuss eat eat end end escape exit emerge exercise explain
enter ease expel exaggerate engage expose envy excite
embarrass expect emit enchant excuse eke enjoy expand erupt
erase evaporate express elude equip explore elevate exist
estimate explode echo employ entertain examine elect earn
eliminate exhale educate embrace encounter encourage endow
endure enlarge escort evacuate evict exceed exchange execute
exhaust expire exploit enhance engross evolve extend escalate
emasculate enable eavesdrop extinguish flip fall fill find
flake fight flash flirt flush frighten fly flick file
follow fling feel feel fry freeze fake fondle float figure
fold frolic finish feed fear forget fizzle fit fidget flop
fix force fetch frustrate fire form fail film file fade
free fascinate flex forgive flap flatten flee foam face
floss fatten flow flunk fluff focus feature frown fulfill
fluster fumigate finance flog flaunt flail fixate flare
flourish fracture forge fricassee fertilize fumble flatter get
get get go go go go grease grab guess gnaw grind gag
growl gouge glow give give give given guard gotten grow
gain guzzle grasp goof gorge grin gobble grovel grip glare
grill gyrate grunt grope gush gawk gaze gleam gulp gloat
greet gargle glance gloss ground gamble gasp gather giggle
glaze graze graduate groan guide gyp help help hope how
hibernate hit horrify honk hire hiss hijack haunt hinder
hop hang halt handle hold hurry harm hurl heal hurt hug
head hear hate hack hide happen hypnotize hike hassle
haggle hush howl hunt hitch hitchhike heave hoot humiliate
hum harass hallucinate hatch haul hustle hesitate hula hamper
injure impress ignore inject imply involve infect imagine
idolize increase invade improve irritate itch iron invent
interrupt imitate inspire introduce inhale inspect intrigue
include impair indicate inflate inherit install inhibit
interfere intoxicate invite insert intrude intimidate interrupt
insist inhabit insinuate indulge import impersonate instruct
invest jump jam juggle judge join jerk jinx jiggle jog
jack jest justify jab jumble jingle kill know kiss knock
keep kick knit kneel kid live live like like look look
love love lie lose laugh lift lead lounge learn lodge
light listen leap leave leave let let let litter lay lurk
lick lop loaf load lean lather linger long loop lure leak
limit lock lubricate last lack land leer lend lecture
locate lit laid lash liberate loathe link lament move melt
make make mind miss maim mark moo moan matter meddle mop
mix mine mask meet march murder milk mimic marry munch
massage measure mutilate mash muffle mangle mail mock mutter
mingle mumble maneuver mount mourn mention may may mess
manage motivate mince merge maroon manipulate made made made
manhandle marinate murmur mutate muddle medicate near need
net name notice nuzzle nod nick nag note nibble nip
neglect neuter nourish nix nauseate nullify nestle own own
own offer offend order obliterate open obsess ooze obey
object operate owe overwhelm oppose observe occur obtain
overflow organize obstruct please please place play pound
pile pull push promise point pretend phone plot put put
put pick pack prepare pant protect pour purr polish paint
purge peep press park petrify pervert pop pardon pass paste
present pity plug prey print prance pause pray plunge pet
post pitch part preserve prove pad pay patch pinch pump
peek poke pose pout paddle prefer predict promote protest
provoke pin punish pander plop preach prevent panic pluck
praise purchase propose provide puff punch pamper penetrate
perform perish pierce pollute ponder possess practice proceed
produce prohibit prolong procrastinate pursue puncture prowl
pounce plumb pluck plead pat panhandle peck piddle pronounce
presume propel prop prescribe prevail persist persuade quack
quiver quit quote qualify quiz quarrel quibble quaff
quarantine run run right roll reach ride reason remember
rip report rave rate rely release ring require read resist
rub reply rest rule remain rhyme resume repel ravish ravage
revolt return refuse reserve regret rig rid roast react
reveal roll rush rescue rent raise rise reject romp realize
resort respect retire row ruin rap rack replace reflect
relax reduce repeat rattle rustle revoke rob rummage rust
recognize recommend resemble risk roar rotate rupture register
relate regard refresh revolve refer ramble ruffle restrict
regurgitate recede rejuvenate ridicule remind reproduce remark
reckon repair stop stop shake shed split say say said
strike should shouldn't see see see sweat start scare score
smoke sell sleep sleep stay smell struggle sneak sue swat
shower stand scratch sing scatter sparkle shine spray serve
shriek surf skid spring seduce strip strap slide stun
switch surrender slip sip swap skip ship send sort squirt
squish slap spend spark splash spit spell sense spin spill
shape scream starve shock sin shave shop scrub sling swim
shiver stare squirm support separate stimulate save startle
spank shoot steal slither sit salivate swallow set shatter
sniff spread squeeze sponsor sag shut shove sharpen sprinkle
sacrifice scavenge scurry step strangle soothe show show
sting strain sprain seal snip snap snort swindle stink
scramble surprise shimmer snore sink smash slur satisfy swing
swarm speak stash scrape spare swear stretch squint snicker
spurt slop seem shorten slam skin squander smooch snarl
slug slant stamp slice sigh sew shift smirk study sound
slobber swerve squeal scale squeak shall steer stutter stir
saw streak snooze stuff smile spoil stump stoop slink scour
share screech sway suspect select scribble sicken stumble
shrink shred sob settle suppose sneer slurp savor sabotage
scoop sketch surround shout spur smother stalk suffer search
survive shrivel smear smuggle squat scoot soar stroke suggest
soak sneeze sizzle stall sprawl skimp splurge submit sweep
supervise suffocate sprout seek snuggle snag snorkel shirk
sterilize scorch smack succumb scan spew spackle stipulate
supply surge solve squash sulk squawk slumber seize scrounge
swoon slouch suspend slather slosh shag swoop side straddle
squabble scowl supplement stupefy throw try try take take
take test trade turn turn train tail treat trick tingle
tie trash terminate trigger thrill tan thank tell thrust
think trust tug type torture tremble tumble tape toss trap
thump tinkle treasure twirl tip trip tire travel tap trace
touch teach twist taste throb tamper tickle twinkle trim
trickle tilt tease tick talk tend testify taunt tangle
terrify tempt twitch tweak trespass transform tinker thrive
tackle transmit time tolerate trample translate use urge
untie understand update upset unite undress utilize upgrade
vanish visit vent vibrate vegetate void vacuum vary vote
vow vandalize vex volunteer violate vaccinate wear wear want
want walk won't watch wonder was was will will will wait
wash wed whiff were were would would write worship wreck
weed whisper wrestle welcome wallow wiggle wave wipe work
wake wobble wrap wrinkle wink whimper win wag waste warp
weep weave wax whistle worry whine waddle wilt woo wound
writhe witness withdraw withhold wince whop whirl wheeze
weigh warn whisk wring wield yield yearn yell yodel yawn
yank yelp yap zip zoom zap zigzag zing has has has has
has had had have have have have have and and and at
at at at or or or of of of on on on on on is is
is are are are the the the so so so a a a to to
to to to in in in in in be be be be with with
with with with for for for for for by by by by it
it it it not not not from from from from i i i i
me me me me you you you you he he he he she she
she she should should should would would would could could
could all all all my my my his his his him him him
him her her her her her they they this this this that
that that == == == ++ ++ ++ ++ . . ? ? ! ! , ,

awful always appropriate awkward average after after
around awry abnormal all all all adequate alone automatic
actual again alcoholic away absorbent apt any any apart
agile another allergic albino amorous absurd assorted abrupt
anywhere ambidextrous aware against about annual able apparent
approximate anonymous ancient arrogant aggressive awesome awake
angry absolute ample accidental aside abstract alive anxious
artificial ahead amateur afraid across american australian
active available asinine almost abundant accurate alike
almighty ashamed allergic athletic acrobatic acute ardent
abracadabra aerosol absent along atomic albeit bad bad big
big back back bold beautiful before between bright beside
bankrupt bonus better best blank beneath blue brave busy
basic behind backward bland brilliant bizarre bleak brittle
but broad bare blind bound bushy blunt bald bent broken
brown brief below barren boring berserk brutal biological
bionic bronze brass bulk bereft billion brisk bitter beloved
bogus beige cold crazy close calm criminal cheap callous
clear complex correct custom cool clever critical constant
certain conscious crude common consistent chosen cozy chronic
contagious captive can cute clumsy casual current content
Canadian corrupt capable classic comfortable complete curious
chrome confident convenient crisp cruel crucial compulsive
cautious claustrophobic careful coarse cotton capital cosmetic
commercial conspicuous down down dirty drunk dead dry dry
deranged dark different dear devoid distinct done dim
desperate darling definite direct drastic dramatic dozen deaf
deft dull dumb delicious deep devious durable damp dangerous
decent defunct day deliberate delicate deluxe during due
dubious drowsy despite difficult dainty digital divine dizzy
dense dreary demented doggone daredevil dyslexic distraught
excellent empty evil extra extreme eager extravagant electric
easy essential enough early eaten else everywhere expensive
eleven eerie excessive erotic edible enormous entire elaborate
equal even eventual elder erect especially every every
exclusive elastic efficient eligible eternal exact explicit
exquisite extinct eccentric elsewhere equivalent elegant
exquisite exotic evident eminent final flaky fun fine flat
funny far famous ferocious further fond formal full free
fragrant first frigid front fabulous fair fast fancy familiar
fresh foul faint favorite fragile false frantic forward
futile feminine fantastic frisky few forgotten furious fat
forlorn former flimsy forever female farther feeble flexible
frequent fortunate frank funky five found fifth flamboyant
fertile forbidden floppy flammable fluid foreign fatal foolish
fierce firm fundamental frail flannel flaccid finicky flagrant
fallen great great good good gone grave grand gray gradual
green guilty glad gorgeous gross gentle general goodbye grown
gullible golden gruesome grotesque graphic ghastly gigantic
giddy groggy giant genuine gracious generous grim gourmet
genetic global gaudy her her his his hard hard high hot
hot hello holy healthy here husky hostile huge harsh hungry
happy hefty hilarious helpful harmful hocus-pocus hideous
habitual heavy hollow have handsome humble honest horizontal
horrible hysterical hereditary humdrum hogwash highfalutin humid
horrendous heroic if if intense imaginary intelligent ignorant
infantile important immune innocent insane inside illegal
instant incredible impure infectious ideal invisible irate
infinite impeccable impossible idle impotent impressive indoor
inept inner improper immense indeed international immediate
immoral identical idiotic immature instead intimate intricate
irregular irresistible immortal inhuman internal ingenious
inevitable incoherent illiterate just jealous jolly juicy jumbo
juvenile known kinky keen kind left low less less last
little little long leather least low large lot lot like
like luxurious limp late later local legal lucid loose
lavish lone light loud lame lazy logical liquid lost lewd
literal lousy lukewarm loyal luscious Latin lenient lethal
lush more more much much most most many many my my
modern mutant murky magic mild mundane major minor mean
main mad magnificent middle mental merry modest mature mellow
morbid medium manic maple medical minimum meager mysterious
might master mobile mediocre menial marvelous meek man macho
male marginal moral moist mere miserable musical multiple
masculine massive military marital miscellaneous mutual muscular
miniature microscopic medieval meanwhile maternity mandatory
minuscule maximum mystical miraculous meticulous near never
next next normal natural naked nude north nice neurotic
neutral noble newfangled no naughty numerous nuclear numb
nervous nimble nifty narcotic nostalgic notorious necessary
negative neat nasty narrow nutritious nowadays nowhere
nonchalant nocturnal noxious negotiable national naive nauseous
nasal native old old off off off other other only only
outside our our onto outlandish outdoor obedient over over
orange old-fashioned open often obvious obvious oblivious
official odd out out outrageous obsolete ordinary organic
obsessive original one opposite occasional once ouch oral
overboard obese obscure objective obscene obnoxious optional
offensive overblown ominous purple plaid perfect possible pink
precious proper plain powerful prior prone personal private
passionate probably poor plenty psychedelic psychic prime pure
pathetic psychotic patient pretty passive peculiar purple plush
proud paisley pleasant pregnant public petty plump pale puny
polite phony popular previous positive physical primitive
portable particular percent permanent perhaps potent practical
precise promiscuous prompt professional putrid pungent proverbial
plum potential petite persistent paranormal partial probable
pompous prominent pristine perverse preposterous paranoid prudent
premium quiet quick quite quality quaint queasy romantic real
rough round really rude rowdy rabid rash regular rotten red
ridiculous royal random raw rear right right rich rapid
ready rare relative rigid repugnant reverse recent remote
repulsive rank radical ripe rather realistic ruthless reckless
rancid responsible raunchy rambunctious rampant religious
ramshackle reluctant short sexual stupid straight sideways
special small sometimes so severe sinister smart stupid swell
strange sexy somehow slippery simple still sturdy senile
splendid seductive sweet standard shallow slow strong some
some sorry soon serial second sleazy sad sick shy sharp
silly safe sure sly superb sore satin several shrewd
surreal such slight slick savage somewhere super smooth suave
specific sheer skeptical seven serious similar secret social
single same stern suburban seldom stiff solid sterile swollen
soft six schizophrenic sensible solar stuck steep south
silent seen snug steady stereo sacred stale sober substantial
shiny sensitive strict squeamish spectacular smitten skinny
selfish stolen sour scientific sloppy superior scarce sixteen
subtle suspicious sentimental sanitary sudden supple stubborn
senior sensual simultaneous significant synthetic swift side
succulent subconscious stable spiritual sordid solo soggy
sincere suede swank scant skittish steadfast stereotype surly
slipshod stark susceptible strenuous slim sworn spooky through
through the the twice their their their tropical tragic
true tense temporary taboo tiny there together total tight
this that trivial toward tedious two tranquil technical top
toxic terrible thick thin tough tremendous thorough tasty
Trojan than than than then then tall tart twenty third
torn timid telepathic typical treacherous terminal tender taken
tutti-frutti therefore telltale topsy-turvy terrific teenage
usual usual up up up under under upstairs unique ugly
unknown urgent unison utmost ultra upon useful unlike unusual
utter useless ultimate uncouth unfair urban universal
unorthodox unequivocal unkempt unanimous underneath very very
vicious various vivid vague vital versatile vigorous violent
vain vast visible veteran valid valuable vacant virile
virtual vulgar voluntary volatile vintage vocal vile vanilla
visual while wild wet wet wicked which weird worse wrong
warm worst worst worth wide will waterproof wonderful wool
way what whenever well woman whole worn whew woozy who
wayward wise white weak whose wacky wanton whereabouts
willy-nilly wooden your your yellow young yummy yonder zany
un- un- un- re- re- re- dis- dis- -ly -ly -s -s -s
-s -ing -ing -ing -ing -ed -ed -ed -ed -ize -ize -ive
-ive -ive -ity -ity -er -er -ous -ous -ous -ness -ness
-ness -ness -less -less -less -less -ion -ion -ion -ion
-ment -ment -able -able -able -en -al and and and and
at at at at are are are a a a a as as or or or
of of of on on on on on off off off is is is is
the the the the own own so so so to to to to to
in in in in in be be be be with with with with with
for for for for for by by by by it it it it not
not not not from from from from from any any i i i
me me me you you you should should would would could
could his his his him him him her her her her had
this this that that that but but but was was they they
they he he he he she she she she into into into into
have have have has has has your your your Mr. Mrs. Dr.
== == ++ ++ ++ . . ? ? ! ! , ,

