Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis

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SailorDaravon Jun 3, 2010 08:19 PM

Major update time, Beta to Final game changes!

-Bungie just posted a new podcast which details many changes being made to the final game from the Beta. I haven't had a chance to listen it yet, but my man Dani over on GAF has, and was kind enough to post this listing of changes from the podcast. They're for the most part all pretty major, but I'll bold a few of the more interesting/significant ones. I did do some paraphrasing/editing from his original post.


-Speed and jumping - Looked into it. Sage has adjusted it. Faster movement, higher jump. Game feels different from Beta.
-New Aim assist prioritizes targets. Proximity doesn't always equal most valuable target.
-Previously mentioned issue with the headshot hitbox being slightly off in the Beta has been fixed, is a "great improvement."
-Also as previously stated by Bungie, melee was "broken" in Beta. Has now been corrected; 5 frames added to animation (30 total), which is the same as Halo 3 melee.
-Vehicles are being worked on, are no longer "fragile" like they were in the Beta.
-Getting the Scorpion away from spawn in Boneyard was difficult and if you succeeded, it was too powerful. Will be "improved upon."
-Grenades; people initially perceived them as "mini-nukes" but got used to them, similar to Halo CE (I don't personally recall this one way or the other). Grenade "power" was lowered by 1 point during the Beta, has been changed again with another point removed. Also has a smaller radius and the timer reduced by 0.1 seconds.
-Issue fixed where Shield wasn't reporting damage correctly during Beta.
-Single DMR shot takes 25 points from shields. (I'm guessing you have a 100 points in shields?)
-Maps and game types tweaked.
-Reticule fixed: brighter/fancier/crisp/clear.
-Which direction you are taking fire/damage from is much clearer/more apparent now.
-Swordbase changes: Weapon spawns changed, currently no Plasma Launcher on default settings. Flag removed from Beta yellow lift room on 1 Flag (Battle over lift) and moved to 2 story room with glassy balcony, top of the ramp. Plays better.
-Powerhouse change: Flag moved away due to Rocket Launcher, now on rooftop of one of the buildings.
-Stockpile changes: UI being redone, UI was carried over from Halo 3 - not suitable for Reach and confusing. Much clearer now. Flag spawn locations kept the same. On Powerhouse the return zones have been moved.

-Magnum slowed down fractionally to make it fairer against AR users.
-AR is slightly buffed.
-Plasma Repeater kept in line with AR
-Sniper Rifle made a bit more "idiot-proof."
-Plasma Launcher "getting nerfed a hair." Changing time it takes to lock on to make it slightly more fair for infantry. Tracking also reduced slightly. Fire rate slightly longer/slower. "Not quite good as it used to be but still pretty awesome"
-DMR: Rounds in magazine changed, 12 in Beta now increased to 15 rounds.
-Needle Rifle: Rounds in magazine changed, 16 in Beta now increased to 21 rounds.
-Magnum NOT getting more rounds for certain, no chance.
-Elite shield regen time increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds (not final).
-Reticule bloom stays. They admit 50/50 from fans loving it/hating it but think that's expected and won't remove it or modify it. Might consider removing the "random element" but won't prioritize above anything else. Bloom makes Halo "play better". They say that people exaggerate the amount of random kills they see compared to expect kills.
-From the Weekly Update last week, they posted the new hi-res versions of some medals, apparently most/all of the medal images in the Beta were placeholder and/or carryovers. I've resized these because they were huuuuge in the update, also some of them are unannounced/seem new based on the image and the filenames.

Hammer Riot - Appears to be new, get a Running Riot with a Hammer?
Headcase - Getting a headshot on someone who's Sprinting, big improvement over what it looked like in the Beta
Pull - I believe this is the one for getting a headshot on someone using a jetpack
Laser Kill
Wheelman Spree - Appears to be new, NOT be a redesign/rename of Splatter Spree
Yoink - I think the was the medal for jacking a vehicle after it had been jacked from you?
Zombie Frenzy - Infection!

-Last week's update also showed some the appearance of some of the different Commendation rank appearances. You can see what backgrounds of the five different levels of Commendations look like, and there's icons shown for some different ones as well.

