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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Zergrinch's Journal

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Feb 4, 2011 - 08:36 PM
Messing around with Excel!
I'm trying to do something in Excel, that I can already achieve by adding extra columns. This is merely an exercise in array formulas.

Suppose I have the following data (just imagine the dataset is much bigger):

Date | Name | Amount
1/02/11 | ABC | 1,000
1/04/11 | DEF | 550
3/20/11 | GHI | 2,500
4/05/11 | JKL | 3,000

Suppose in one cell, I put down 2011, and in another cell, I put down 01. I am trying to find a way to query this dataset, and return the total sum of amounts while using only one formula.

I can already work around this by adding a year column =YEAR(ColumnA), and a month column =MONTH(ColumnA). Then I enter a =SUMIFS(ColumnC, YearColumn, 2011, MonthColumn, 01) to get the total. I'm basically looking for a more elegant soluion.

So, in the above example, the query should return 1,550 (it's the total for January 2011).

Any ideas?

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Jan 20, 2011 - 04:17 AM
Messing around with Javascript and InnerHTML
I'm trying to make a simple webpage with a few hyperlinks. When you type in some text in a box and click a button, the links change to include whatever is typed. I thought I could do it with Javascript and innerHTML, but it does not seem to work.

Any recommendations?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<meta content="en-ph" http-equiv="Content-Language">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 
<!--hide from old browsers 
function readtext (form) {
    stocksymbol = document.stocks.Stock1.value;
    pse1url = "<a href='" + stocksymbol + "' target='_blank'>";
    pse2url = "<a href='" + stocksymbol + "' target='_blank'>";
    bloomberg1url = "<a href='" + stocksymbol + ":PM' target='_blank'>";
    bloomberg2url = "<a href='" + stocksymbol + ":PM' target='_blank'>";
    bloombergchart = "<param value='ticker=" + stocksymbol + ":PM' name='flashvars'/>";
    bloombergchart2 = "<embed width='620' height='600' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' bgcolor='#ffffff' salign='T' wmode='opaque' quality='high' flashvars='ticker=" + stocksymbol + ":PM' src=''/>";
    document.getElementById('ps1').innerHTML = pse1url;
    document.getElementById('ps2').innerHTML = pse2url;
    document.getElementById('bb1').innerHTML = bloomberg1url; 
    document.getElementById('bb2').innerHTML = bloomberg2url;
    document.getElementById('bbc').innerHTML = bloombergchart;
    document.getElementById('bbd').innerHTML = bloombergchart2;
<title>Quik-Bloomberg Charts</title>
<body style="margin: 5px">
<div style="border-style: solid; float: left; border-width:1px; padding:5px; background:#FFFFCC"><form name="stocks" action="#">
<span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: small">Symbol:</span>
<input name="Stock1" size="6" tabindex="1" style="font-size: x-small" onChange="javascript:this.value=this.value.toUpperCase();"> 
<input value="GO!" name="B5" style="font-size: x-small;font-family : Tahoma; width: 30px;" tabindex="2" type="button" onclick="readtext(this.form)"></form>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
    document.write("<div style='float: right'><a href=''><strong>Philippine Stock Exchange</strong></a></em><br>- ");
    document.write("<span id='ps1'><a href='' target='_blank'></span>Company Information</a><br>- ");
    document.write("<span id='ps2'><a href='' target='_blank'></span>Disclosures</a>"); 
    document.write("<br><br><em><strong>Bloomberg</strong></em><br>- ");
    document.write("<span id='bb1'><a href='' target='_blank'></span>Snapshot</a><br>- ");
    document.write("<span id='bb2'><a href='' target='_blank'></span>Financials</a></span><br><br></div>");

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Nov 15, 2010 - 09:31 PM
Can we has Gamingforce Choir? 2010 redux

│G│A│M│I│N│G│F│O│R│C│E│ │2│0│1│0│
│C│H│R│I│S│T│M│A│S│ │ │C│H│O│I│R│

I'm renewing my proposal from last year, and am floating this idea as a trial balloon, both in the journals and in the forums. Pardon the cross-posting.

Links: Journal Entry | 2009 Journal Entry | Forum Thread | Concert Hall Thread


I think it'd be neat to have a bunch of people sing some Christmas carols independently, and to splice that into one whole sequence. Depending on the collective vocal talent, it will either come out as something quite nice (what are the odds?), or a complete mess (a definite possibility, even without trolls at work).

All in the spirit of the season though!

