Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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Tails Jun 20, 2010 08:08 AM

The only thing that gets me about 'hogs is after a while of not playing I forget which bumper is the RIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER powerslide button and I always end up jumping out and getting us killed on the first attempt.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 20, 2010 03:59 PM

That's why I always test the brakes and horn before setting off. Mirror, signal, manouver and all that.

SailorDaravon Jun 20, 2010 04:21 PM


As an aside, the Limited Edition guide for this just popped up as an Amazon recommendation to me. There's no cover or description provided, but it's mainly interesting because the LE guide is listed at 448 pages, and the regular guide at 352 pages. Wonder what the heck would be in the extra 100 pages, I'm guessing artbook maybe? I can't think of any type of regular "extra" content that they could do that would even approach 100 pages.

Tails Jun 20, 2010 04:22 PM

Maybe they'll include some sort of "History of Halo" deal where they go over the entire series, backgrounds, guns, tech, etc?

SailorDaravon Jun 20, 2010 06:19 PM

There's already a Halo Encyclopedia out though. That would seem like too much effort for an extra 100 pages on a guide, but not enough to be completely comprehensive either (the Encyclopedia's like 300 pages). I'm guessing artbook, but I guess we'll see. I'll keep an eye on the Amazon listing.

Tails Jun 20, 2010 06:24 PM

Oh is there? I had no idea (or maybe you mentioned it to me and I forgot).

SailorDaravon Jun 20, 2010 06:39 PM

Came out like a year or so ago, I hadn't gotten around to picking it up or anything.

SailorDaravon Jun 21, 2010 08:40 PM

No additional details on the LE, but it showed up in my Gold Box which brought it down to $21.94 shipped (I have Prime), so that shit is bought.

Also game-related, something that they talked about that I forgot to mention was that when you're playing co-op, the game scales difficulty now based on the number of players. So we can (apparently) forget Legendary being pretty easy with 4 people.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 22, 2010 06:01 PM

So now there'll be eight scarabs at once? Awesome, that's going to make team kills that much funnier, although on the plus side anyone who doesn't mind hanging back as a re-spawn point will become a valuable team mate.

SailorDaravon Jun 22, 2010 06:33 PM

Scarabs on Scarabs awwww shit

SailorDaravon Jun 29, 2010 06:11 PM

Didn't update last week, since there wasn't anything super relevant to anyone here on the Bungie Weekly Update. Next week is Bungie Day (7/7), so we'll probably get something there at the very least. For those not familiar, the last few years they've usually done some sort of free gamer pics and themes, as well as some sort of information reveal, behind the scenes look at something, etc.

Also still no details at all yet that I can find, but Amazon does now have a covershot of the LE guide:


OmagnusPrime Jun 29, 2010 06:45 PM

That LE covershot looks pretty ace. Might have to take a look on the UK Amazon site see if they have any details, or if I can at least put my name down for them as I might be tempted to pick this one up.

Quick edit: Seems I can pre-order it already, so I'm just going to say fuck it and do that.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jul 2, 2010 05:37 PM

I watched Halo Legends for the first time the other day and I really hope the space battles in Reach are just like the space battle in the CGI one.

SailorDaravon Jul 2, 2010 07:46 PM

OP updated, lots of info in today's update!

-Added both versions of the Strategy guide to the first section along with prices and (cheaper) Amazon links. Still no word on what's special about the Limited Edition one yet.

-Bungie has said that Legendary difficulty in Campaign will have "more than a few Elites armed with Active Camo and Sniper Rifles."

-You guys were right, Visor Colors!

-Launch details for the "regular" and Arena Playlists!

"Competitive" Playlist
-The final name of the "Standard" Playlist from the Beta. Will contain 6 hoppers at launch:
-8-man FFA
-4v4 Slayer
-4v4 Objective
-2v2v2v2v2v2 (yes 6 teams) Multi-team
-8v8 Big Team
-6v6 Invasion
-Also confirmed that both SWAT and Snipers are included in Team Slayer variants; they will not have unique hoppers, at least at launch.


Arena Playlists
-At launch, the Arena Playlist will consist of:
-7-man FFA
-2v2 (slayer)
-4v4 (slayer)

-(Awesome) change from the Beta; a non-vote no longer counts as a vote towards the first option on the list. If only one person votes, that's what is being played. Will only default to the first option if no one votes.

-Another awesome change from the Beta; if your mic is not plugged in, or you are in a Party/Private chat, the game places you in the "Quiet" Chattiness category. This is to try to avoid problems like in most games where most of the people you are matched with have no mics or are in chats, or alternatively if your settings are also set to Quiet just so you don't have to hear random retards yelling.


-Campaign: Names have now been assigned to NPC Marines, Troopers, and ODST's in the game, so now you can see their name, rank, and service tag in-game so as to encourage keeping them alive (presumably).

Additionally, confirmation to definitely check back next week for Bungie Day (the 7th).

