well first off I guess I can show you the accomodations we got.
looks pretty nice huh, but since I am the unluckiest motherfucker on earth some friends and me got to sleep here.
very well this is a far view of the dam, wich is stolen from a framed picture in the facility pretty cool, huh.
now an actual side-view when we got there.
impressive view I'd say.
secret entrance
and now the machine hallway
what's underneath those gray round lids you wonder... well it'd be the turbine and the axis, like so
we got videos of it spinning, but... yeah those are kinda troublesome to post around, so if you are insterested just ask me in chat.
now to speed things up, we visited two other dams, but I will focus on the newer one caruachi, since the third is pretty much the same as the first one I linked, only suckier, now the machine room for that one.
the axis for these generators
I don't think I have mentioned this, but hallways with control consoles, they all look the same so one pic is enough
dam from outside.
a transformer from up close, dobut this is interesting for most of you, but I will add it anyways.
and to end it, we visited a national park nearby the dams, actually right outside the dam I never showed you pictures off if you look closely in some pictures you might even see the dam in the far back, name of that one is macagua. Name of the park is "la llovizna" wich means.... hard to put it in one word that doesn't sound lame, so it's like kind of light rain, basically it's pretty direct, it just implies regardless of how far you try to get from these waterfalls, you are going to get wet.