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Gamingforce Choco Journal
slayer25k's Journal

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Aug 12, 2010 - 04:01 PM
No questions have been asked in my Truth Hurts thread yet...

The truth really hurts :'(

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Jul 6, 2010 - 05:16 PM
Cleaning up an old closet...
...only to find stuff like this:

Did I ever wear that as a child? Looking at the size, I must've been 6 years old!

Oh god.. just look at the COLORS!

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[public entry #17]

Mar 3, 2010 - 04:48 PM
Oh what's that?! A 'sprout' of a new future?

Let's unpack this!



What else happened? Oh yeah, I finished my short IntMxBbgExpress Kindergarten Guitar Tour 2010:

Why is there a old Porsche car on the grassy field?

And also...
this is the worst designed mirror ever:

Currently Playing: 165$ Million

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Oct 4, 2009 - 06:36 AM
Attention, Vancouverforcers (and everyone nearby) !
content? maybe
Guitar Circle workshop in Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

Sunday 18th of October, 2009

This is an invitation to participate of the first Open Guitar Circle workshop to be held in Vancouver, under the direction of guitarist and music instructor Curt Golden. This workshop is free, and open to anyone with or without prior experience with the guitar
The Guitar Circle presents an opportunity for players of any skill level to experience working with music with an emphasis on playfulness and creativity, exploring the various techniques utilized in Tuning the Air performances and Guitar Craft.
For more information on the Guitar Circle:
YouTube Video

The work will be done on acoustic guitars, using the New Standard Tuning. Players without prior Guitar Craft or Guitar Circle experience are encouraged to contact Pablo ( to learn more about the New Standard Tuning.
Participation in the Open Guitar Circle is FREE.
Donations to help cover the cost of the workshop are appreciated.
Reservations are required:
Pablo Mandel

October, Sunday 18th, 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Vancouver, Canada
These circles run about 90 minutes. Please, RSVP as soon as you are able.
More information will be given then.

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Jun 30, 2009 - 11:55 AM
Everything is packed - See you in 6 weeks!
Hi Gamingforcers!

Tomorrow at 6AM, I'll be on a plane to Barcelona.
The League is calling.

I'm going to be offline for about 6 weeks - I hope you'll enjoy my absence!

See you later, dudes!

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May 24, 2009 - 09:12 PM
This entry contains something described as "music".
Well, I don't think it is ... - I don't consider myself as a musician .. but let's talk about these mp3s now.

It's actually a bunch of tries experimenting with the new gear.. no, with just 2 or 3 presets, improvised and recorded "live".
I like the outcome - it's soothing to my ears. There might be a future to this.

Get the Flash Player to play this audio file: Get the Flash Player to play this audio file:

Oh yes, my guitar is now infinite powered!
Let's go to the next step then!
Which is... well, creating music with it ... instead of "improvising" with the presets ... and creating own presets - YES, ULTRA!
But before that, my aim is to UNDERSTAND THE GEAR FIRST! The manual is a frikking folder!

Currently Playing: spacemusic

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Apr 13, 2009 - 01:54 PM
Is this the end of... spending a whole lot of money?
Yes, a LOT of money.

It looks like a spaceship in a way.


And it sounds like one.

Do I even need to think about more equipment?

Currently Playing: Spacey soundscapes

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[public entry #12]

Feb 14, 2009 - 10:51 AM
It really is that time again
Response to: It's that time again by K_ Takahashi

My Truth Hurts thread has been created and can be found here.

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Feb 6, 2009 - 07:44 PM
Hey hey whaddaya say? I have a new haircut!
Oh look at me looooook at meeeeeee

I forgot to add pictures to compare:

That red line indicates the length before I cut my hair for the first time.

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Jun 28, 2008 - 01:07 PM
5 days to go and a chocolate review.

I am not in the shape to play guitar today. That's not good.

Okay, what happened to the chocolate I got weeks ago...


Let's keep it short:
The good old milk chocolate was like a really good milk chocolate - great taste.

The 99% cocoa chocolate - It took a while to eat it and it's a great tool to make >=I and :X faces.

Vanilla tasted like vanilla - It was a hell of a bite into a vanilla bean, but still great!

And now... Wasabi.

It was ...well.... I don't know how wasabi tastes like, but the chocolate did taste like something else and you could see the wasabi pieces inside.
It had the right mix between the chocolate and the wasabi - you could feel a hot aftertaste in your thoat - very exciting.

And now... my new favorite chocolate... Salt.

It's good. It's great. It's the best. I truly love the taste of it's great... I just can't figure out why. The first time I tried, it was confusing. Sweet and salty at the same time, but after a while... I just couldn't get enough of it. Someone here who'd like to taste it? Send me some paying pals and I'll send you some chocolate !

Currently Playing: Nothing.

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
slayer25k's Journal

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