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Biganime's Journal

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Nov 26, 2013 - 07:25 PM
Been a while!
Well I was just checking my email and these forums sent me a happy Birthday mail and just seeing that made me want to check this place out again...been ages since I was here.

Nice to see a lot of old faces still around, Maybe i'll be hopping back on here every now and then.

just a little tidbit, Been playing Hearthstone a lot lately, if anyone has it and wants to play a few games hit me up.

Well thats all for now, I'll make a real journal post later, but for now, Until next time!

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Aug 1, 2008 - 04:25 AM
My anime issues
kk, i'm one of those silly people who actually buy their anime DVD's from like best buy/eBay and what not. I like to collect the shit..But not to long ago a problem came about when Genon (believe thats how you spell it) decided not to bring their anime over to the states anymore....Which sucks cause at the time I was collecting "When they Cry" and KArin" as started in a earlier journal.

Im thinking of actually /gasp downloading the rest of these anime...just wondering if they are worth it in your opinions.

Plus im running out of anime to actually buy...Are there any really decent anime out there that I haven't seen? not that you know what I've seen....hell a lot of old shit I haven't even seen Im going to name a few and I want you to tell me if its worth actually buying. (its the name of the anime is spelt wrong sorry, im just guessing the names.)

Anime titles:

Maho romantic
Shuffle - I know its based off a henti. lol
coyotee ragtime

I could think of more but right now thats all I got.

As far as anime that I actually enjoyed maybe you can suggest some good ones for me...I actually liked

When they cry (of course)
Elfin lied
Naruto (thought im not that far into it..only as far as the DVD's are at)
Chrono crusade
Lucky star
Haruhi (its just odd and fun) drunk again on long island ice im off for now.

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Jul 31, 2008 - 05:47 AM
Damn long Island ice teas >_< also your views on 360 RPGS!
So I decided to go to the Casino after work today and for the first hour is was going good...I was up about $50 playing Caribian stud poker, then the damn drink lady comes along and does her usual "what would you like to drink" I get a long island ice tea...well i swear she came back every 5 minutes to ask for the same thing and every time I'd get another one...Well after about 9 of them I was a tad bit fucked up....I went from being up $50 to being down about $120....damn casino's getting you drunk so you can lose money faster... Damn them to hell I say.

It wasn't all a free compted dinner at the steak house within the Casino...Wasn't half bad either..but yeah the dinner was free but they wouldn't let me drink anymore...damn ass holes :{

Also, Just bought me Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360 and so far im enjoying it alot...first RPG on the 360 i've tried so i must ask.....Is enchanted arms any good? or should I say away....also any other Decent RPGS for the 360 that i dont know about?

PS im way to drunk to be posting this...good day to you.

Currently Playing: Still alive- some song from portal...quick catchy

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Jul 30, 2008 - 07:15 AM
Its been a while!
Sup all ...

Its been a while since I last came here, I have no clue whats going on anymore. Everything looks so different. But hopefully I will be around more often, damn work doesn't allow me much internet time anymore but meh.

What have I been up too?

For one, my job changed from crap sink sanding to basic computer info processing shit at this other place...which rules seeing as my pay nearly doubled cause of it, I went to ITT to learn some stuff and its worked out for the best so far.. I can't complain

Been playing way too much Rock Band...yeah i'm a nerd but what can you do, I used to play WOW a ton but as of late its just gotten a bit boring, so im thinking I might put it on hold until the new Xpack comes out, either that or just wait for Diablo 3 to come out. For the most part its just me sticking with some 360 rpgs and rock band.

I got into actually collecting anime DVD's and what not, Which kind of sucks seeing as Geneon (think thats how you spell it) decided not to bring shit over here any more....theres goes a few things I was collecting such as "When They Cry" " Karin" and something else I just can't remember...wasn't that great I guess then. I want to see the rest of When They Cry, Just haven't gotten to downloading the Eps I couldn't get from the DVD's.

Finally, I've been in the process of thinking about moving to a new place...Im just kind of sick of Buffalo and I want to see what else is out there. But with the new job and all I just keep over thinking it. Been thinking about going to West Virgina got a few friends over there and they say its a great place. We'll see what happens.

Nice to be back once again...hopefully i'll catch a few people around i used to know.

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Mar 3, 2007 - 06:36 AM
YO! anime convention!!!!
Just throwing a line in saying im still around just been busy as of late for once...mostly with nerdy shit but who the hell cares, at least im not sitting at home waiting for the next newest show to pop up on the tube and suck.

Going to an anime convention later today which should be fun seeing as i've never been to one so im looking forward to it. I just hope im not the only person who shows up with out doing the whole cosplay thing...apperently Cosplay is serious business.

I'll post some pics later of it all for those who want to see it...perhaps i'll get lucky and bring a booth babe home with me or something.....I know its wishfull thinking but I can dream can't I? ^_^

catch you later.

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Dec 21, 2006 - 02:04 AM
WTF! (noob question about ISO files inside)
So I was in the mood to play a PC game I havn't played in a long time but I lost the actual game itself. So I went and found it using boxtorrents and it has all the files.

But it keeps asking me to put in the disc to play the game. now im wornder how I am able to do this seeing I dont know if I should just copy all the files on a disc and it should work or what. All I know is I need something on a disc for it to read or so it seems.

Any help would be awesome.

In other news, Im running out of music...suggestions would be awesome seeing as im in to metal like Dragon force and nightwish and others like it, and that type of metal isnt that popular appently ;_;

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Dec 10, 2006 - 11:59 PM
I just killed.....
A whole bag of oreo's, not I feel about 5 lbs fatter...yay me.

Well Im back for a while, I somewhat quit world of warcraft seeing as I spent nearly 12 hours a day on it when I wasn't working. quite unhealthy, Just like the oreos.

catch you all later i'll post something next time here that someone Revelant and intresting.

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Nov 7, 2006 - 02:48 AM
im alive
Yes im alive...I just play way too much wow and I keep forgetting to come around here and see whats up.

Yes im a complete nerd but most people know that already.

What have I been up to other then this stupid game.

Nothing really.

Been working like crazy latly as well. mostly cause im trying to afford a trip to England and kind of need a good $3000 if not more for a trip there and back plus exspenses.

Made a new Cd with my band which is quite intresting, I'll post links once I put them up or i'll just put them on my FTP for all to download if you so desire.

Other then that really nothing been going on...just WAY Too much gaming.

woot for being a nerd.

i'll try to get on more often...catch you later ^_^

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Jun 2, 2006 - 11:59 PM
I say bleh cause im bored as hell and as you know I havn't written in my journal in quite some time so I decided to not leave it alone for once.

But really there isn't too much to write about in it.

I mean I got a pink mohawk now which is funny and yet awesome at the same time.

I play too much wow which is the reason no one ever sees me anymore online fucking around. That game is like crack I swear..

I've been making tons more songs that I will be posting up in my journal for those brave enough to listen to my horrible voice and The same Cords over and over again.

In other news I lost my pants...I must be off to find them...

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Apr 25, 2006 - 11:41 PM
Well Im back!
No one fucking told me these were back up but then again I havn't been online long enough for anyone to tell me I guess.

Well Whats been going on with me?

Well other then constant working I went to japan for 2 weeks about a month ago. Was awesome I must admit ^_^ IF I could live there I so would but not knowing how to speak their way that might take quite a while.

In other news Im still fat and sing like a girl....who to blame for that?

Anyway i'll be around. perhaps making a more exciting journal entry.

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Biganime's Journal

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