a a a a at at at at any any any and and
and as as as are are are although among anyway away
away again again another another all all above above around
around also also alas after after about about ain't anymore
already before before be be be by by by but but but
bye bye both beyond because because can can can can't
can't can't could could down down do do do done did did
didn't didn't doesn't dang darn drat except except every
every ever ever even even else eh either each everyone
from from from from for for for for give give give get
get get given go gee he he he he he he her her her
her her her his his his his him him him him however
have have have have how how how has has has has had
had had hey half hi howdy hello I I I I in in in
in in if if if it it it it into into just just like
like like left left latest last me me me me me much
much many many my my my my must must more more most
most man ma'am maybe mine never never no no now now not
not not not new none neither nor next only only of of
of of on on on on on or or or oh one one over
over over once old old ooh own own own our our other
other out out out out okay ought onward oops otherwise
put put plus pair per P.S. right right sure sure say
say say she she she she she she should should so so
since some some some see see saw soon them them them
them to to to to to too too these these they they
they they they today today tomorrow tomorrow than than than
the the two then then then this this this that that
that their their their those those there there toward
though three through up up up us us use use under under
usual usual until upon very vice versa well well who
who what what what when when when where where why why
word whom whereas which which we we would would was was
was within without without while whatever wouldn't won't
won't with with with with with wow whoa whether will will
woman whee whoopee whoever yet yet you you you you your
your your yes yeah yesterday zero zilch re- re- re- de-
de- de- ex- ex- ex- in- in- in- un- un- un- dis- dis-
pre- non- mis- -ly -ly -ly -s -s -s -s -ful -ful -ful
-y -y -able -able -able -ance -ance -er -er -er -ing
-ing -ing -ing -est -est -est -ion -ion -ion -ion -ize
-ize -ize -ity -ity -ed -ed -ed -ist -less -less -less
-ment -ment -ment -ous -ous -ous -ive -ive -ive -al -al
-'s -'s -n't -n't -'ll -'ll -'d -'d -ish -ish -ness
-ness -ness -en -en . . . . . . ! ! ! ! ! ? ?
? ? ? ^ : : ; ; ... .. - - ++ ++ == == ' '

. ! ? , are is the and or of a in to for it -s -ed
-ly -ing -er -y ^ -s -ed == ...

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 7, 2014 03:04 AM

Okay folks, here's the scoop. I did manage to identify and fix the bug, because I'm the best (also because it was a really simple error). I made an issue on the guy's bug tracker and he made my suggested change in literally four minutes. This means that babble.cx now functions properly. Hooray!

So now there isn't really a reason for me to host the game on GFF, unless you all want to go nuts with custom words.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2014 03:09 AM

Why would we not want to do that.

For example, the existing wordlist contains no grundles whatsoever

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 7, 2014 04:00 AM

Well, I was thinking that from an effort perspective, the amount of words we'd have to add/remove to make a GFF theme entertaining and not just "the same as the normal version, but once every 10 rounds we get 'grundle' or 'denisux'" may be excessive.

Although maybe if I


Tails Apr 7, 2014 05:02 AM

Just grab a bunch of shit from the thread tags here, what could possibly go wrong.

LIAR Apr 7, 2014 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by LAND JAWS (Post 819897)


FatsDomino Apr 7, 2014 11:05 AM

Muscular widow is smashing the pretzel pony and honey jars!

Yup, it works! Good job CHz!

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 7, 2014 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by CHz (Post 819905)
So if you all have any suggestions for additions, let me know.

Colour, flavour, aluminium, etc etc etc...

Tails Apr 7, 2014 07:13 PM

Real talk though I am up for playing that shit again, especially given how infinitely amused Pang is by my awful two word submissions.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 7, 2014 07:32 PM

Naw man, two-worders are the way to go. "You idiot" was a rousing success!

The unmovable stubborn Apr 7, 2014 07:43 PM


Looks like this dictionary file is just plaintext so I'll get to work on this business. It's not even possible to call yourself a meatatarian under the current regime, what is this.

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 7, 2014 08:14 PM

Ouch, Fruit!

Tails Apr 7, 2014 08:22 PM

Let us not forget about Mr. Rascal Goat. He's still out there, somewhere.

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 7, 2014 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by LAND JAWS (Post 819933)
Looks like this dictionary file is just plaintext so I'll get to work on this business. It's not even possible to call yourself a meatatarian under the current regime, what is this.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 9, 2014 01:08 AM

"Try locating her petite chest. Alas, ma'am with attracty basement!" - Ode to Jessy
"Nerd in the toilet, announcing not normal splatering. Typical" - Ode to Skills
"Sauna is for the hefty and sturdy, he shrieked!" - Ode to Boo

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 9, 2014 09:49 PM

Odes to Deni:

"Today, pompous tattoos and sneering. The usual."
"Neck death, sir. Tragic"

The unmovable stubborn Apr 11, 2014 02:22 AM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 11, 2014 02:24 AM

^5 Team What.

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 11, 2014 02:52 AM


The unmovable stubborn Apr 18, 2014 01:40 AM

Witness Erdfreund! The immobile dwarf from the Southern Forests! Killer of time! He wields the blade Sky Fragment! Father of many illegitimate sons!

Behold 60 Eggs the Strong! The colossal wizard from Caerheim! Killer of goblins at 45 degree angles! He wields the staff Silverqueller! He lives for war!

Heed the wrath of Garrbarian the Garrbarian! The manly doorsmaster from the Fiery Mountain! Executer of doors! He wields the blade Mind's Eye! Warriors fear even his name!

Beware of Fatcocks the Queasy! The fierce napper from the Wintery East! Dispatcher of cunning orcs! He wields the spear Firebane! He thirsts for adventure!

Only he, Thuwifree Pod the Exceedingly Large! The easily-tricked warrior from the Fiery North! Butcher of at least one chaos warrior! He wields the blade Storm Song! Strong-armed servant of the god Larn!


PS: robotshoots tomorrow

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 18, 2014 01:45 AM

Contact lens removal update: fingers still possess jalapeno essence.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 19, 2014 09:40 AM

So on Pang's recommendation I picked up Titanquest the other week and started playing it yesterday, turns out it's pretty awesome so thanks for that Pang!

The unmovable stubborn Apr 21, 2014 02:38 AM

Why were you getting rocked so hard, actually?

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 21, 2014 07:52 AM

I restarted it yesterday because a) I thought the expansion was a seperate game, didn't realise you could play the main quest by loading it up and b) I made a few dubious choices character development-wise and a fresh start after a few hours at it often helps in games like this.

I'm not too far back in, just cleared all the Sparta quests but I'm going as a Lightning-wizard rather than a Warrior this time (Spells are more interesting) and planning on going for Nature as a secondary to have a pack of wolves involved. Actually not burning too many potions so far as with enough points dropped into ice shard it's a one-hit-kill on most monsters at this point in the game.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 21, 2014 03:50 PM

One thing I've noticed is that at low levels at least, you can never really generate enough health regeneration to avoid needing health potions. I got up to a health regen of around 200% as an experiment and it still crawls along. The amount of effort needed to get a decent health regen as a viable alternative seems to me a lot more effort than just keeping 30 health potions handy.

Of course this might all change at higher levels, especially using the health drain spell but even that has a pretty significant cool down period on it. My limited experience has suggested that killing things quickly is the best option for not getting hurt.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 22, 2014 01:33 PM

If you never want to use any potions, just go Defense/Nature. Enjoy never dying (and having an offensive efficiency slightly below that of a damp paper towel).

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 23, 2014 01:09 PM

I can confirm that having a wolf running around distracting enemies while you pelt them with ice shards increases the survivability of a mage significantly. Getting swarmed by spiders can be an issue and I guess putting points into that slow-field skill nature has (i think) might help but the points would be better spent on offence at this point. It's slightly annoying you can't bind any skill you want on to the left mouse button as I only ever use normal attacks when I run out of energy which with the abundance of potions you get is essentially never. Having a different spell on the other button would be handy, specifically the area effect, stunning lightning spell. At the moment I use that as the right button on my alt-weapon set, switch to it to fire that then switch straight back once it's in the air. I don't know why but I find pressing "W" then right clicking on whatever I'm already shooting at easier than hitting a number key, then left clicking on whatever I'm shooting at. Silly really.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 23, 2014 10:36 PM



Updated the nouns with a whole shit-ton of game night content. Other parts of speech later.

THE POWER OF WATER Apr 24, 2014 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by LAND JAWS (Post 820163)


Updated the nouns with a whole shit-ton of game night content. Other parts of speech later.

All right, loaded in the Great GFF Noun Collection.