What We Need

What would we need for such an endeavour?

1. Someone to collect and combine everyone's songs into one whole (I'll try my best!)
2. A bunch of singers willing to bare their vocal talents and sing some Christmas carols (that's everyone reading this!)

Aaaand because I don't want to preside over something that's too big a complete mess...

3. Someone to find a nice carol or two (or three) that's already arranged for a choir. And to render each role (bass, tenor, alto, soprano) into an audio file for the singers as a guide (that's you, Concert Hallers!)

All the singers need is a nice microphone (to sing to), a set of earphones (to listen to the guide song), and some quiet time (wouldn't want to wake the neighbors or anything).

The Bad Stuff (Deadlines, shudder)

I want to put this out by the 25th. So everyone needs to have their songs in by December 20 (give me 5 days to work). Going backwards, I guess two weeks (for everyone to record their voices and send it in) sounds reasonable. So we'll need to choose the song, and have an arrangement for each voice by December 7.

Here's where you can start making suggestions, sign up, or otherwise pop this trial balloon right from the get go!

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Aug 25, 2010 - 04:12 AM
How to storm a bus, Philippine style
YouTube Video

Took them about an hour after moving in for the drama to end. Outtakes include:
  1. Having improper gear (no armor, no shields, no gas masks, no flashlights, wielding only service pistols)
  2. Smashing up bus windows for no reason (got no ladder)
  3. Trying to bash in the super-strong hydraulic door
  4. Dropping the sledgehammer inside the bus while smashing said door
  5. Trying to wrench the door off by tying it to a car with a rope; the rope broke (damn, I gotta get me one of these anti-cop buses)
  6. Tossing smoke bombs that bounced off the window twice, and
  7. Discovering after 45 or so minutes that buses have emergency exit doors and actually gaining entry, only to run right back out when the baddie started shooting.

If it weren't so tragic (8 dead, 1 critical), it'd be hilarious.

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Aug 2, 2010 - 09:23 AM
Why I'm totally pirating StarCraft 2
I've decided I wanna go legit and buy a copy of Starcraft 2.

The regular box version is retailing for P3,500 here, approximately US$78. The retail price in the U.S. is $60. So, I headed over to Battle.Net to purchase the digital download for $60. I mean, our price is 30% higher!

Unfortunately, they refuse to process my request. Apparently since my credit cards aren't in North America.

Since I refuse to pay higher prices than Americans, this leaves me no choice but to pirate! Sorry, Blizzard!

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Jul 11, 2010 - 09:48 AM
My Newest Favorite Tool-Assisted Speedrun
YouTube Video
Error; are you sure that's a YouTube link?

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Jul 3, 2010 - 07:12 AM
Photoshop CS5 + GFF '10 Meet Pics = ?
Wanted to try out the much ballyhooed content aware fill feature. Also played around with puppet warp.

Walkin' on the Beach:
Original Butchered

Jumpin' on the Lawn:
Original Butchered

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Jun 9, 2010 - 10:04 AM
State Quarters
My month-long vacation in the United States allowed me to start a nice collection of state quarters. Alas, I wasn't able to find it all, and sure as hell am NOT paying $30 (Amazon) for the ones I don't have. Ironic that I couldn't find quarters for two states I was in (California and Florida).

I was not able to catch the following states/territories. Que sera sera
  1. Alabama
  2. California
  3. Colorado
  4. Florida
  5. Idaho
  6. Iowa
  7. Kansas
  8. Kentucky
  9. Maine
  10. Montana
  11. Nebraska
  12. New Jersey
  13. New Mexico
  14. South Dakota
  15. Washington
  16. Guam
  17. U.S. Virgin Islands
Total completion: 70%.

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Apr 12, 2010 - 07:55 AM
Holy crap look at these Hotel rates
Las Vegas. Quoted by travel agent. Four night stay.

Bellagio Hotel
Triple Deluxe Room: $720.00 / Per Person
Triple Dlx Lakeview: $815.00 / Per Person

Treasure Island
Forum Room: $850.00 / Per Person
Deluxe Room: $770.00 / Per Person

Venetian Resort & Casino
Venetian Bella: $630.00 / Per Person
Venetia Bella $680.00 / Per Person

Palazzo Resort & Casino
Triple Luxury Room: $640.00 / Per Person
Triple Bella Suite: $700.00 / Per Person

And here I was, thinking Las Vegas is cheaper because of recession .__.

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Zergrinch's Journal

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