Steel level Assist Commendation
Bronze level Sniper Commendation
Silver level Technician Commendation
Gold level Assassin Commendation
Onyx level "Stars" Commendation (possibly placeholder/means nothing?)

After I make this post I'll get the above integrated into the OP as necessary. Also I took a week off for this game's release, lol!

Edit: OP updated. Whew!

Shake Appeal Jun 4, 2010 04:09 AM

That week of release is going to be wild times.

Tails Jun 4, 2010 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by SailorDaravon (Post 756970)
Also I took a week off for this game's release, lol!

LMAO are you fucking serious. I was just going to take off for release night because midnight launch holla holla get dollas, but lord knows I don't have shit better to do with my current get out of work free hours. Maybe I'll do the same.

SailorDaravon Jun 4, 2010 06:29 AM

That's pretty much why I took the week, I have hours I have to use and didn't have a better purpose for it. I actually need to use more than that up by November, but meh.

SailorDaravon Jun 5, 2010 07:39 AM

Two updates from the Weekly Update:

-First screenshot of the Commendations as they show in your Service Record in-game. It filters the ones you have the highest first, and you can see that you're able to scroll down. They did also mention that the Commendations show here are all multiplayer only, and don't show any from "other modes" which will also be reflected here as well.

-First screenshot showing full Armory options (albeit mosiac'd out), which seems to confirm 10 customizable armor pieces (at least for Spartans).

Also got (obvious) confirmation that we'll be seeing a bunch of new stuff at E3, which runs the week of the 14th. Like I said before, my personal guess is we'll get confirmation on Firefight, number of players for co-op and Firefight (rumored to be 6), as well as new Campaign and Multiplayer stuff (but largely focused on Campaign). Next Friday's weekly update will be the last before E3.

Ramenbetsu Jun 5, 2010 09:10 AM

Am I the only one noticing something pretty going on with the visor there? I know they're going to be doing graphic tweaks before launch (duh) but that just popped for me.

SailorDaravon Jun 5, 2010 09:35 AM

You mean with the reflection on it? Nah, I've seen multiplayer shots from the Beta and if you actually look you see pretty clear reflections on the visors. I just don't think before it was visible on the Armory screen before, or we just never noticed it maybe.

Shake Appeal Jun 7, 2010 10:06 PM

There's speculation on GAF that you can change the colour/tint of the visor in the full game.

This is what we discuss now on forums..

Visor tint.

SailorDaravon Jun 7, 2010 11:21 PM

I wouldn't know, haven't looked in that thread since I posted at the end of the beta. I've never seen a bunch of manbabies with so much sand in a vagina. Also most of the people in there should know better but continue to take troll bait.

On the topic of the visor tint, while that would be cool, I'm ultimately starting to 2nd guess the customization a bit. In-game you only see what you look like when you're dead, and usually when you're dead you're frantically waiting on a respawn, looking at the scoreboard, etc. I'm not saying it's bad that it's there, but I ceased to give a shit about what I looked like about 10 matches into the Beta.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 7, 2010 11:34 PM

The real trick would be customizing what your crotch looked like so that each teabagging was unique.

SailorDaravon Jun 7, 2010 11:51 PM

Or maybe if you could customize the sound the other player heard when you teabagged them.

I also like that your first contribution to this thread in god knows how long is immediately about crotches.

Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor Jun 8, 2010 02:04 AM

That's just how I roll son, don't be jealous.

Shake Appeal Jun 9, 2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by SailorDaravon (Post 757590)
In-game you only see what you look like when you're dead, and usually when you're dead you're frantically waiting on a respawn, looking at the scoreboard, etc. I'm not saying it's bad that it's there, but I ceased to give a shit about what I looked like about 10 matches into the Beta.

Fair enough, though you will also get to see what you look like in campaign cutscenes.

SailorDaravon Jun 10, 2010 06:46 AM

That's true, but campaign is not what 99% of people will be doing more than a couple weeks after release.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 10, 2010 03:47 PM

Maybe changing your visor tint would change the colour of the HUD. Not that I don't like blue but a bit of variety is nice from time to time.

SailorDaravon Jun 10, 2010 07:25 PM

That would be interesting.

