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Cat9's Journal

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Oct 20, 2009 - 10:15 AM
League of Legend Beta Invites
I got 3 of them. PM me if you are interested.

YouTube Video

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Sep 11, 2009 - 01:06 AM
Spanish Star Wars Parody...
If you speak spanish, you will find this hilarious!

YouTube Video

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May 1, 2009 - 08:39 AM
The effects of the Swine Flu
YouTube Video

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Mar 1, 2009 - 01:46 AM
RIP Paul Harvey
Paul Harvey died today. He was a famous radio broadcaster. I had not heard him in a while, but I always enjoyed his News Broadcasts.

News Article About Him

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Nov 24, 2008 - 12:41 AM
Podcasts and music
Ive been thinking of creating a podcast that is intended for just my personal friends to listen to.

The problem Im running into is that any music I had wanted to use is commercial. You know, for intros and stuff.

Every piece of information out there tells me i should stay away from commercial music. Now if I intended to create a podcast for the whole world out there, I would understand, but do I really have much to fear if i'm creating something that is intended to be heard by (and probably would only be cared about) by my personal friends?

The podcast would essentially be about my own life, and the things that are happening in it. Definitely not a wide target audience. It is just an alternative to emailing everyone or blogging about it.

Well, in the end, i think I will stick to podsafe music. Its out there, its just a shame that I cant use intro music that I really liked because of legal reasons.

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Oct 8, 2008 - 09:10 AM
Takin my computer with me
I've been trying to figure out how to take my computer on the plane with me without completely taking it apart. Unfortunately, my luggage is too small to fit my new case

So now I will have to take it apart and hope that the parts themselves will not die in on the trip. And thats not taking into account how restrictive US airports are about taking electronic equipment on board...

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Sep 17, 2008 - 08:36 AM
Mexico City
As a person who hardly goes out (but likes to), its coming a quite a shock to friends and family that I have, for many reasons, decided to leave the country for a period of 3 to 6 months.

More specifically, im off to Mexico City.

My family is well off there and I will get an opportunity to do many things including seeing what Mexico is about. My current experience with this is a few yearly trips to Tijuana.

Another purpose is to develop a healthy(er) life style. Its been really hard to achieve that over here, but at last i think it will happen. Well, I will definitely miss my friends and family over here, and I hope everything will be much better when I return home.

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Mar 23, 2008 - 03:56 AM
Accepting A.I.
I've often wondered if people like me will be open to considering A.I. a living thing that should have rights. If there were robots among us, would they have a right to exist or could we destroy them and only face property damage charges?

I would like to believe that the more technically savvy and technically familiar person will be more open to welcome these future beings with open arms and as having the right to exist. Would you consider a robot friend equally important as a real person?

"Yes!" id like to say. Bring on robot servants, robot friends, (and robot lovers? )

However, when i look at it with a gamer's perspective, I find myslef thinking twice about such a decision. The problem for gamers like us is similar to what the abortion debate goes through.

In abortion, one of the main sticking points is "when is a baby is considered alive or a person with rights?". How so?

Well consider the goomba. How many has the average gamer squished without the slightest thought? A very primitive example, yes and probably wouldn't apply. But things keep getting better and better, and we will soon see very smart A.I. We can see self preservation and reproduction. What is next?

Can we really diferentiate a robotic A.I. and a mere software one? As long as there is a backup, is it ok to mistreat an A.I. and erase the event from its memory? What about our memory? The internet has taught us well its nearly impossible to UN-SEE things.

If we pass laws protecting A.I. and their hardware, will we say goodbye to game violence? Perhaps not, but It sure makes me think about what A.I will mean to me.

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Feb 26, 2008 - 11:48 AM
WoW and end game content...
Does anyone else feel 25 man content has actually made it harder for the average guild to do end game stuff?

Allow me to explain my theory.

With 40 man content, you really only needed about 20 great people, 10 average people and you could carry about 10 "dead weight" people. You could still succeed with even the worst players in your guild, since the good players could pick up the pace. The guilds who were able to do end game first and fast were guilds who would simply filter out average and dead weight people. They required (and still do) a big commitment (usually about 4 raid nights a week by my experience) and that you farm much gold or reagents to pay for buffs and such.

Now with 25 man content, it seems to me every man has to count. You cant really bring along many crappy players, because there is less people to make up for it. People who aren't good enough, or cant commit the time are left out.

Its the same for heroic and 10 man stuff, but its not very hard to find 5 to 10 quality players to pull those off.

As a former hardcore raider, I felt the expansion was going to allow me to do more endgame without the commitment that I just could not give anymore. I find myself wishing there was more 10 man content than the 2 instances we got. Especially since going from Karazhan to ZA is very hard. If you didnt do 25 man content in between, you are at a very big disadvantage.

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Aug 23, 2007 - 11:42 PM
What all RPGs need...
A recap..

I remember the first time i loaded my game on Metar Gear Solid, and it gave me a recap of what had happend the last time I played. I thought it was an awsome feature to have! I just wish RPGs had this. I dont think it would be too hard. The recap should at least specifiy the last main story event and perhaps your next objective.

See im the kind of guy that plays an RPG, and can possibly put it down for months on end. However, many times it goes on that long becuase I simply dont remember where i left off, and dont relish the thought of starting over (which has happend). A nice little recap would get me right back on track and exited again.

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