This game apparently barfs over foreign characters, so future versions of this file should probably heathenize "jalapeño," "macramé," and "Pokémon," unless you want question marks to appear in those words instead. I mean, you may want that.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 25, 2014 02:41 AM

Turns out Acer can be good at games if you make him put his special helmet on first. Next week: Guns of Icarus! We have a plan! I love planning things! It is a love story.

Additional Spam:

Additional Spam:

The unmovable stubborn Apr 25, 2014 11:27 PM

You have my entirely-too-powerful sword.

Scent of a Grundle Apr 25, 2014 11:40 PM

And my not-healing (probably).

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 26, 2014 01:06 AM

I think Shade is doing a LAN party at his house tomorrow and may be setting up Just Cause 2 MP and/or Mega Man servers at one point or another, so we may also have those as options.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Apr 26, 2014 03:08 PM

If I happen to still be awake and anyone sees me online I'll be playing Titan Quest anyway sooooooo...

The unmovable stubborn Apr 27, 2014 02:10 AM


PS: It took about two hours to even get everybody's patch versions sorted so you didn't really miss much Shin

Scent of a Grundle Apr 28, 2014 01:27 AM

So turns out i'm actually working on Thursday, so i'm going to miss the game i chose. :(

The unmovable stubborn May 2, 2014 01:29 AM


Scent of a Grundle May 2, 2014 02:02 AM

I am always up for chaotic bee evasion.

The unmovable stubborn May 2, 2014 02:07 AM

I agree that the situation will not be made worse by the addition of yet more bees.

The unmovable stubborn May 6, 2014 02:22 PM

Put on your dancin' smart socks.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 6, 2014 08:11 PM


If you don't own sanic cars 2: the sanicing

There's a bundle there with a zillion sanics all for about the price of a subway sandwich

you should probably buy it

The unmovable stubborn May 7, 2014 01:13 AM

I'm PRETTY sure that once you install the 1.17 patch, you only need to do 1.17c and .17b can be skipped. EXCEPT that the version updater in .17b needs to be run since there isn't one in .17c.



THE POWER OF WATER May 7, 2014 02:19 AM

21:56 <+Garr> Oh man, you guys remember how I didn't have any problems with the latest Titan Quest fanpatch?
21:56 <+Garr> That was a lie.
21:56 <+Diss> ahahah
21:56 <+Diss> What happened?
21:56 <+Diss> I didn't have any issues with it ether
21:56 <+Garr> Finally got to Act 4 epic.
21:56 <+Garr> Get to the beach.
21:56 <+Garr> No crabs.
21:56 <+Garr> Well, ok, no crab battle
21:56 <+Garr> stroll on up north
21:56 <+Garr> floating weapons
21:57 <+Garr> not attacking me but clearly enemies
21:57 <+Garr> I think it might be time to back up my character.
21:57 <@CHz> lmao
21:59 <+Diss> That's
21:59 <+Diss> uh
21:59 <+Diss> interesting
22:00 <+Garr> Oh the crabs exist, I just can't see them until I mouse over them.
22:01 <@CHz> If a crab scuttles on the beach and no mouse is around to hover over it, does it kill your hero?
22:01 <+Garr> It doesn't!

Scent of a Grundle May 7, 2014 01:26 PM

Here you all go. Click around the top right of the wheel.

The unmovable stubborn May 7, 2014 05:02 PM


Just got into Epic Act IV myself. All the Epic Crabs are visible so it's not a problem with the patch. Did find a legendary carrot weapon on the beach, though. It's an upgrade to my huge flaming sword. Not sure how to feel about that.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss May 8, 2014 03:06 PM

I need to play more Titan Quest, I'm only just getting towards the end of Act I on Normal. :(

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 9, 2014 01:24 AM

[05/09/2014 - 00:06:43] <+Talec> "I'm a firm believer that, uh, life finds a way -- so yes, he gets the kidney." - Garr

The unmovable stubborn May 9, 2014 02:57 AM


jesus that was way too much Mexico for 4 AM

Sorry if I was obnoxious to anyone, things got very bourbony in a hurry and I said some things I regretted almost instantly

Scent of a Grundle May 9, 2014 03:29 AM

I'm mostly just impressed that it didn't occur to you that no one could hear you for about 20 minutes straight during Fiasco. Here i've taken over running the game, and wondering when you'll come back, and no one has any idea that you're actually right there, speaking but never heard, a part of the world and yet never able to partake of it.

Shame Sanic didn't work very well, though. What's the plan for next week (through some bizarre scheduling miracle, i should actually be able to come)? Did Diss make his decision?

The unmovable stubborn May 9, 2014 03:40 AM

Yeah, things still seemed to go really smoothly and I'm amazed we got through an 8-player game in 3 hours, so you role as Emergency GM is deeply appreciated if unintended. I really need to buy the adapter I need so I can use my other headset that doesn't have a comical accidental mute button. Thank you, as always, for being Game Night's reliable source of sober rationality.

(No idea what happened the second time Skype got iffy, literally all the incoming audio was CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH!)

Next Week, as I THINK I mentioned while I was audible, is up to Diss. Hopefully he'll have a plan before the last possible minute. In the event he fails to decide, the Garr-Pang Coalition will demand continued Questing Against Titans.

(Still dunno WTF with Sanic since shit was basically flawless with randoms)

LIAR May 9, 2014 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by "I begin my embrace" (Post 820451)

jesus that was way too much Mexico for 4 AM

Sorry if I was obnoxious to anyone, things got very bourbony in a hurry and I said some things I regretted almost instantly

You weren't obnoxious during Megamans. Just broken. Pretty sure, very broken.

It wouldn't be a good game night if there wasn't some regret.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 9, 2014 11:19 AM

I haven't decided yet, but since we've talked about playing Divekick before, the Humble store has it on sale for 2.49 so it's probably not a bad idea to pick that up for the future. Guns of Icarus is also on for 3.74 (both there and on Steam) and that is likely something we will return to in the near future, so if you also don't have that, well. Well.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 10, 2014 12:03 AM

Sanic is usually flawless.

I'm fine with the explanation that Tails is e-Typhoid Mary and we call caught internet plague from him.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 10, 2014 02:05 AM

If people don't have it and are cool with scooping it up for :tenbux: off the Humble store (maybe it's elsewhere for less, I dunno) I'm going to suggest for next week:


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 10, 2014 02:42 AM

Any reason not Armageddon?

The unmovable stubborn May 10, 2014 03:31 AM

It is true that Reloaded's 4-player cap on multiplayer is a problem.

But on the other hand, it is primarily a problem for Skills, who is reliably the 5th person to show up.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 10, 2014 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 820473)
Any reason not Armageddon?

None other than I remember you guys talking about trying to play it before and it being a total nightmare of ductaped connectivity woe. I don't remember the specifics of the complaints, though, so if it's anticipated it won't be an issue I'm cool with that too. In fact, that's preferable since Armageddon is a better game.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 10, 2014 12:51 PM

I thought we got it working?

I think?

Didn't we?

I remember something. About games and sheep and really out of practice ninja roping but

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 11, 2014 01:10 AM

Damn, was out all day. Would totally have been down!

Scent of a Grundle May 11, 2014 03:42 AM

Sorry, was working. Had a break that might have been able to join you, but got distracted teaching a friend to play Blade Symphony. That game is way too much fun for its own good.

The unmovable stubborn May 11, 2014 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Full Grundle Eater (Post 820486)
Seems like I probably should have made a new character at some point

Nope 24/7 exploding entire satyr armies by walking near them forever

The unmovable stubborn May 16, 2014 01:35 AM



The answer is no one's idea. Acer is just SO BAD AT MAKING DECISIONS that we literally had to throw a dart at his games list and HERE WE ARE

It looks like most of you own both versions of CS, we'll just go with whatever's easier next week. If you don't own CS and you would like to (why god why):

Download Counter-Strike Complete - Digital Download for PC | GameStop

Gets you the whole kaboodle, $7.50. We are going to be DESTROYED.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 17, 2014 01:36 PM

It has come.

Single Elbow May 17, 2014 08:27 PM


Little Brenty Brent Brent May 17, 2014 08:28 PM


Little Brenty Brent Brent May 18, 2014 10:03 PM

[ 20:02:54 ] [ +rasputin ] man, I could go for some puff beef

Well then.

The unmovable stubborn May 19, 2014 04:19 PM

WITNESS: Babble patch 2, including such important words as:





(also grammar fixes, everything in the tags that wasn't a noun, etc etc)

THE POWER OF WATER May 22, 2014 03:47 AM

All right, got the new files plugged in.

Here are some error fixes for dictionary.clj:


Line 89
--> Delete those two parentheses

Line 157
"Saskatchewan" {:combos {"-er" "Winnipegger"}}
--> I think you probably wanted this to be "Winnipeg"

Line 298
"strip" {:combos {"-er" "stripper"}}
--> Delete those last two curly braces

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2014 04:31 AM

Right, I'll roll those into the next update, for the time being it's fine if people unwittingly become Winnipeggers

Franky Mikey May 22, 2014 07:36 AM

Counter-Strike still on for tonight?

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2014 07:45 AM

Nobody has issued an adequately persuasive plea to stop it from happening, so I figure yes.

Franky Mikey May 22, 2014 09:20 AM

Since no voice was heard re:which version either, let it be known that I would prefer to use Counter-Strike: Source (or even Global Offensive if it turns out everybody has it) rather than the older version.

EDIT: I mean, in the event that this doesn't begin at like, 5 a.m. CET.

Scent of a Grundle May 22, 2014 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by "I begin my embrace" (Post 820675)
for the time being it's fine if people unwittingly become Winnipeggers

The degree to which this game follows my life is becoming alarmingly accurate at times.

Single Elbow May 22, 2014 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by ^___^ (Post 820683)
(or even Global Offensive if it turns out everybody has it)

It's most likely Source.

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2014 05:43 PM

If only... we had some kind of group. That issued announcements. Of which game we'll be playing... in advance...

GO was the plan, I'm trying to get CS:S installed before game time but, y'know, camels. We'll go with whatever people have I guess

SuperSonic May 22, 2014 06:44 PM

Ooooooooo, CS...I might have to get in on this one.

Franky Mikey May 22, 2014 06:52 PM

Speaking of game time, when is game time?

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2014 06:59 PM

Gonna try to get things going as soon as this download finishes, probably around 2:30 AM your time.

Single Elbow May 22, 2014 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by "I begin my embrace" (Post 820689)
If only... we had some kind of group. That issued announcements. Of which game we'll be playing... in advance...

GO was the plan, I'm trying to get CS:S installed before game time but, y'know, camels. We'll go with whatever people have I guess

Was it? I honestly thought it was Source, being less intensive on the system and shit and other vapid shit I believe in, like stable Floridian wifi.

The unmovable stubborn May 22, 2014 11:47 PM

Babble brings out the best in people.


Supplemental Titans this Saturday! Next week, we return to sunny Panau.

I think it's important to remind ourselves that anything terrible that happened tonight is entirely Acer's fault

FatsDomino May 23, 2014 06:06 AM

Entirely my randomly selected Steam list's fault you mean. I hope you guys had fun playing Counter-Strike. I came home from work, installed CS:S, set an alarm to wake me up for game night because I knew I'd pass out, and then didn't wake up anyway. I must have turned it off in my sleep I was that tired. So yeah, sorry I didn't show up. Sometimes sleep trumps game night. The point is that I tried. Thanks for all the messages though.

The unmovable stubborn May 23, 2014 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Acer Why (Post 820696)
I hope you guys had fun playing Counter-Strike.

...some of us did! Probably! Well I'm sure Face had a good time, he unlocked basically every DOMINATE SOMEONE EVEN MORE achievement there is, so.

You honestly didn't miss much since literally half the crew showed up, got on Skype, and then refused to play CS. Diss just chewin' burrito in our ears for two hours.