Edit: Interesting, someone over on CAG noticed that the Gamestop pre-order Recon helmet appears to be different. It looks like the same helmet, but the visor is flipped. I don't know if this means you can change that, or if they're two separate helmets, which is going to piss me off because I'll have to somehow snag the Gamestop one as well.

For reference, Amazon pre-order Recon helmet:

Gamestop pre-order Recon helmet:

urk Jun 11, 2010 04:56 PM

The helmet variant was modified after the initial shots went out. This is the same offer with the updated look. Early adopters get a sweet Recon helmet variant and you won't have to run to multiple retailers to collect slightly different permutations.

Also, please say hello to your wife for me. :)

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss Jun 11, 2010 05:40 PM

And say hello to your mum from me. ;)

urk Jun 11, 2010 06:01 PM

She's dead. (Not really, but it's a sweet comeback.)

SailorDaravon Jun 11, 2010 06:23 PM

I didn't mean literally comment on this here urk, but I appreciate the effort. Hugz!

My wife saw this and just shook her head. Just to be clear Shin, I know urk and him asking about my wife is a running joke.

Edit: I just realized I can't wait to tell Shimms how you I inadvertently got you to register at a completely different forum to answer a question I asked, but you don't post at the SC. Sooooooo good.

Philia Jun 11, 2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by SailorDaravon (Post 758158)
him asking about my wife is a running joke.

That'll oughta teach me not to sound off in the background. :(

SailorDaravon Jun 11, 2010 06:43 PM

I'll update the OP with the correct image later tonight after the Bungie Weekly Update goes up in a bit. This is the last update before E3 next week, where there will probably be a lot of more news on probably Tuesday-ish, so expect some frequent updates.


Originally Posted by Philia (Post 758162)
That'll oughta teach me not to sound off in the background. :(

Trust me, that's not annoying and doesn't even approach anything the rest of the crew does. Nice Shimms still is the best/worst thing ever.

Additional Spam:
Update time!

-Elite armor customization works differently than for Spartans. Elites are full-on palette/armor swaps, as opposed to Spartans with individual armor pieces. You can still choose which Elite you want to use for when you are in a game type where you play as an Elite.

-You unlock Elites when you hit certain ranks; you do not purchase them with cR like Spartan upgrades.

-There are a couple of other customizations that they have not yet revealed (isn't clear if they're referring specifically to Elite customization or in general)

-Further confirmation about the pre-order bonus helmet being changed to the one I posted above.

-Official confirmation that Infection is returning.

-New Infection mode called "Safe Havens." Last bit is mysterious, unclear if zombies are possibly the Flood or something else completely new. Someone on GAF theorized that the survivors are Spartans and when infected you go Elite, but urk shot that one down.


In Havens, survivors are fragile and prone to being eaten. Survivors do little damage and can be killed in one hit. Unless, that is, they are standing in the Safe Haven. Once inside the Haven, Survivors turn immortal, and can kill zombies with one shot.

The catch? Once a Survivor steps into a Haven, a fifteen second timer is triggered and cannot be stopped. When the timer is up, the Haven moves to a random location, leaving everyone inside it mortal and vulnerable. As survivors, your goal is to move from Haven to Haven while avoiding the ever-increasing Zombie Horde, and scoring as many kills as you can along the way. It’s worth pointing out that the zombies aren’t your Romero-style knuckle draggers, either. Reach zombies are undead acrobats and all that tumbling has worked up a hunger for brains. Expect to be sprinting a lot.”

Tumbling, eh? I think we’ll just leave it at that. And I’m walking away.

Edit: OP updated with all info, also added Last updated dates for each categories. I still desperately need some real image headers for categories. Maybe after E3 we'll know enough info for me to break the OP up into final categories (I still haven't really touched Campaign, Forge, presumably Firefight, etc) and maybe I can work on that or bribe someone else to.

Tails Jun 11, 2010 10:50 PM

FUCK YEAH Elite customization. Too bad that armor in the screenshot looks like shit.

SailorDaravon Jun 11, 2010 10:52 PM

More like all Elites look like shit am I right??

Tails Jun 11, 2010 11:17 PM

Haters gonna hate. Spartans are just lame humans with armor, while Elites are, in the words of Shake himself, "murderous gazelles". Beautiful, murderous gazelles.

Don't be jealous.

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