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Jessykins Apr 21, 2006 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by a_wizard
Bugged, how is she bugged?

She was doing something like 8+ Deep Breaths during phase 2... which is pretty much totally fucked up.

ALSO, I finally got my fucking Nightslayer Pants yesterday. JOY!!

Zio Apr 21, 2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by a_dyke
She was doing something like 8+ Deep Breaths during phase 2... which is pretty much totally fucked up.

ALSO, I finally got my fucking Nightslayer Pants yesterday. JOY!!

Well, then I haven't fought her enough cause I don't even notice.

Xellos Apr 22, 2006 04:27 AM

They fixed it within a couple of days. If it had stayed like that, very few guilds would get their tier 2 items from Onyxia. We tried a couple of times, and when she does that many deep breaths in such a short time, it's harder then twin emperors.

7/8 Wrath now. Just missing the hardest part, the breastplate. This will take a while.

Just need the Nefarian head, his ring and the breastplate to be complete. Well...there's the AQ shield, which i'll get anyway IF we get passed the twin emperors, and thunderfury is mine IF the binding decides to drop.

rpgcrazied Apr 22, 2006 11:05 AM

speaking of AQ, last nite on the 20 side.. we got to the first boss.. got him down to like 1% - we were so mad. I cant even spell his name, its like Kurnalixx or something.

The_Griffin Apr 22, 2006 02:37 PM

Heh... be thankful that you're actually IN AQ. Thorium Brotherhood still hasn't gotten it opened yet. At this rate, I might actually be one of the first to join the raid. :tpg:

Zio Apr 23, 2006 10:47 PM

I thought it was OPEN now, no matter where you were on the resource list... I must have been wrong then. Oh well it was nice rep farming quests.

Xellos Apr 24, 2006 10:36 AM

Woot we killed twin emperors today.

He dropped the sword and the hunter gloves. Pretty good drops.

Hopefully we'll clear the trash today so I can get my fucking shield. =)

The_Griffin Apr 24, 2006 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zio
I thought it was OPEN now, no matter where you were on the resource list... I must have been wrong then. Oh well it was nice rep farming quests.

Eh, TB's one of the newer servers. I don't think we were around when 1.09 hit, actually.

Jessykins Apr 24, 2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Xellos
Woot we killed twin emperors today.

He dropped the sword and the hunter gloves. Pretty good drops.

Hopefully we'll clear the trash today so I can get my fucking shield. =)

Yeah, Hyjal just had their first Kalimdor's Revenge drop. Weird, too, since we have had guilds killing those guys for some time.

The_Griffin Apr 24, 2006 10:30 PM

Whoo, hit 36 on my shammy today, after an armory run (got Herod's Shoulder), and two cath runs (all with more or less the same party; we just dumped our warrior and got a new one for the cath runs).

I had a LOT of fun with that second warrior. One time he was dancing practically naked and dancing outside while he waited for us to regroup 'cause we wiped the first run and Morgraine disappeared (and I needed to repair and get more ankhs), and he was all like "DON'T ASK," then apologized for the caps. I said "Don't worry, the caps added extra hilarity. Besides, you're kinda hawt. <3"

And then I proceeded to flirt with him, and blow kisses, and wink. Eventually, he just said "Be fucking glad that we can't duel in here, or I would shove my hoof so far up your ass that you'd be spitting glue for a WEEK."

And then he continued it, saying, "Besides, my horns don't grow that way."

To which I replied, "So you can't get it up? No worries, I can figure out how to make a potion that would fix THAT."

Many good lol's were had by all. :tpg:

Aaaanyway, though, Triune Amulet dropped off of Whitemane, and I won if off a greed roll, and... well, I'm torn.

It has less +stam than the Dragon's Blood Necklace I'm using right now (7 stam compared to 12 stam), but it has +int, which I'm always hungry for, along with more spirit.

Which should I disenchant...?

But by GOD, does Blizzard need to fucking lower the cost of learning new skills. I went from just over 14 gold to 9 1/2 gold on new skills, and I didn't even get them all (I avoided Windwall totem, plus other trash skills).

I really, REALLY wish something like the Silverblade would drop, so that I could get 60 gold right there and be practically fucking DONE with it.

It's times like these that I loath being too moral to buy gold online...

rpgcrazied Apr 24, 2006 11:23 PM

w00t, my guild finally took down sulfuron and got to Domo! I was excitied.. of course he kicked our ass's. Im sure this is old news to most guilds, but oh well. :P

here domo(last boss b4 ragnaros)


Talbain Apr 25, 2006 01:09 PM

Better than being in a guild based on friendship. We do not have enough people to raid, let alone do regular 5 or 10-man instances. Did my first Zul'Gurub PUG this past week and was impressed, but I'm still overgeared for what I'm doing.

(This is because I bought practically all my gear by this point. This includes Felheart gear, RotV, Elemental Attuned Blade, etc, etc.)