Franky Mikey May 23, 2014 12:57 PM

Diss joined in at some point, I killed him once and he left. :(

I had plenty of fun on the gigantic house map. And SuperSonic gave me a fair run for my money most of the time.
Would've been fantastic with a few more people, though. Team strategy was basically either Pang following me and drawing unwelcome attention, or Pang not following me... and getting his head sniped in the first 15 seconds. :gonk:

Anyway. I'm mostly an FPS person so I'll gladly sacrifice another night of sleep anytime you decide to fire up some UT, L4D or stuff like that. Blabber was awesome too. Thanks for the session.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 23, 2014 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by ^___^ (Post 820698)
Diss joined in at some point, I killed him once and he left. :(

Incorrect; I don't own CS. I ate a burrito and then fell asleep in my chair for a little while though, that's sort of the same thing.

The unmovable stubborn May 23, 2014 04:27 PM

This might be an idea with some legs.

http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/black0001.png http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/white0001.png

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 23, 2014 04:40 PM


Franky Mikey May 23, 2014 06:48 PM

Apologies, Diss. I keep getting confused by people using different names on Steam.

SuperSonic May 23, 2014 08:25 PM

It was pretty fun, though as the night went on my skill was getting horrible. It got to the point where Hawkeye and ^__^ were just relentless and I could barely get a kill on one of them. Poor Pang kept trying to find us new servers and we ended up on ones with the same map we had already been on.

Babble, had no idea what the fuck I was doing but I caught on a little bit and tried to make the most random shit I could. However, it was really wearing on my Firefox to the point where it was almost unplayable so I had to stop for the night.

Good times though, and like face if you ever do something like UT (NOT III), TF2, or L4D I'll definitely be up for it.

The unmovable stubborn May 25, 2014 02:29 AM

"Ekkit Arena?"

"We're about to beat the game." "Then I have just enough time for a power nap!"

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor May 25, 2014 09:55 AM

I even came back 20 minutes later but you assholes had booted me from the server.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 26, 2014 03:31 PM

Confirming deal sweetness.

The unmovable stubborn May 27, 2014 12:36 AM

Someone was complaining about the way potions only stack up to 5. There is a solution to this (and several other little issues).

SoulSeekkor's TQ Defiler - Home

Kind of hesitant to link to this since some of you may be tempted to get super cheaty with it, but aside from the character edit it also has a Mods area which allows for infinite potion stacks, disabling the Zeus speech when you kill Typhon (and the attendant big obnoxious text block), a fix for the DERP HOW DO I REFRESH SERVER LIST issue, and a bunch of other stuff, some of which is just goofy like making ragdolls fly more and some of which is just explicit treasure multipliers. So tread carefully? Or don't, whatever. Some of you could maybe use it to level up your hilariously underleveled characters but maybe only do that if you can resist the temptation to give yourself a million HP while you're in there. Ok bye!

i am good at jokes May 27, 2014 02:17 PM

So is this week Titan Quest again?

I just took a decision that changes my availability for this, might be able to make it again for a while.

Single Elbow May 27, 2014 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by i am good at jokes (Post 820741)
So is this week Titan Quest again?

I just took a decision that changes my availability for this, might be able to make it again for a while.

The agreement was Just Cause 2 MP. But as always, exceptions to the rule and all that.

Little Brenty Brent Brent May 27, 2014 04:15 PM

What Term means is that sometimes we make an exception and actually play the game we previously decided to play, rather than the usual which is :iiam:

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss May 27, 2014 05:21 PM

What level is about average in the games you guys are playing? I've not had a chance to play Titanquest in ages.

The unmovable stubborn May 27, 2014 08:33 PM

Assuming we DO, in fact, play JC2, then those who don't have it will want to buy it on Amazon for $4.50 rather than the $15 the Steam store is asking.


Originally Posted by Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss (Post 820746)
What level is about average in the games you guys are playing? I've not had a chance to play Titanquest in ages.

The level range of the party on Thursday was 19-34. Skills may have hit 20 before he fell asleep, not sure.

i am good at jokes May 29, 2014 06:27 PM

Probably won't make it tonight as comp can't run that and also beer. Might come in late on Acer's stream for drunken existential chatter though.

Next week hopefully I can be sober enough to coax my brother to lend me his pc to install shit and game on.

The unmovable stubborn May 30, 2014 02:50 AM

Well, hopefully polishing off (normal difficulty) Titan Quest on Saturday.

We had some trouble finding an option for next week that would work for everyone, so I guess... fallback Cluquapoly? :shrug:


THE POWER OF WATER May 30, 2014 02:55 AM

Diss & Garr's Spacebus Adventure: Garrmondo - GFF Game Night Supplemental: The Most Titanic of Quests - Twitch

The unmovable stubborn May 30, 2014 06:13 AM

In which Diss and I go mountaineering by barge, and a bus adventure is had.

YouTube Video

Scent of a Grundle May 30, 2014 01:57 PM

Just a couple of minutes before Garr's thing, my favourite moment of the night:

Hawkeye ruins things, round 2

Also didn't realize just how close you were to beating me in that 16-minute marathon of a race, Garr. If it weren't for the lag not telling you i'd moved over a little, you probably would have had me.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 1, 2014 03:48 AM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 1, 2014 07:25 PM

Grim Dawn on Steam

Just gonna put this here as a reminder for when it's actually out and has MP and stuff.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 1, 2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Garrmondo "Manhogan" Sanchez (Post 820792)
The end of that race was fun. SO CLOSE TOWARD THE END. Too bad that other guy kept ruining it for us until he decided to bail.

And then after the race was over he congratulated me in the chat for winning. I mean what the heck?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 3, 2014 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Axelrod :shoryuken: Axelrod (Post 820834)
Grim Dawn on Steam

Just gonna put this here as a reminder for when it's actually out and has MP and stuff.


The Stomping Land on Steam

This is going to be FUCKED UP and I look forward to trolling in it.

Secondly, Meet prep is UPON US and uhh.

As a result I think I'm bailing out this week. There is MUCH TO DO and only a few weeks to do it in.

Similarly, NEXT thursday is probably gigafucked for everyone but losers who aren't going to Maine like Diss and/or Menno might be able to play Sonic and all the Peoples or something

The unmovable stubborn Jun 3, 2014 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Acetylene torch located in my anus facilitates my escape from the '73 Cadilliac in Antarctica (Post 820851)
There is MUCH TO DO

Those naps aren't gonna take themselves.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 3, 2014 10:44 AM

I have to make sure all my moon excursions for the week I'm off are taken care of, y'know

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 3, 2014 11:35 AM

Skills is just gonna get sick and pass out after he gets off the plane, then wake up on the last day.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 5, 2014 12:59 AM

Also, if you don't have Dino Horde, it's 99 cents. So jump on that business, nobody doesn't want more dinosaurs.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 5, 2014 01:18 AM

"You already own ORION: Dino Horde"

Huh. I don't remember that happening.

THE POWER OF WATER Jun 5, 2014 02:22 AM

It's free to play for the next week, in addition to the sale. "fuck did i buy another windows-only game i can't play oh wait"

The unmovable stubborn Jun 6, 2014 04:38 AM

And, like every game of Monopoly ever, it ended when the runner-up refused to do any more math and went to bed.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 6, 2014 09:37 AM

I think the point at which I was confused about a thread tag that had been added literally two minutes prior was pretty much the end.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 6, 2014 08:27 PM

That's easier to suggest with some rough idea of numbers. Do we know who all is around? I think Hawkeye said he was probably going to miss it for a couple of weeks.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 6, 2014 10:27 PM

Yup, end of the high school year means i'm gonna be crazy busy for the next couple of weeks with teenagers trying to come to terms with grad. VZed could probably show up, but he doesn't really show up except through me (and he never checks the thread), so someone is gonna have to send him a message on Steam before game night starts.

Single Elbow Jun 6, 2014 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Garrmondo "Manhogan" Sanchez (Post 820960)
Does anybody have anything they'd like to recommend?

More Titan Quest? We could plow through Epic as much as we are able.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 9, 2014 06:59 PM

I am allllll good with that.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 22, 2014 04:24 PM

So, in honor of Alpha Complex and the Enormous Meat Comet, I vote that this week we play the PARANOIA RPG.

Alternately we can just play Suburbia on VASSAL I don't know

Or Drawception?


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 22, 2014 05:01 PM

This thread also needs a new title.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 22, 2014 06:06 PM

I still feel my organs liquifying from that gasoline I drank so uhhh let's do whatever!

Is there an online telestrations?

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 23, 2014 12:42 AM

I am amenable to all previously mentioned options.

Scent of a Grundle Jun 26, 2014 04:27 PM

I may or may not be around for the start of game night, hopefully saying goodbye to a friend/co-worker tonight before she heads off. I'm sure i'll be back in time for at least some of the proceedings, though.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 27, 2014 12:22 AM


Next week: Orion: Dino Horde! Dinosaurs appear and you shoot them: it's pretty hype and also like $4 so GET ON THE D TRAIN

(the D stands for dinosaur)



map car man words telling me to do things Jun 27, 2014 12:50 AM

Garrmondo - GFF Game Night: I Guess There&#x27;s Always Mega Mans - Twitch

i can't breathe


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 28, 2014 12:17 PM

For anyone who doesn't have the Chivalry DLC yet, it's 3 bucks today.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 28, 2014 10:58 PM

AcerBanditGFF - Street Fighter IV: Let&#x27;s slidekick! - Twitch

Guile will totally punch your fireball he doesn't even give a fuck

FatsDomino Jun 29, 2014 09:40 AM

AcerBanditGFF - A Terrible Pun and a Friendly KO - Twitch

In between beatings I receive as Ibuki I make a horrible pun about a small mammal and Diss makes sure to issue some Kosher Optimism to Term's boxing prowess.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 30, 2014 10:03 PM

Got my pre-order in for Ultra today given the GMG 25% off coupon was extended to Thursday.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 4, 2014 02:01 AM

July 10: Chivalrous Warriors of Deadly Medieval Chivalrous Warfare

July 17: Fine, Megaman, you babies

July 24: Epic Titan Quest!

July 31: Guess what, the D&D5 Basic rules are out. For free! LET'S FIND OUT.


FatsDomino Jul 4, 2014 02:22 AM

Sorry I'm a big whiny baby tonight. So tired.

Anyway Dinosaurs was pretty amusing:

AcerBanditGFF - Oh you got Told - Twitch
A triceratops sends our vehicle flying despite my efforts to escape it. I am then told by my teammates what actually happened.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 4, 2014 08:03 AM

I think after all this I'd have lost my game suggestion privileges.

THE POWER OF WATER Jul 5, 2014 11:50 PM

nutty's ping has been better:

Tails confirmed NE Meet '015 secret guest:

Tails Jul 6, 2014 10:13 AM

I will forever lament my inability to get anything higher than second place.

"It doesn't expand when I unzip it" still the funniest shit, I like how it took OP a minute to figure out why I was laughing so hard.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 11, 2014 02:18 AM

Let it be noted today and for all posterity that Shade is a lying liar who lies.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 11, 2014 02:19 AM

What we've learned tonight:

- Tacking Street Fighter on the end of any game night is pretty much always awesome.
- Hawkeye is not nearly as bad as he claims to be.
- Shade is a sandbagging focus-cancelling combo-extending 720-ultra pulling FALSEHOOD-SPOUTING LIAR

Scent of a Grundle Jul 11, 2014 02:46 AM

And, in absolutely perfect fashion, the night ended after Hyde and i played a few more matches, culminating in a completely-unintentional-yet-totally-appropriate El Fuerte mirror match. Totstadas were pressed, tortillas rolled, and there was generally just a lot of running around back and forth really fast like idiots. It was grand.

LIAR Jul 11, 2014 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Team End Piece AND Team Shave (Post 822433)
What we've learned tonight:

- Tacking Street Fighter on the end of any game night is pretty much always awesome.
- Hawkeye is not nearly as bad as he claims to be.
- Shade is a sandbagging focus-cancelling combo-extending 720-ultra pulling FALSEHOOD-SPOUTING LIAR

I got lucky.

THE POWER OF WATER Jul 11, 2014 03:17 PM

Infracted for continuing dishonesty.