Also as a related aside, Halo 3 Matchmaking will be winding down with the release of Reach:


You may have noticed the “MLG FFA” shaped hole in Matchmaking.

MLG FFA’s removal is the first step in preparing Halo 3 for Reach’s release. Between now and the day Reach is in your trembling hands we’re going to actively downsize and concatenate Halo 3’s matchmaking lineup. What does this mean?

1. Playlists are going to be combined, modified, or removed, based on how we predict they will perform once Reach is released. Ultimately the number of playlists will be reduced from its current number.
2. No new playlists will be added from this point onward.
3. Playlists will progressively become DLC required, leaving Social Slayer and Lone Wolves as the only DLC-optional playlists once again.
4. Double EXP weekends will come to an end on 9/13. But not before we throw them a little going away party.
5. 7 on 7th will live on, but beyond the release of Reach no further updates are planned for Halo 3 Matchmaking.

In summary: If you have a favorite playlist, you should start playing it now, because it might not be around forever.

Shake Appeal Jul 5, 2010 05:32 AM

I haven't posted here or even been on Live much because I mostly quit games, but that all changes come September.

SailorDaravon Jul 5, 2010 07:15 AM

Or maybe because PC gaming is dead am i rite?

I also haven't been on Live at all, although that's going to change tomorrow with Crackdown.

SailorDaravon Jul 6, 2010 09:29 AM

For those here that know him, the Son of Urk arrived this morning. I shot him a message on Facebook asking if the child came forth fully bearded, regardless of gender.

I do not expect a response. But congrats to him!

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jul 6, 2010 01:55 PM

I pre-ordered my copy of Reach today. It's just the basic one, I have enough tat lying about my house without adding more stuff. I've ordered mine from Amazon, £38 and £2 for release-day delivery (GAME wanted £40 plus a fiver for release day, fuck you GAME~). I also booked a week off work...

SailorDaravon Jul 6, 2010 02:44 PM

Awesome, seems like a bunch of people are taking that week off, should be no shortage of dudes on.

OmagnusPrime Jul 6, 2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Shin (Post 761533)
(GAME wanted £40 plus a fiver for release day, fuck you GAME~)

Actually GAME's free delivery (the one that says it'll take 2 days) is the one you want for pre-orders. They always send things out to get to you for release day if you pre-order and since they send stuff at the early part of the week it actually often ends up arriving on the Thursday, and every once in a while on the Wednesday. The paid-for courier option is worse because they put it with a courier who is told to get it to you on release day.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jul 7, 2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by OmagnusPrime (Post 761554)
Actually GAME's free delivery (the one that says it'll take 2 days) is the one you want for pre-orders. They always send things out to get to you for release day if you pre-order and since they send stuff at the early part of the week it actually often ends up arriving on the Thursday, and every once in a while on the Wednesday. The paid-for courier option is worse because they put it with a courier who is told to get it to you on release day.


It's been that long since I last pre-ordered something I assumed the standard shipping would get it to me mid-week. Oh well, the only difference then is the loyalty points from GAME which I guess makes them technically cheaper but I'll stick with Amazon now, since I ordered a load of other stuff at the same time and messing about with open orders tends to confuse them.

SailorDaravon Jul 7, 2010 06:49 PM

Blood Gulch and Hologram Armor Ability (WHAT) semi-officially announced for Reach:

YouTube Video

As implied, you can apparently go way outside the map (I'm thinking it's made for Invasion maybe?):


Also apparently the name of the map is "Hemorrhage" as implied by an urk comment over at H.B.O., but this is not at all confirmed.

Also rocket warthogs confirmed from this video as well.

Also announced is a Gamestop exclusive armor variant. Bungie has confirmed that this is a "chest" variant (and not the rumored "belt" option), and also that this is the last in-game marketing piece, i.e. there won't be any other armor exclusive things coming:


Heads up: For today ONLY in celebration of Bungie Day, they've unlocked flaming helmets for everybody! I might hop on for a bit later just for some screenshots or something.

Edit: Played one match online, luckily was Swords, as this made for good pic taking. I particularly enjoy this one:


SailorDaravon Jul 8, 2010 10:43 PM

Merchandising begins: McFarland's Halo Reach Series 1 announced, will be hitting in early September. Some retailers will have "advance" figures available in August, whatever the hell that means. More details and pictures will apparently be available next week.