Wish I could leave, but I really can't leave a guild with several RL friends in it. Much less put up with the raiding schedules of serious guilds.

rpgcrazied Apr 25, 2006 02:20 PM

i just want to complete my nightslayer set, i only have 2 pecies. lol

Kaelin Apr 25, 2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by rpgcrazied
w00t, my guild finally took down sulfuron and got to Domo! I was excitied.. of course he kicked our ass's. Im sure this is old news to most guilds, but oh well. :P

here domo(last boss b4 ragnaros)

Grats! You'll get Domo down soon :) He's a little bit more technical than anything you've fought thus far in MC, but perfectly doable once everyone is on the same page. And even if it's old news to all the folks who have BWL, AQ, ZG, MC, etc. on farm status, it's fresh news for you. The feeling of taking down a boss for the first time like that is always the best!

Masanda Apr 26, 2006 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Talbain

(This is because I bought practically all my gear by this point. This includes Felheart gear, RotV, Elemental Attuned Blade, etc, etc.)

You actually bought an elemental attuned blade? I sold one of those for 1000g a while ago. Don't tell me you bought it for that!

Talbain Apr 27, 2006 11:34 AM

Actually more, and I could have sold it for about 1700G but didn't want to let it go.

Same thing goes for the recipe for Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops this past week. I eventually sold that to someone else for cost though.

I honestly have more gold than I need for pretty much anything. I'm gearing up whatever I can since my guild cannot raid (the only raid gear I have is Bloodstained Kilt from ZG), and the cost is negligible, as I can generate more income over time anyway. Just bought the last available piece of Felheart Gear yesterday (bracers I think), but lost out on a Pristine Hide of the Wild for my Cap of the Scarlet Savant.

I'm too lazy to wait for drops or grind, so this is what I do.

peeack Apr 27, 2006 12:18 PM

I'm on the home stretch towards my first 60, I got to 49 before I logged off tonight. ZF is really easy and fun, I love the stairs part. I've just started doing Mara too, I can finally avoid pugs for ever now, cause I'm getting alot of help from my guild, which is nice. Level 60 here we go!

Also, how come most people are so poor? I rarely do anything extravagent to make money, and I'm at 180g, I've bought both Codex: Prayer of Fortitude, bought my mount, helped pay for a mate's mount, bought him the Codex: Arcane Brilliance. Waste money on shit like critter pets, I have a cat now :D(I'm horde), and I'm still rolling in money.

dagget Apr 27, 2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Talbain
Actually more, and I could have sold it for about 1700G but didn't want to let it go.

Same thing goes for the recipe for Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops this past week. I eventually sold that to someone else for cost though.

I honestly have more gold than I need for pretty much anything. I'm gearing up whatever I can since my guild cannot raid (the only raid gear I have is Bloodstained Kilt from ZG), and the cost is negligible, as I can generate more income over time anyway. Just bought the last available piece of Felheart Gear yesterday (bracers I think), but lost out on a Pristine Hide of the Wild for my Cap of the Scarlet Savant.

I'm too lazy to wait for drops or grind, so this is what I do.

how the hell do people make gold like that. :( I'm lucky to scrape by with 90g on my 60

Kaelin Apr 27, 2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by dagget
how the hell do people make gold like that. :( I'm lucky to scrape by with 90g on my 60

Some folks make alts specifically for the purpose of gold grinding. That's what I've done. If you're also inclined, I'm sure you could work the AH to your advantage so you'd never have to leave the capital city while you make money.

Also, some classes have it easier than others in terms of costs. Warriors are by far one of the highest maintenance classes out there, and the most expensive in repair costs.

dagget Apr 27, 2006 02:43 PM


Naxxramas preview

YAY even more fucking raid content. ._.

Boo-kun Apr 27, 2006 02:46 PM

I suppose I could post here now that I've got a char of every class in WoW =3
Not all 60 obviously, ranging from 23 to 60, most around 40-50.
Got them at Dragonmaw, Agamaggan, Frostwhisper, Kor'gal, .. ugh I forgot the names of the rest.
also needed this 20th post for sig ftw
Not playing atm btw~

Talbain Apr 27, 2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by dagget
how the hell do people make gold like that. :( I'm lucky to scrape by with 90g on my 60

In reference to my previous post, get Auctioneer, scan often, and buy low/sell high.

That's all I've done, apart from some haggling when someone advertises for a certain item at a certain price. Over time you will figure out what sells and you will then know what not to buy, etc.

Does anyone still have characters on Illidan? I remember there being a few but I don't see any.

Shoeless Apr 27, 2006 05:45 PM

When I still played (like late 2005), I would take my Druid on repeated runs to kill Incendius in Blackrock Depths over and over again. Very rarely (about every 15-20 runs), he would drop the Ace of Elementals. I would then sell it for 150-200g in the Auction House. It was easy to solo Incendius with the right Fire Resist gear, and I could fight him whenever I had some free time. If I hit the limit of instance runs I could do in an hour without getting the item, I would simply try again after a MC or BWL run. Before I quit the game, I had 4500g, with about 2000g of that coming from Ace of Elementals.

I have no clue what they sell for now, though. I'm not even thinking of touching WoW again until the expansion comes out.

Xellos Apr 27, 2006 06:59 PM

I hope naxxramas comes soon so my guild stops wasting time on AQ. for the guilds that haven't done AQ yet. BE GLAD. It's a shithole with very few items that are actually worth the trouble.

Six Machine Apr 28, 2006 05:52 AM

Casuals going berserk over Naxxramas cracks me up. They make it seem like Blizzard threw it together last week after mailing bombs out to each and every one of them.

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