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Gamingforce Choco Journal
WooshaQ's Journal

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May 23, 2007 - 01:07 PM
Hello Jesus, doujinshi ;P
No comments. Ha ha ha!

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Feb 2, 2007 - 06:43 PM
New haircut + web cam = King of Streets (?)
Well, not exactly, that the three new event though. Finally I went to the bloody hairdresser here in UK. Wasn't that bad still 30£ is a little too much if you ask me for a stupid red highlights (at least in poland I would pay about 6-7£ for the same thing). The output?


Next thing, I finally bought webcam, so now I can talk with my parents feeling almost like I was at home. Except I don't have to smell my dogs fart, I'm not kidding here, he is a real stinker ;] Well life goes on, I'm getting used to being far from my birthplace and my mother and father. I'll see them in person in couple of months, when the bloody BUPA will give me well deserved holiday!


What else, hmmmmm... King of Streets has finally been released by me. Back in the age of GFF mugen thread I hesitated to released it to public because of the plague of stinky leachers roaming around this place. Now that they're gone from GFF I can finally upload it just to celebrate this fact. If some of the normal users is still interested in my project take a look at and get it from mininova or demonoid website. The choice is yours! Screenshots and documentation available on the website provided above!

Thank you for you attention, over and out!

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Jan 7, 2007 - 12:55 PM
I'm back, let's hope for good.
After being away from my computer something in me snatched and driven by an impulse I bought laptop and here I am. Alive and kickin'. Well almost, because I'm not really happy about the whole situation I found myself in. Especially working for stupid company called bUPA (they run shitty care homes in UK) drives me mad, since they think you are some fucking slave or something. But life goes on and I'm getting richer and richer (in real life experience that is) since I have this tendency to spend all my money buying devices (hi PS2 with 15 games I bought in the first month, TV, laptop etc.) and now I'm left with about 30£ till the end of the January, but who cares, I'm eating at work anyway so somehow I'll survive. The city I live is at least nice, it is called Harrogate. Any GF users are living here?
Anyway, it's nice to be back, even though I'll be on a dial-up for the next two weeks -_-;.

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Sep 20, 2006 - 02:25 PM
Winds of change?

As much as I hate it I believe that it is high time to wear those damn glasses. So long blurred vision, welcome geek-like look...

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Sep 19, 2006 - 02:49 PM
Bachelor of Education, that's me!
LOL, who would expect that this day will come, but yes starting today I’m genuine bachelors of education. Big thanks goes to Sassafras for the book she helped me to get, it was of the most important sources of my license paper. In anybody wants to know paper was about King’s Dark Tower. Literary inspiration and symbolism of Stephen King’s Dark Tower.

Also soon I'm going to work in Harrogate, UK. Look for me there!

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Jul 1, 2006 - 03:04 PM
Time is running out...
I guess it is the my first message here and I'm afraid there won't be a shitload of the entries because I only get sentimental when I'm pretty much drunk. The reason I am writing this is to thank all the GFF for all that it gave to me, soon I will end my education and leave my homeland (PL) entering the unknown (UK) in order to find a work and some perspective for a good living. That is why in a month or so I will say "Goodbye" to entire Gamingforce. I am sure that most of you don't give shit about me, still I love you all. For all the soundtracks I leached (hope I managed to repay for all that) and the good time I spent here.
I'm writing this is because I'm pretty much afraid, the whole trip will mean leaving everything: my previous life, so called friends, family, internet relations etc. Still to live is to fight and I'm not intending to give up! I'm sure I'll come back to GFF after some time, still thinking about leaving all this stuff behind is terrible for me.
I really hope this time before I left GFF will be my best period I will spend here. So please do not hate me! OK?

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
WooshaQ's Journal

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