Series 1 will offer the following:


Single Figures

-Noble Six with Assault Rifle and Frag Grenade
-Emile with Shotgun, Kukri knife, and Frag Grenade
-Jorge with Turret
* Elite Minor with Needler and Plasma Grenade
* Grunt Ultra with Plasma Pistol and Plasma Grenades
* Spartan HAZOP custom (male) (olive/steel) with Assault Rifle and Frag Grenade
-Spartan HAZOP custom (male) (gold/steel) with DMR and Frag Grenade -- exclusive to Toys "R" Us
-Spartan HAZOP custom (male) (steel/steel) with DMR and Frag Grenade -- exclusive to GameStop
-Spartan Mark V [B] (male) (brick/steel) with DMR and Frag Grenade -- exclusive to Target

Figure 2-Packs

Spartan HAZOP

Spartan HAZOP custom (male) (brick/steel) with Assault Rifle and Frag Grenade
Spartan HAZOP custom (male) (blue/steel) with Shotgun and Frag Grenade

UNSC Troopers

* Light Trooper with Assault Rifle and Frag Grenade
* Heavy Trooper with Shotgun and Frag Grenade

Spartan and Elite Ultra

* Spartan Mark V [B] (male) (white/steel) with DMR and Frag Grenade
* Elite Ultra with dual Plasma Rifles and Plasma Grenade


* Ghost Rapid Assault Vehicle
* Warthog with Light Anti-Aircraft Gun
Pictures of a few that have been released. I didn't include all of the different variants of the HAZOP and the Mark V's; no idea why there's so many HAZOP variants, I guess because of the retailer exclusives. No other ones have been shown yet. I added just straight text links for all the figures in the OP and above if someone actually wants to see what they all look like.

I just realized not only are there way more armor variants than Halo 3, they can sell females variants of them as well now, fuuuuuck.

Noble 6



Mark V - Male, Brick/Steel

HAZOP - Male, Steel/Steel

Edit: OP updated with all of this info, as well as the stuff in the previous post from yesterday, whew.

Quote Jul 10, 2010 03:49 PM

This may not have been mentioned and have since lost the thread where it is mentioned, but can be found out pretty easily.

Essentially during the "Red Vs Blue Deja View" video, it shows part of Blood Gulch that has a large steel wall. After a minute or two another view is shown of that same location but that "Wall" is missing. Since then there has been some speculation on the Bungie.net forums that the new "Blood Gulch" level may available as an "Invasion" gamemode. I'll see if I can't piece together some images from the video or find the thread.

EDIT: I have gone through the video and compiled a few photos marked with the applicable identifiers.

Image 1: Picture of the wall.
Image 2: Picture of the wall from another angle.
Image 3: No Wall.

SailorDaravon Jul 13, 2010 07:18 PM


After some bizarre internet hijinks and modems and network cards frying and whatnot. I had internet at work yesterday, but GFF is blocked.

Update timey:

-Comic-con exclusive Halo Reach figure revealed, a blue/steel variant of Noble "7" seen here. All of the other Series 1 figures have been revealed as well, and can be found here. The Elite Ultra looks pretty neat.

-Bungie has clarified that the Gamestop-exclusive pre-order armor will never show in your Armory or count against your Armory completion % if you don't have it. Additionally, some armor will be available exclusive through Halo Waypoint based on Achivement progression from Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, and Halo: Reach. These items also will not count towards your Armory completion %, only items that you can purchase in-game with Credits that are available to everyone count towards the %. Also more hints that it will take a while to unlock everything in the Armory:


It’s worth mentioning that there are definitely items in the Armory that are going to take weeks, months and probably even longer to acquire. Some of those things we’re going to show you on Day 1 – some of them you won’t be able to see until you’ve reached specific ranks and made certain purchases. And some of those things won’t even be available until the Community’s collective might has been harnessed.
-Achievement time; picture of all of the Achievement icons for Halo: Reach:


-There are a total of 49 Achievements, the split works to:
Campaign - 23
Firefight - 7
Multiplayer - 4
Training - 6
Player Experience - 9
-Icons seem to indicate that Campaign has ten levels, which seems to fall in-line with the previous games. On the same note, appear to be score-based Firefight achievements returning as well.
-Each Campaign mission will have it's own "special" Achievement, like If They Came to Hear Me Beg below.
-The Achievement specific details they've released so far:
* A Monument to All Your Sins (LOL)– Complete each Campaign Mission on Legendary – alone.
* Banshees, Fast and Low – Hijack a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
* Yes, Sensei – Earn a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game.
* A New Challenger – Complete all of the Daily Challenges in a given day.
* Make It Rain – Purchase an item from the Armory that requires the rank of Lt. Colonel.
*If They Came to Hear Me Beg – Perform an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal.
-A couple of new medal specifics discussed:
*Rejection - Armor Lock and survive damage that would normally be fatal.
*Protector - Save a teammate by killing his foe.
*Showstopper - Kill an opponent while they are performing an Assassination.
-Halo: Reach Legendary box holy shit:


From urk regarding the the Legendary packaging:


Also obscene: the amount of time spent making sure the initial unboxing experience is stellar. We wanted it to feel something like the iPhone when you opened it, with everything in it's own sculpted compartment, safe, sound, and ultra sexy.
As far as anyone knows, the regular game is packed inside the Limited Edition, which is then itself packed inside the Legendary Edition. Yo dawg I heard you like Halo something something.

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