FatsDomino Jul 11, 2014 07:28 PM

Entire streams:
AcerBanditGFF - GFF Game Night: Swagatha? Swagatha. - Twitch
Pang gets upset about swinging swords. King Skills crouches rules in a corner or something I'm not sure what those are actually but point being he wins doing this! Go Swagatha!

AcerBanditGFF - Street Fighter IV: I forget about punching sometimes - Twitch
Shade is a liar! That is all.

Highlights from last night's SFIV:
AcerBanditGFF - THE LIE IS UTTERED - Twitch
"So I'm just going to get my ass kicked all night long since I'm terrible at this game."

Diss sees your kung-fu. Some Dhalsim on Dhalsim action for a Twitch viewer. Hyde introduces us to his flightstick. Can his spiral owl succeed? No. Shade utters another falsehood.

AcerBanditGFF - GARR VS HYDE AND TERM - Twitch
Garr finds out that rocks work very well against owls and handsomely dressed boxers. Well... at least once.

AcerBanditGFF - LIAR VS LIAR - Twitch
Hawkeye revealed to also be a liar. Shade claims that he is still terrible. False.

AcerBanditGFF - "I only played a lot of Street Fighter II." LIES! - Twitch
Shade is a liar.

AcerBanditGFF - Don't fall into shade's trap. - Twitch
He knows what he's doing. Hawkeye is less of a liar.

AcerBanditGFF - Grudgematch! Diss has shade right where he wants him. - Twitch
Shade is Justin Wong. Also shade I don't even know what sandbagging means.

AcerBanditGFF - Garr is no longer Zoolander Cody - Twitch
There's only one thing that can follow up such a Cody Ultra. Garr knew what to do. Eat a burger.

AcerBanditGFF - You cannot comprehend final boss Pang's attack - Twitch
"Never give up. Never surrender. I'm a liar." -Shade 2014

Tails Jul 17, 2014 09:52 PM


YouTube Video

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 17, 2014 11:19 PM


Final Fantasy Phoneteen Jul 18, 2014 12:45 AM

Things took a very dark turn after I left.

THE POWER OF WATER Jul 18, 2014 01:09 AM

An incomplete catalog of the most incorrigible night in Gamingforce history:


FatsDomino Jul 18, 2014 01:33 AM

I'm strangely proud of Baby's Day Out. I shouldn't.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 18, 2014 05:00 PM

Upon review, Pang has determined that all of the preceding was Shade's fault. Naturally.

LIAR Jul 18, 2014 05:26 PM

Look, teen pregnancy is serious business. I can't help it if you guys took it further by putting babies in the Microwave. :mad:

(Seriously though, some of those got bad)

The Plane Is A Tiger Jul 18, 2014 06:51 PM

To be fair, we were only microwaving Canadian babies to thaw them out.

I like how after I left more and more of the abortion jokes were game titles until all of them were.

The unmovable stubborn Jul 19, 2014 03:38 AM

In which two men attempt Hell Murder, but one of them is only Hell Muddled.

YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Jul 19, 2014 02:30 PM



The unmovable stubborn Jul 26, 2014 10:22 AM

A few more recent Punch Time highlights.

YouTube Video
YouTube Video


PS D&D 5th next week, download the following doodads more than 5 minutes in advance please:



Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 26, 2014 10:46 AM

I was expecting Garr to do that annoying slide kick, okay! Sometimes you've gotta anticipate!

FatsDomino Jul 27, 2014 05:29 AM

Some wonderful highlights from tonight! <3<3<3

AcerBanditGFF - Perfect Pang: That's not your owl! - Twitch
I got a perfect on Pang. This will never happen again. And I realize I'm not Cammy.

AcerBanditGFF - And the mightiest have fallen to the lowest - Twitch
I get 4 wins in a row doing random. I don't know how this happened.

AcerBanditGFF - Oopsie! I had an accident - Twitch
I've never played Akuma ever. Somehow Accidental Raging Demon. It happened, Pang.

AcerBanditGFF - Dare you enter my magical realm? - Twitch
We dared and regrettably it is a most horrid place. It is home to an incredibly relentless anime man with the worst choice in wardrobe. The Internet itself helps us escape his magical realm. Term celebrates by tossing roses.

AcerBanditGFF - eyeonetoo is a very nice fellow - Twitch
Even though he destroyed us all, I made a new friend! =)

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 27, 2014 10:19 AM

Jesus christ that dude has 12k on Yun and 5k on about ten others. This man plays a lot of Street Fighter.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Jul 31, 2014 06:51 PM

Holy shit, August 8th is a Friday, do you think it'll release at midnight EASTERN?

Probably not, but that'd make for a pretty amazing post-game-night-punch-game-night next week.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 31, 2014 07:43 PM

Steam normally works on Pacific time, but who knows? That'd be pretty rad if it came out right then.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 6, 2014 11:38 AM

Greatest taunt ever.

Capo is so confused by Dan's taunt super that he forgets to play.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 6, 2014 03:06 PM

There was a patch to SF4 today in anticipation of the Ultra release. Netcode is reported to be improved.

However, what I didn't realize is that upnp apparently kind of sucks for SF, so you should ensure that you have manually opened the general Steam ports rather than relying on upnp. There are reports of this making a substantial difference in online quality.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 7, 2014 01:55 AM

1. It has been confirmed that SF4 is getting a Friday release at midnight EDT.

2. We played a lot today, and the netcode does seem to actually be vastly improved. There's the odd slowdown here and there, but the "waiting for players" box didn't come up a single time and what slowdowns there were were few compared to what we've typically experienced. Pang hosted, I hosted, no problems to speak of, really. I was even able to have matches with Skills without issue, and if you were there when we tried to play last time you'll remember what an absolutely futile exercise that was.

FatsDomino Aug 8, 2014 01:20 AM

So because of all the bullshit happening over at Twitch I went and streamed us playing Ultra Street Fighter IV at Hitbox.tv tonight. Looks like it keeps recordings for 14 days but you can save recordings as Videos and I have no idea if they ever expire. In any case here's the video of the recording from my stream at Hitbox.tv tonight. Enjoy!


Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 11, 2014 02:08 AM

Hey Punchfriends, I made a thing.

I really didn't like the SF4 announcer's lines during combat ("I've never seen a combo like that before!" etc.) so I decided to see if I could get rid of them. And you can! And I did! It took a fair bit of research and converting files three thousand times, but the end result is that you can take the linked file above and replace the extant copy in /SteamApps/common/Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition/dlc/03_character_free/battle/sound/narration/

This keeps the lines like "Round 1 - Fight!" "[Character] wins!" etc. but gets rid of all the commentary on what's happening during the actual match. I like it a lot better.

It has undergone very minimal testing, but I think I got rid of everything.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 12, 2014 10:19 AM


I'll just leave this here

THIEF Aug 12, 2014 06:10 PM

Dude, Lethal League looks dope.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 15, 2014 04:12 AM



FatsDomino Aug 15, 2014 08:31 AM

Last night's new friend Steven was the best thing. When you guys were laughing so hard so was I.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Aug 15, 2014 09:07 AM

We gonna continue offsetting our goblins next week?

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 15, 2014 07:26 PM

The Rembrandts must be crushed!

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 16, 2014 12:59 AM

Burger Tally

SuperSonic: 1
Term: 1

SailorDaravon Aug 16, 2014 02:07 PM

Are you guys actually playing Ultra on Steam on a regular basis? It's $30 on there which I don't really want to drop since I already have it on 360, but I've got someone who is willing to trade me a Steam code Ultra for a $16 item I'm selling.

Also have they done any work on the weird netcode/freezing issues? Saw a ton of people in the first couple of days saying it was kinda fucked online with the PC version.

The unmovable stubborn Aug 16, 2014 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by SailorDaravon (Post 823530)
Are you guys actually playing Ultra on Steam on a regular basis? It's $30 on there which I don't really want to drop since I already have it on 360, but I've got someone who is willing to trade me a Steam code Ultra for a $16 item I'm selling.

Also have they done any work on the weird netcode/freezing issues? Saw a ton of people in the first couple of days saying it was kinda fucked online with the PC version.

Punching happens to a greater or lesser extent at least every other day, estimating conservatively. The netcode has been pretty solid for our group since Ultra dropped; most of the current issues only affect Ranked matches.

SailorDaravon Aug 16, 2014 02:49 PM

Well fuck, I had no idea people here even played the game, much less on a regular basis. I will take that guy up on his trade. I'm essentially a filthy casual stream monster; I watch a ton of Marvel and SF (and other games) but I've played fighting games casually forever. I know enough in SF4 to basically fuck myself over, so this will go well.

Update: Trade is completed and I'm downloading Ultra right now.

Update 2: Online has largely been a shitshow for me. Get an A on the Benchmark on the highest settings. Arcade and Trial mode run flawlessly. Online in either Ranked or Endless I get random frequent (usually 1-3 times a match) complete freezes that last anywhere from 1-3 seconds. Gotta either be the game or my internet, and I really don't think it's my internet. Looking around online seems like people are having experiences all over the place; fine for some people, some people Ranked is fucked but Endless is fine, some people are still having hard game crashes frequently (which is ridiculous). I've seen some speculation that private Endless matches specifically are mostly fine, and that supposedly the issue with the freezing is the game running some sort of ping search or something along those lines, no idea. At some point I'll have to try to get in an Endless private lobby with someone just to see if that works any better or not.

Anyway if I had any idea that the requirements to run the game were THIS low I would have gotten the PC version of AE forever ago, kinda mad at myself about that.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 17, 2014 03:43 PM

For anyone who used that modified audio file to kill the announcer, I had missed a couple of lines that I thought were from outside the fight that were actually from the beginning if nobody's doing anything. I removed those as well, and the updated file is here.

FatsDomino Aug 17, 2014 03:59 PM

Daravon, don't forget to set your framerate to variable. That helps in online matches.

SailorDaravon Aug 17, 2014 04:44 PM

I think it's just a crapshoot. I got on earlier today with Fixed framerate and had two matches that were totally fine. Then got back on just now and had mixed results with both Fixed and Variable, generally Fixed actually seemed better but I had both settings go both ways. I think it's just luck of the draw to some extent right now. Looking into it it does seem like it's still the same issue they had at launch where it's continuing to Ping for matches even after you're already in on causing the problems for folks. I can maybe try some more extended troubleshooting in a private lobby with one of you guys at some point to see what works out better, right now it's all over the place with some of my matches being fine or mostly fine (maybe one lag spike or some slight stutter that is not cool but is playable) and some that are total shit.

I did play one match with a guy where it wasn't this game being shit, the connection was just ass; the entire match literally played at a consistent 5 FPS or so, it was kind of amazing in a way. It went to the end of the third round, I think the entire match took literally about 10 minutes.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 17, 2014 04:50 PM

We tried a whole bunch of anecdotal shit and the framerate thing did seem to help empirically but we have no way of knowing whether or not it was more than coincidence. That said, Capcom has fixed a lot of the netcode and it's much better now that it was, so the framerate thing can probably be ignored.

The pinging you're discussing is only really an issue with ranked matches. If you get into an endless battle lobby (and haven't tried ranked right beforehand) I suspect you will not encounter the same problems.

SailorDaravon Aug 17, 2014 04:56 PM

Public endless lobbies still have the same problem for me. Some people say private endless lobbies are completely fine for them which lends some credence to the pinging theory (since that wouldn't occur in a private lobby) but again who knows. But yeah, Endless is no better or worse than Ranked for me.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 17, 2014 04:59 PM

Have you immediately loaded an endless lobby right after firing up the game, or are you going in after trying ranked first? Apparently you continue pinging everyone from the ranked list even after leaving ranked, which is the dumbest implementation ever. Hopefully they have it corrected soon.

SailorDaravon Aug 17, 2014 05:00 PM

Not 100% sure, will try that out right now. That would be great if it fixes it, this is really frustrating.

