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I know, you'd expect this entry from Colonel "Shitimus Maximus" Skills before anyone else, and yet...
Well, my toilet had been running constantly for the last week or so, so I open up the tank to investigate. I note that the valve is open, due to the float arm not rising high enough to close the valve. Obviously the overflow pipe had been reached already, hence the water not rising enough to lift the float arm higher. I decide to bend the float arm down so that the float is lower and thus less water is require to close the valve. Snapped the METAL float arm in half. Uh oh.
Seven dollars later, I have a new valve assembly and have fixed the problem successfully. Yeah that's right, I fixed something around the house. I am now a man.
Starting bright and early tomorrow morning, I will be driving super long ways. I'll be going through Mississippi, up through Memphis, and so forth. Going to be so lame. I'm hoping for 32+ MPG for the trip though, should be interesting.
I have packed 6 Dell PC boxes full of just video games and dvds. Clearly it is time to get rid of some of that stuff. What I've still got left:
- Finish sorting the keep and the throwaway stuff in my junk room, then either pack it or throw it away
- Pack kitchen (dishes, utensils, blender, knives, pots and pans)
- Pack clothes
- Unhook and pack surround sound system, PS3, 360
- Clean
It would be so much easier if I weren't moving 3+ hours away I guess. I think I am just going to get everything out this weekend, then come back next weekend and clean.
From BFE, Alabama to the Mobile, AL area. I will be 40 miles from the beach (and instant sunburn). Long story short: I was offered another job and when I broke that news to my current employer, they made a very strong play to keep me, part of which involves moving me to a larger and better city.
I'm going down next week to take a look at apartments, and will hopefully lay down a deposit and get that business out of the way now in preparation for a move in early April.
I'm pretty excited about getting the hell out of the town I live in now.
Did my taxes this morning. Getting $1042 back from federal, owe state $41, net win of $1001.
Also filled out my mileage reimbursement for the past couple of work trips I've gone on and will be getting another $310 there.
I was in Florida for work on Friday and it snowed on me. It wasn't really sticking, but it was coming down pretty good (for Florida, that is). It was the strangest thing, snow in Florida.
I think that I will make an effort to change that. Not necessarily with worthwhile content, but perhaps as a repository for my impressions of movies that I see. Since I have Netflix now, I have been able to watch a lot of movies, both through their digital service and through mailed discs. For the sake of ease, I will begin with the movie I received in the mail yesterday, and watched last night:
Terminator Salvation
This movie was kind of cool, which is not to be confused with good. It was not very good, but it had lots of action and explosions. The effects were not very impressive, and most of the Terminator models were garbage. The only Terminator that didn't look like trash was the Arnold one. There was one who seemed to be wearing a sweatband on his head, like it is Rambo. You are a robot, you do not need to wear a sweatband around your head!
I got the feeling at times that they were trying to make Gears of War the movie, but in the Terminator universe. Many of the Terminators were actually shaped like Locust, if you ignored the fact that they were robots. The protagonist's name was Marcus, and while not necessarily burly, he was a tough, gritty man, and in fact, should there be a Gears of War movie, Sam Worthington would not be a visual stretch if he were cast as Marcus Fenix. The Marcus character's story begins in a prison. Which Marcus am I referring to? The Terminators are taking people back to their evil headquarters for some reason. In Gears of War 2, the Locust are taking people back to their evil headquarters for some reason.
Did they seriously just dispatch one Terminator to try to kill John Conner in the middle of a Terminator factory? One Terminator, in a whole factory of Terminators, to kill your biggest enemy, way to pull out all the stops there Skynet. John Connor's girlfriend was really clean. She apparently owns the only functioning shower on the planet and she allows no one else to use it. John Connor is never really portrayed as being special in any way, of having any special qualities to him. He is just an interchangeable army man whose mother happened to sleep with a dude from the future. Tell me what makes John Connor in this movie any better than the next soldier. You can't do it, not without saying "he's played by a more famous actor than anyone else in the movie". He is the center of the Terminator universe, and yet he is interchangeable. In a building filled with terrorists and civilians, John McClain is the cop. In a city filled with crime, run by criminals, Batman is the guy who snapped and put on a mask. In a world where terrorists devise convoluted plans to attack LA every year, Jack Bauer is the man who understands that dammit, there's no time! In a world where machines are trying to eradicate humanity, John Connor is the guy whose mom slept with a dude from the future and left him some audio tapes.
The movie had some cool, actiony moments, but overall, wow it was silly.
Step 2: take pictures
Step 3: post said pictures on the internet Step 4: stretch your tables so bad nah I'll be nice
I need to get tint. I want to take off the splash guards and get the HFP rear lip and get the HFP suspension kit to lower it about an inch. I would also like to get a second set of factory wheels and paint them black. Of course, between the rear lip, suspension kit, and wheels, I'd be looking at a couple thousand dollars. That's not happening right now, that's for sure.