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Jul 13, 2012 - 04:56 PM
Meet 2012 - 2
Okay, sorry it took me so long to get on this but I've been in Colorado for two weeks helping family move.

I'm not sure how to make this post about my thoughts on Meet and I really hate journal writing so I'm just going to make a few lists:

Likes: Visited Maine (a state I've never been to before), tasty food, spent some time sightseeing with my spouse, hot tub, pool, beach, everyone seemed very nice and got to meet new people, glow sticks, learned some new games, bought some souvenirs, a bollywood movie that was super weird and so bad I enjoyed it, ponies, seafood, seashells, getting to see the sunrise

Dislikes: A really long drive, did not get to do as much site seeing as I would have liked, not too many planned activities (this is not necessarily a dislike, but if there had been more planned activities or outings I might have been able to get to know people better), poor communication at times, a mad scramble to clean up the morning we needed to leave (should have been done the night before), being unsure of offering help for fear of getting in the way when it came to cleaning or food making, feeling awkward around people I don't know and I'm terribly shy so unless you talked to me first I probably didn't speak to you at all (sorry), getting a hangover (if I ever go to Meet with my spouse again I will not be drinking), sunburns, Sambuca (sp?), duck tongues (so rubbery)

Now I don't want to seem like a negative nelly so I will clarify why I have a dislike list- I am not a regular member of meet nor did I know any of you before hand. Please don't take my dislike list as an insult. You were all very nice, interesting people and going to Meet with you makes my spouse very happy. So while I may have felt really awkward for most of the trip and was uncomfortable spending so much money ($1000 for the two of us is a lot to spend when only one of us works and we have lots of bills) I know that it made my love really happy and I would put up with any awkwardness or dislikes for the person I married. That said overall it was not a bad trip and I did have plenty of fun. I really enjoyed getting to know some people and wished there had been more time to really get to know you all and for you all to know me better because I'm sure having someone around that nobody knew at all made it awkward on your end as well.

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Jun 22, 2012 - 09:30 AM
Meet 2012 -1
So I really want to be able to post my thoughts on Meet, as I attended with my spouse and was informed that this might be a nice thing to do so people could see what my outsider opinion of it was but I just haven't had the time right now and probably won't for a little while yet. I am helping my family out as they prepare to move out of state next week and will be busy with birthday celebrations for my sister this weekend.

I promise I will tell you all my thoughts on the week in Maine as soon as I have the time to really write them all out.

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
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