Edit: Did a few matches, it seems better but not perfect. First two matches had some slight lag/stutter but nothing like before. Last two matches had it worse (but still not as bad as before) but those last two were against the same guy so that could have potentially been the connection. Also the last two matches were in a different endless lobby, so if it is a ping thing that could have even just potentially been an issue from me leaving the first lobby or something. Dunno. Still hilariously incompetent of Capcom either way.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Aug 18, 2014 12:41 AM

This is a Google Docs spreadsheet someone made that contains all the currently known prize codes for titles. Hopefully he'll keep it updated.

Franky Mikey Aug 29, 2014 10:51 AM

Guys, I'm really sorry about last night. Looks like the merry zombie apocalypse wasn't all that fun for everyone involved, especially not for those on the receiving end of whichever despair-dealing tool I had at my disposal. I did not anticipate that a single experienced person would skew things that much in a 7-player match, but that's how the game's learning curve works. In hindsight, we really should have considered shuffling teams around after the first couple of maps... sandbagging is never easy in that kind of game, I considered some things but I was afraid that'd be considered condescending and, in the end, even more infuriating. Also there's not much you can do as infected except not attacking and just taunting around, which is, well, see above.

At any rate, I hope I didn't make too much of an ass of myself, and my utmost apologies if I did. Lots of things said on the Skype call just fly way over my head, and I certainly was a tad slow to pick up on subtle hints that people were getting annoyed. :(

In case anybody wants to watch the session, I streamed and archived it on hitbox. Not for the purpose of annoying people further, so if that's what happens, I'll gladly take it down.

Anyway, as was mentioned at some point, you really just need three or four players for most of the game modes. If anybody fancies playing some coop campaigns or survival rounds, I'd be down for that anytime. That would probably end up being a lot more fun for the newer players than last night was, and hopefully give them a better taste of the game's awesomeness. :judge:

Scent of a Grundle Aug 29, 2014 01:38 PM

Sorry if i made you feel guilty during that game, i wasn't having the best night. As for sandbagging, well, only using right-click to attack the survivors was working pretty well for me. Sorry to my team when my internet conked out halfway through the game (though the AI would have been more helpful).

I won't be around for the next couple of weeks, my students arrive tomorrow and i'll get like two or three days off in the next 3 weeks. Sorry to the DnD bunch, but it is what it is.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 5, 2014 08:03 AM

We are clearly going to have to revisit stretch out Velvet Sundown when the new content swaps in might be a spaceship.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Sep 23, 2014 11:14 PM

That looks really fun and we should play it as soon as I get home.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 24, 2014 12:12 AM


Scent of a Grundle Sep 24, 2014 03:12 AM

Apparently buying The Ship gives you two more free copies to send to people. Lemme know if you want one. Hopefully it gets played more than once, since i won't be there on Thursday.

FatsDomino Sep 24, 2014 03:51 AM

Yeah, I've had an extra copy of The Ship for ages now.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 24, 2014 08:02 AM

Yo', I'll take one of the spares.

Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline. Sep 24, 2014 11:00 AM

I'll take a spare, old chaps.

FatsDomino Sep 24, 2014 02:48 PM

Skills was quickest. Sent!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Sep 26, 2014 09:01 AM

The ship was hilarious(ly awful). We should seriously visit that again so we can clonk each other with pipes once more.


No poor people allowed.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 8, 2014 01:42 PM

So what's tomorrow?

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 8, 2014 03:12 PM

Before we made some Amazing Plans there was talk of Titan Quest. If we don't have very many people I'm gonna keep throwing Lethal League out there.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Oct 10, 2014 09:41 AM

Lethal League grunting was sublime but the title reminds me, we should revisit The Hidden.

Also Brutal Doom.

Also Mega Man.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Oct 23, 2014 11:39 PM

Acer participates in Fiasco!

FatsDomino Oct 31, 2014 12:52 AM

I drew some more crap which then was scrambled by Pang and donged on by Deni.


I made a nice drawing of Ahiru from Princess Tutu. Deni loves that anime. Deni loves drawing dongs too.

Drew this for Skills.

I take no credit for the amazing sausage man.

Flash Slowpoke turned out well. Pang scrambled my bidoof.

That was Flanders and Tutu. Pang threw them in the blender.

Guile doesn't enjoy this dong in his ear.

Guu was giving a thumbs up. Now it's a dong up.

Kirby is dealing with a lot right here.

Oh here's that duck-mode Ahiru that got scrambled to hell. Thanks Pang.

Fiasco was fun as always.


And here's the end result of the table.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 7, 2014 01:12 PM

How do we feel about Questing next week, provided not too many people show up for it? Perhaps Titanically?


I'm in.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Nov 24, 2014 12:28 AM

Apparently America is eating turkey or something on Thursday. Well you know what? Fuck turkey! It's time for STREET FIGHTER. Prepare your right and left balls.

FatsDomino Nov 28, 2014 04:08 AM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 16, 2014 11:53 PM

This week is DotA 2. Install it. It's time to flounder.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 19, 2014 10:34 PM

So, Dota was more fun than I think anyone was expecting it to be, at least as long as you weren't on a team getting completely obliterated. Who knew that removing the assholes that are typically associated with a game and only playing with your e-buds would result in a positive gaming experience? Except for Skills. He sounded mad.

Anyone who doesn't have Skyboats should pick it up while it's still cheap, since we go back to that every now and then.

There is also a deep discount on hammer observation.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Dec 19, 2014 10:50 PM

Always mad.


Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 20, 2014 12:55 PM

Here is a list of goofy multiplayer games that are stupid cheap and might be funny for game night sometime:

Murder some miners

Drive tank game

I don't even know

"Crysis: Poor Guy Edition"

Looks like Micro Machines

Platform shooter



I'd like to point out that Pang owned almost every game selling for less than a dollar that I looked at.

Oh right, and don't forget Good Worms since we've been talking about playing that for ages.

SailorDaravon Dec 20, 2014 01:21 PM


Booster Trooper is the future of multiplayer platform shooters

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Dec 20, 2014 05:12 PM

Not Good Worms, Best Worms.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 20, 2014 05:57 PM

Well, yeah. All the newer worms are Garbage Worms so the nomenclature is flexible as long as the distinction is made.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 26, 2014 05:32 PM

Pomme worked! It was a Christmas miracle!


The unmovable stubborn Dec 27, 2014 01:40 AM

Some assorted treasures for the banner rotation:








Single Elbow Jan 16, 2015 03:00 AM


FatsDomino Jan 16, 2015 12:28 PM

garr must be busy~

anyway he took a screenshot of the slightly related drawing I was working on before Pang went and destroyed it like he do


Tails was playing Windwaker HD and uh... I was looking through my folder of random pictures for something to draw and stumbled into a Zelda dump and one with Midna in a Christmas stocking sort of tied it together since we were supposed to be playing a Christmas Fiasco.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 20, 2015 12:42 PM


GoG Star Wars wave two announced. Drops this week.

X-wing Alliance and vs. TIE Fighter are in it.


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 26, 2015 10:33 PM

Alright assholes, I bought XWA.

Game won't launch without a joystick so either set up your controllers or dig out those old wingman pros from the closet because it's fucking go time.

There's a tool to increase res to 1080p, and we can use gamer anger to hook this shit up and it'll be wonderful.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 27, 2015 03:47 PM

Alright. So the plan is to shoot lasers at each other until someone inevitably gets salty about it. Since this game is circa 1999, we're going to have to fenaggle a few things. Luckily, those things are minimal thanks to the recent GOG release. That said, it's not plug-and-play steam-invite friendly, so here's an instructional post.


A joystick or controller input device that Windows recognizes. You can set up a virtual one if you'd like. See suggestions for further. - The game will literally not boot if you don't have one. This has always been the case. The thing would be impossible to play with just a keyboard anyway.
The Game - Installer here. GOG installer comes with everything you need to get it going, including updated libraries and other things of note.
Gamer Anger - Here, as usual. The game used to run on Microsoft Zone over a decade and a half ago. That clearly no longer exists. So LAN emulation is how we gonna do.


XWAHacker - Available on Sourceforge here, this is a quick set of fixes for XWA and other XW games. For XWA, you can override rendering resolutions from the game's list of presets and change FOV settings and the UI scaler. UI scale at 1.8 or so, and override the 800x600 to 1080p resolutions and you'll be fine. Feel free to play around with some of the bat files available at that project page if you want, but it's mostly pointless.
vJoy - Found here. Again, space sim from the 90s. Z axis might not do what you expect it to do. Lots of games do this from this era, so it might not be a shock. But if you're used to something like airplanes in battlefield or spaceships from Elite, your yaw and roll will be reversed. You can use this to set up a virtual joystick to remap these axes if it'll help. There is no in game way to do this. You can set up an entirely virtual joystick using this if you really want to hate yourself or something and insist on playing with a keyboard.
Running in XP Compatability Mode - Some (people haven't found out exactly which, yet) drivers for specific cards are having issues with the GoG release freezing upshortly after hanger load. This also happened to some of the updated renderer projects the GOG release is based on. Run in compatability mode for Windows XP Service Pack 2 and this seems to vanish universally. Unlikely you'll need it, but I'm pointing it out.

No go:

XWAUpgrade - If you're familiar with this game because you don't suck out loud, you're probably familiar with XWAUpgrade, which is a project to replace all the in game models with higher poly variants with better texture work, along with new starfields and the like. This currently DOES NOT work with the GOG version, although rapid progress is being made. Rapid enough for Thursday? Probably not. I'll update if it does, but I'm not expecting movement for another week or so.

Reading Materials:

Keyboard Shortcut "Quick" Reference - It's a space sim. From the late 90s. It takes more buttons than you're used to. Yes, you can redirect energy to engines. Yes, there's a button combination to eject. Yes, you can manually toggle S-foils. Click this.

You should:

Play the damn thing - Try the combat sim and maybe the first two or three missions. How "good" a ship is relatively to others is shown as a point cost. This typically manifests in better shield/hull/weapons. The first two or three missions should give you an idea of basic controls. If you're farting around, try the X-Wing or B-wing. TIE/Advanced (the ones with shields) aren't bad either. Stay away from TIE/Ints and the regular fighters due to the squishiness. A-Wings are fast but only have two lasers and very little hull. The YT Series is heavily armed but large. The Firespray has an odd profile but has potential. Learn where to allocate laser energy before you drain the battery.

That should be about it.

THE POWER OF WATER Jan 30, 2015 06:25 PM

So, uh, Transformice is on Steam now

SailorDaravon Jan 30, 2015 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by THE POWER OF WATER (Post 825285)


THE POWER OF WATER Feb 1, 2015 03:20 AM

Acer and I just played it for three hours. It has somewhat better graphics and random music that pops in and out, but it's otherwise the same obtuse, broken heap of a game it always was.

So it should probably be scheduled for a throwback game night some time soon.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 5, 2015 09:32 PM



Look at how mad this guy is!

Talec Feb 5, 2015 11:39 PM



The unmovable stubborn Feb 6, 2015 05:25 AM

Hey I have to use this thread to actually record future plans because you chumps have the memory retention afforded by a back-alley lobotomy. SO!

Next week is Jedi Knight II, which Skills will probably be persuaded to steal from GOG for us again. I don't know shit about this but I think Jedi probably don't have to engage in fuel management so I'm tepidly interested.

After that is Icewind Dale, which has co-op for some hellish reason! Skills will PROBABLY not feel strongly enough about this to steal it, so you're on your own. You should already own Icewind Dale, though. What the fuck. Dig those discs out if you have to.

After that: probably another Star Wars game! Skills does not understand the danger of the Jedi/Wizard Alternation Arrangement and he is a fool.

Ok! Actually remember these things maybe! Rad!

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Feb 6, 2015 09:38 AM

I thought JK was the end of our trading off horseshit.

If you still want to go, I can make your shit ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE if you want though.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 6, 2015 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by STEVEN SHADOES (Post 825331)
I don't know shit about this but I think Jedi probably don't have to engage in fuel management so I'm tepidly interested.

Hahahaha you think the force is a limitless resource? PREPARE FOR BARS AND GAUGES AND OTHER VISUAL DISPLAYS.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 21, 2015 07:51 PM

Ok! Next week: Icewind Dale Extended Edition Co-op! Don't give money to Beamdog, click this.

Week after that: Magic again, but with a less frustrating application. Or maybe we'll just finish IWD, it's not a super long game but it might take two weeks I guess?

Additional Spam:
PS: Wizards win, the Jedi are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the universe.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 21, 2015 09:24 PM

As it turned out, the Jedi had no response to being shot with a flechette cannon.

The unmovable stubborn Feb 21, 2015 09:29 PM

All according to Wizard Plan.


The unmovable stubborn Feb 27, 2015 12:02 PM

Ok so! OBVIOUSLY finishing IWD is not gonna be a thing because starting IWD wasn't even really a thing. So: wizard cards, again, with a less annoying platform. And more card variety.

A COUPLE of you played Magic on OCTGN with me last year sometime? You still might have it installed. Probably not. Even if you do you will need new set patches so stay with me here.

Get OCTGN over here: Download - Gaming Platform

You need an account these days I think. Endure it.

Follow these directions to add Magic (and/or a bunch of other games) to OCTGN's game library:


In OCTGN, click on the GAMES MANAGER tab.
Click ADD GAME FEED button.
In the NAME text box, enter a name to describe the feed (such as “OCTGN Game Directory”)
In the FEED URL/PATH text box, copy+paste this link: https://www.myget.org/f/octgngamedirectory
Click the newly-added feed in the left list
Scroll through the list of games to install the ones you wish to play.
Then you go over here: Image Pack Downloads - Magic: the Gathering

Download ALL THE THINGS. You should end up with about 42 .o8c files. Open OCTGN, navigate to the Games Manager, find Magic, and add all of them in! OCTGN will probably ask you to subscribe around this point. ENDURE IT (do not actually subscribe. I should not have to tell you this but some of you are wandering off in the middle of games to raid with total strangers so I'm not sure about you).


Ok! Now you have all the cards, even the dumb ones that make no sense for internet play and the ones that don't even work according to current rules! Make a deck, or just wait for me to give you one, lazy chump. So lazy. Geez.

Week after next: some variety of Descent it would seem? Probably Descent 3. That's the word on the street.

The unmovable stubborn Mar 6, 2015 02:41 AM

Toot toot here comes the treasure fleet

http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/tum...8gddo1-500.gif http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/tum...tiodo1_500.gif http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/1325020821585.gif http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/tum...xjcfo1_400.gif http://www.saxypunch.com/grundle/the...gotanimate.gif



Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Mar 25, 2015 10:22 PM

The goods
Patch for Windows 8.1 mouse lag


Nothing complicated re: controllers. Play with a mouse. It'll be easiest. Works out of the gate. We'll be using Garbage Ranger.


The unmovable stubborn Mar 27, 2015 02:41 PM




The unmovable stubborn Apr 6, 2015 06:58 AM



Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 10, 2015 12:10 AM

Sorry for getting so frustrated. It seemed like people weren't super in to the last time we did a Punchnight because of the waiting, so I really wanted the round robin thing to work out. And it eventually did! But before that I was getting pretty short-tempered.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 10, 2015 12:15 AM

No. Skills is an everything-ruiner and your anger is justified and correct.

SuperSonic Apr 10, 2015 09:52 PM

Acer's got the rest.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

FatsDomino Apr 10, 2015 11:53 PM

Yes, I suppose I do:

Little Brenty Brent Brent Apr 11, 2015 03:50 PM

Man that comeback against Taco felt real good.

Single Elbow Apr 13, 2015 04:25 PM



Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 2, 2015 08:43 AM

I realize this will be somewhat of a distance out (since we have SHOGO, meet, and then some other stuff to play first) but this Star Trek™: Starfleet Command Gold Edition ? GOG.com just dropped.

And Pang thought he hated my other games.

i am good at jokes Jun 25, 2015 07:53 PM

Can I haz a Gamenight?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 25, 2015 11:34 PM

The more, the merrier.

i am good at jokes Jun 26, 2015 02:43 PM

Was there a game last night? I don't know how you guys coordinate this thing anymore.

The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2015 02:49 PM

Apparently Mega Man happened. We usually organize on IRC but in future we'll try to throw you a Skype invite regardless.

i am good at jokes Jun 26, 2015 03:14 PM

I can just go into the chat, I'm almost certain I can still find the mibbit button. I pretty much only ever used Skype for game night so I'm never logged in.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 26, 2015 06:07 PM

Mega Man will happen every night until Pang joins in

The unmovable stubborn Jun 26, 2015 06:33 PM

I didn't join BECAUSE Mega Man was doomed to happen, this is a problematic loop.

Well, only problematic for me, really.

i am good at jokes Jun 27, 2015 12:09 AM

Pang, Megaman is a classic, critically acclaimed video game franchise well worth your time. You won't regret giving it a try, I swear!


Mang, Pacman is a classic, critically acclaimed video game franchise well worth your time. You won't regret giving it a try, I swear!

Single Elbow Jul 5, 2015 09:02 PM

GENTLEMEN. And ladies.

Drawception - The social picture telephone game!

Is this possible for one game night?

The unmovable stubborn Jul 6, 2015 08:00 AM

We tried to play Drawception before, but people couldn't get logged in or something? Maybe just bad luck, we'll give it another swing.

Scent of a Grundle Jul 6, 2015 02:52 PM

If i recall correctly, it's not really set up very well for synchronous play, so we had trouble that way.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 6, 2015 06:09 PM

Yeah, wasn't there an issue with rooms and people trying to hop back and forth so they weren't waiting forever, last we tried this? I think it fell apart that way.

i am good at jokes Jul 8, 2015 03:14 PM

Does it run online, or is there something that needs a download?

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jul 8, 2015 10:06 PM

It was some browser based shenanigans.

Looks like it's Terraria again, though. Server's already set and ready to roll, and it was super popular last week. It was requested.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 9, 2015 04:27 PM

Also download this, want to test it out as a Skype replacement because Skype is terrible and this, despite being an alpha, appears less terrible.


i am good at jokes Jul 9, 2015 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Unknowingly Clenching (Post 826226)
Also download this, want to test it out as a Skype replacement because Skype is terrible and this, despite being an alpha, appears less terrible.


Sounds awesome! DONE!


Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 17, 2015 01:20 AM



SuperSonic Jul 25, 2015 11:44 AM

Footage from this past Thursday's Punch Night.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jul 30, 2015 08:52 PM

Our D&D adventure prompt:

Not lona aao.rhe luird ofGranile Hall, a rockanome dtler, bevaedyoufor ltelp. l-Ie
explained a terrible darkness stirs in the Yaril Mountains and beseechedyou to destroy
ir before il spread across the lands. Sensina the peril. you aweed and han• spenl the time
since then travelinlJ the narrow. windina parhs rhrouah rhe mountains·windswept peaks.
The gnome gave you directions to a most sinister place, an area blasted and dead, poisoned by some ineffable evil. There you found signs of recent work-tools. campsites, and
more. The result of these labors appears to be a stinking tunnel into the mountainside.
As you inspect the area. a deep sonorous noise rises from within the tunnel. ax !fa
weal horn has been sounded somewhere be)'Oild the darkness. Thearound t"rembles, eerie
purple liahtalowsfrom thecaw mouth. anc! the sun irst•!f turns black. ,\reJ'OU toa latc? T s
the world 's eml ur hand?The only wuy to knowforsure is to venturefo rth into rhe darkness and confront the 1•illains waitinB there.


The unmovable stubborn Jul 31, 2015 03:28 AM

Four randomly-generated characters and an airspeeder ventured forth into the most difficult dungeon in 4th Edition history... and emerged victorious. These were their experiences.

The passaae opens onto a wreckaae:filled chamber with toppled columns and broken statuary that depicts horrid monsters and human 51'../Jerina. A areal black obelisk risesfrom thefloor's center and reaches toward the ceilinn 60feet overhead. A weird purple liaht radiatesfrom the obelisk, and arayfoa roils around it all the way up to the ceilina.

Cultists clad in black robes and horned masks aather itt a circle around rite obelisk.
Their shrieks and hootsform an unlto/y chorus. One swinas a metal thuriblefrom a
chain; its incense smoke minales with the 8rtl)' vapors, partin& tltem. Another cultist
whirls toface you. arippirtB aareal iron ltont arovcnwith sickenina whorls and runes.
"You are too late!" lte cries. "He ofEternal Darkness awakens!"

A rumblinaf rom belowshakes the chamber.

T/1e stairs wind alana the wall ofa deep. chilly pir. descendinB 30Jeer 10 end in tl 20Joor
diameter circular antechamber. Here rhc air is intolerably cold. The black walls. the.floor.
e1•en the steps bristle with needle·sl!arp mineral arowrl!s. Blisreuin8 witl!frosr in tl1e
purple radiance sl!inina down from above. r\ dark openina. rouBhly I0 feet across, on rile
south wall ripples like rhc surjc1ce ofa pool ofwater. Beyond it is a laraer chamber. and in
the cellter ofrhur room is a dnrk marina shape on u stone block.

Youfloat in a starry expanse that seems to ao onforever. Beforeyou towers a vast wall of
darkness, a boilina mass ofinkyfluid that undulates and ripples. Aflickerin8 portalfloats
nea rby.

You see an enormous anael armed with afalchion and clad in silvery mail standin8 before
you. Five human-sized an8els armed withfiery swords stand to eitherside. The laraer
anael says, "This place- and knowledae ofits location- areforbidden toyou. Preparefor

You srarul on a chunk ofrock driftinlJthrou9h endless sky. Powerful winds howl oil
around you. A alnrrce overthe edae reveals afew solid specks movin8 rhroua h the nir, bur
110 wound below them. ,\ shimmerina 8ra)' portalllll llJ)S in rhe air IO.feerawayfrom rhe
rock on wlrich_vou swnd. The porwl keeps pace with the more

You stand in a cramped space. The walls,jloor, and ceilina are earth and rock. A passaaeway leads out ofthis small room.

You stand in rhe middle ofa burnin8 plain. Fiery cinders carpet the wound, andflames
blastfree in places. climbinB 20feet into the air. As rhe heat washes over_vou. a mass of
flames91ides throu9h the hazy air toward you.

Youfloat underwater. The water extends in all directions, cold and murky. Aheadyou see
a shimmerina aray portal. a ripple in the water.

Terrible cold envelops_vou whenyou appear in a hemispherical chamber 40Jeeracross.
The name ofthis terrible room comes unbidden toyour mind:the Black Cyst.
Aform rests on astone block near the chamber'scenter.Tlwshape is so darkyour eyes hurt
to look upon it. Thefo rm twitches and writhes as ifsrruwling to awakenf rom a niahtmare.
On eitherend ofthe stone block are two wear metal cressets. each standing atop three
legs andforgedfrom black iron. Curls ofareen smoke risef rom thebowls.

Or, as they heard it. Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 4, 2015 07:26 PM

I saved some Toribash replays

YouTube Video

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 7, 2015 06:14 PM

Garr, Pang, Skills, and I got together last night for some good old fashioned butt forking

YouTube Video

FatsDomino Sep 11, 2015 12:26 AM

I didn't forget that you existed, diss. :(

Little Brenty Brent Brent Sep 11, 2015 12:49 AM

That's because I remind people that I exist by being in chat and otherwise participating in community interactions of various sorts.

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 11, 2015 07:27 PM

Last night after UT2004, we did a little bit of Toribash until Pang found the gravity dial and spun it so far that everyone's client crashed simultaneously. Why did we give Pang dials? We may never know.

Pang's Helicopter Strike is probably the highlight of this batch

THE POWER OF WATER Sep 18, 2015 08:18 PM

Well, I guess Toribash is the new "what X isn't going to work tonight what are we going to do now oh fuck it" game

My internet connection was lousy last night and several of the replays actually desynced in my client. So if you notice any weird model skipping or anything not even attributable to the wonky physics in this game, that may be why.

YouTube Video

The unmovable stubborn Sep 18, 2015 09:09 PM


The gravity didn't crash the game this week! :)

The fracture threshold crashed the game this week :(

i am good at jokes Oct 2, 2015 06:15 PM

Just wondering about this...

When are we doing Magicka 2???

FatsDomino Oct 16, 2015 12:47 AM

And then everyone suggested terrible things to Rychord the toddler.


Single Elbow Oct 16, 2015 12:47 AM


The unmovable stubborn Oct 16, 2015 12:48 AM


Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jan 10, 2016 11:50 PM

Ok, so we have been without Pang for a little bit now. Since he is the only one who has the capability to wrangle all of us and come up with quality content, we put together a list of the next few weeks worth of shit so we can be prepped instead of random 'lol what do'.

So, in order:

January 14, 2016: Rocket League
January 21, 2016: Hawken
January 28, 2016: Man vs. Machine (Team Fortress 2)
February 4, 2016: Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch

More ideas put to paper welcome. Suggest away.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 11, 2016 09:36 PM

I hopped on Discord a few different times last Thursday, nobody was around :(

Guess I'll get this rocket soccer thing you're all bafflingly in love with though. I approve your decision to dictate games from on high since FASCISM IS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS WITH YOU PEOPLE

THIEF Jan 11, 2016 10:14 PM

Unreal Tournament 2004
Dota 2
Left for Dead 2

I also enjoy Cards Against Humanity with the crew quite a bit.

FatsDomino Jan 29, 2016 03:22 AM

there was much chilling

and then skills came and mad car soccer was had

and i streamed it! =D

Additional Spam:
And apparently I had my mic on mute in Xsplit the whole time because the last time I streamed was for a drink-on and I mute the mic source just in case for those events. I'm a huge dumbass. :(

Single Elbow Jan 31, 2016 02:45 AM

If I may offer a suggestion:

If Game Night has about 4 players, I suggest Lethal League.

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 1, 2016 06:56 PM

This is a list of games we have played in the past (or have been mentioned for future play) classified by the minimum number of players necessary. Some of these are arbitrary limits based on what offers the best experience. Sure, you could play Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch with two people, but why would you do that? I have made similar assumptions with maximum values. Toribash can accommodate more than five players, sure, but with how long each round takes and having to wait through that repeatedly until I get to play again? I will not do it nine times.

I've also omitted anything below two players, because if there aren't at least three people then it's not really game night - it's two people playing a game, and they can figure out their own shit.

(Round brackets): Can accommodate any number of players up to this.
[Square brackets]: Can accommodate only these numbers of players.

0 Players

Uno [0]

3 Players

Burnout Paradise (8)
Counterstrike: Source
Depth (6)
Dino D-Day
Hawken [3,4,6]
Lethal League (4)
Mechwarrior Online (6)
Mount Your Friends (4)
Orion: Prelude
Pandemic (4)
Sanic and all the People's Racing (10)
Street Fighter
Titan Quest (6)
Toribash (5)
Velvet Sundown

4 Players

Arkham Horror (6)
Descent 3
Forbidden Desert
Forbidden Island
Guns of Icarus [4, 8]
Hammerwatch [4]
Jedi Knight
Just Cause 2
Monaco [4]
Nation Red
Robot Roller Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rocket League (8)
Serious Sam
The Ship
Unreal Troanmetn
X-Wing Alliance

5 Players

Fiasco (7)
Ghost Court (8)
Hidden (9)
Hero Quest(7)
Heroes of the Storm (10)
SWAT 4 [5]

6 Players

Mann vs Machine [6]
Mega Man
Natural Selection 2
Prop Hunt

7 Players
Orient Express [7]

Franky Mikey Feb 8, 2016 03:44 PM

I dig how you left out a certain game. :3:

Little Brenty Brent Brent Feb 10, 2016 04:31 PM

Although everyone was very surprised that the guy who does a thing 20 times as much as everyone else combined turned out to be the best at doing that thing, the results probably don't need to be reconfirmed. You watch out though; I have begun my intense training regimen of eating only condiments for dinner. I am coming.

Tails Feb 12, 2016 09:31 AM

Found Pang!


The unmovable stubborn Feb 26, 2016 06:18 AM





Little Brenty Brent Brent Mar 17, 2016 09:00 PM


FatsDomino Mar 18, 2016 03:42 PM


The unmovable stubborn Mar 22, 2016 04:10 PM

So: Payday 2 is free to play for the rest of the month. That's good! It's also a 25GB install. That's bad. But you have two full days to download it! That's good. But you won't bother because you want me to suffer. That's bad.

THIEF Mar 22, 2016 06:57 PM

Moar cards, plz. I miss playing it with you guys. :(

LIAR Apr 1, 2016 01:14 AM

I think this sums everything up.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 1, 2016 02:39 AM

Ok gonna do this up one player at a time because an actual linear narrative isn't possible. Keep in mind everybody is the same character at different ages.

MENNO: Grows rich by cutting the middles out of aluminum cans somehow, but knows not the love of women. LURKER arrives from the far future to insist Menno go talk to a girl, but nope. Menno steals Lurker's briefcase full of plutonium, swapping it with an identical briefcase full of aluminum and glowsticks. A Cunning Ruse. Menno takes the briefcase to school, wherein his friends (and the erstwhile Abby Wright) are charmed by the radioactive mystery but all get turbocancer and die. Menno is wracked with despair, and the next 7 years lead him into a downward spiral of unkempt mustaches and trying to sell plutonium on Craigslist.

SKILLS picks up where Menno leaves off, noticing a bite on the Craigslist Plutonium hook and feeling his spirits lift. He waxes his mustache, puts on his best rainbow lipstick and sleeveless tux, and hits the bars. Who does he meet but the lovely former First Lady, Michelle Obama, and they retire to Skills' shabby motel where Michelle pegs him for many an hour, long into the night. Skills' forehead is inadvertently mashed into a wall mirror, which activates the TIME VORTEX. With his bottom half in the motel being rammed and his upper half floating in the vortex, he receives and offer from ACER: a two-ton box containing two ions. Alas, it is too wide to fit through the mirror. Skills passes out at the end of his erotic interlude, and awakes to find both Mrs. Obama and the briefcase gone but a new power - the power to smell cancer - is his to command. Skills travels the world, diagnosing cancer by smell, but the world is not ready. After a few years his reputation catches up with him, and he is thrown into Lake Superior Pond, judged guilty as a cancer witch. Drowning and desperate, he mashes his forehead into a mirror at the bottom of the pond.

ACER picks up here, drifting in the time vortex for a decade and gradually becoming a DeLorean for reasons. SHADE makes several abortive attempts to pull him from the vortex but is thwarted because Acer cannot read calendars. Finally, Shade and Diss are able to work together to pull DeLorean Acer from the vortex, whereupon he immediately begins to complain of needing an oil change. Shade attempts to use Acer to run over Lurker, who has just burned down the bingo hall with Michelle Obama inside. It is no use. OIL CAN. Then Acer turns into a phone booth because reasons. Diss dials in a new destination for the three of them, and upon arrival Shade immediately ditches him for yet another adventure. The trauma of having his dial wiggled causes Acer's Weird Vortex Ghost to be knocked free of the phone booth and he awakes in his easy chair with a start. It was all a dream... or was it? Years pass, and he enjoys a peaceful life with his entirely hallucinatory family, including the long-dead Abby Wright. At length, he decides to venture down to the bingo hall and try his luck one fine Sunday evening.

DISS picks up here, and he's very close to a bingo when a real commotion arrives in the hall. LURKER's on the run through time, being pursued by Michelle Obama and a large bear. Diss has no time to react before Lurker torches the bingo hall, leaving Diss the only survivor. He claws free of the wreckage to find SHADE, who seeks assistance in freeing Acer from THE TIME VORTEX. Diss has nothing better going on since bingo night is ruined, so fine. After assorted DeLorean/booth shenanigans, Diss returns to Lake Superior Pond, a location he remembers from his distant youth. As he paddles out over the aluminum-y water, a briefcase bobs to the surface. A briefcase... full of plutonium. Unsure what to do with such a hot potato, he stores it under the local bingo hall.

SHADE will never forgive or forget Lurker's senseless killing of Michelle Obama, and seeks to create the most precise time travel instrument possible to prevent the incineration of the bingo hall. Such an instrument would require... immense power. Conveniently, the plutonium is still where Diss left it. He spends his twilight years struggling to create the perfect chronomanipulative apparatus, becoming a wizened, skeletal creature, riddled with immense cancers that can never truly kill him because his system is plated with aluminum shavings. He resolves to return to the point that started it all.

LURKER arrives to hector Menno at the story's chronologically earliest point and has her briefcase stolen. She later tracks the case down in the hands of Skills and swipes it back, but Michelle Obama is hot on her tail. Michelle and Lurker are entangled in a peg-off but Lurker manages to get free. She traps Michelle (and a bear) in a bingo hall before burning the building down, using gallons of petroleum jelly as an accelerant. She gets away clean, enjoying a lovely meal at IHOP before showing off the tumor disaster that is her body to all the geriatric residents of the town. Lurker whiles away her remaining years with an endless buffet of assisted-living-facility lewdness, and at long last travels back to the shore of Lake Superior Pond, throwing the plutonium briefcase into the water before dying peacefully of a massive heart attack and then haunting the ruins of the bingo hall as a spooky binghost.

The unmovable stubborn Apr 21, 2016 11:32 PM

It is important to note that suddenly, and against all probability, a Hammerhead Shark had been called into existence, several miles above the surface of an alien planet and since this is not a naturally tenable position for a shark, this innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with Diss waiting below with an explosion dildo.

FatsDomino Apr 22, 2016 12:07 AM

Depth is a fun game. :)


I won at Megalodon. ::proud::

FatsDomino May 15, 2016 01:03 AM


The unmovable stubborn Dec 25, 2016 05:00 AM


Little Brenty Brent Brent Dec 28, 2016 10:49 AM


Turns out I can't add them to the tag cloud; the functionality appears to be broken.

Sarag Dec 30, 2016 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Little Brenty Brent Brent (Post 828297)

Turns out I can't add them to the tag cloud; the functionality appears to be broken.

Yeah, several other functions are broken around the forum. I can't change my avatar for love nor money, for instance. I think chocojournal's busted too, but that's to be expected.


to be fair chocojournal is still in beta.

The unmovable stubborn Jan 6, 2017 02:13 AM

Ok, somebody (Diss?) asked me to explain HOW DOES IMPORTING SETS WORK in PYX in the event that Pang is unreliable. I EXPLAIN.

what you do is, in chat enter /addcardcast [CODE] where [CODE] is whatever 5-character code represents the set you're trying to add. To add Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack (FOR EXAMPLE), /addcardcast 4MYV8. To remove the set, use /removecardcast [CODE] and /listcardcast will just tell you which sets you've added so you don't accidentally add the Furry Pack like six times or something. Who would do that? Such a hilarious accident.

For reference, codes for things what I made:

Coupler Duty: GPOMB
Snake Oil: CRDA5
Unofficial Snake Oil: 2RHBT
SummaryBug: 2TU3R
SummaryBug Terse Mode: RA3SW

Talec Jan 6, 2017 11:47 PM

[10:44 PM] Talec: NEVERS
[10:44 PM] Term: NEVERS
[10:44 PM] Hi Pang Hi Pang: NEVERS DONE IT

Little Brenty Brent Brent Jun 22, 2017 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by The unmovable stubborn (Post 828311)
Ok, somebody (Diss?) asked me to explain HOW DOES IMPORTING SETS WORK in PYX in the event that Pang is unreliable. I EXPLAIN.

what you do is, in chat enter /addcardcast [CODE] where [CODE] is whatever 5-character code represents the set you're trying to add. To add Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack (FOR EXAMPLE), /addcardcast 4MYV8. To remove the set, use /removecardcast [CODE] and /listcardcast will just tell you which sets you've added so you don't accidentally add the Furry Pack like six times or something. Who would do that? Such a hilarious accident.

For reference, codes for things what I made:

Coupler Duty: GPOMB
Snake Oil: CRDA5
Unofficial Snake Oil: 2RHBT
SummaryBug: 2TU3R
SummaryBug Terse Mode: RA3SW


The unmovable stubborn Jun 25, 2017 02:27 AM


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