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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Robo Jesus's Journal

Robo Jesus's Journal Statistics
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Jul 14, 2011 - 11:26 PM
Well, I haven't died at any rate
Of course, it's been so many years since last I was on GFF that I might as well be dead to the forum at large, with many of the newer members probably wondering "Who in the fuck is this guy?"

So, Braddy was banned a year or so ago (something about him going crazy?), most of the people I knew have changed their screen names, and I no longer have real internet access (part of the reason I disappeared so suddenly and abruptly). Lovely that last part.

Currently Playing: Paradise of Amber Glow - 03 - The Bridge People No Longer Cross

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[public entry #76]

Apr 17, 2009 - 08:37 PM
An unread private message from 1969

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[public entry #75]

Apr 2, 2009 - 05:23 PM
Hasbro hasn't made toys out of human skulls since the 1960's.

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[public entry #74]

Feb 4, 2009 - 10:37 PM
Why do I randomly prop entries?
Originally Posted by a lurker
If you hate that map then why did you prop her entry.
Because I choose to do so.

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[public entry #73]

Feb 4, 2009 - 03:10 AM
States' GDP
Response to: States' GDP by The_Melomane

Man I fucking hate that map and people cooing over it on whatever forum it shows up at. It's either mid 90s or pulled out of someones ass, and it uses non-replacement name generation to boot giving a quite unclear picture. This is how things look as of the 2007 CIA factbook:

I'll edit in the numbered list placement sometime in the next day or two.

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[public entry #72]

Jan 30, 2009 - 07:52 PM
Pointless entry.
1. Grab a calculator.
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2
10. Shit bricks.

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[public entry #71]

Jan 23, 2009 - 10:04 PM
The Sisters of Calamity

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[public entry #70]

Jan 19, 2009 - 09:13 PM
The Worth of Worthlessness
Long ago, in an age long since gone, there lived a logger in the mountains. He made his living by providing wood for the local craftsman, or by selling the wood to families who would use it to heat their homes when winter came. One day the logger decided to go deep into the forests of the mountain to see what he could find. So he packed himself his provisions, he took a sleeping roll, and he hefted his trusty axe and walked.

He walked over hills, pulling tasty saplings as he traveled to chew on as he continued his journey. He crossed rivers that had yet to have bridges built for travelers to cross safely, and filled his canteen to the brim to quench his thirst. He spotted trees that would make good lumber with which to build. He spotted trees that would make good furniture under the hands of the skilled craftsman. He spotted trees that would make good kindling to warm houses during those cold winter nights.

Finally, exhausted from the long journey, the logger came to a large plateau, with a lake from which the rivers fed. And near where the lake became a river, near a large flat area, from a distance stood the most majestic tree the logger had ever seen. Its branches and leaves stretched far and wide, providing shade and cover to all who would seek it from the beating sun or the pouring rain, with enough room under it to comfort dozens of weary travelers in need of relief. Within its branches a multitude of creatures made their homes, and a multitude of flowers and grasses found respite not far from the trees base.

Refilling his canteen, the logger walked towards the serene sight before him. As he walked closer though, he could see the whole of the tree was knotted from its broad base all the way up toward its towering heights. “Hmm, no craftsman would take this tree,” the logger said, and as it sat near the lake, it would be too wet to cure for use, and too heavy to haul back. Taking a seat, the logger reached out and pulled a branch filled with green leavestowards him, snapping some of them off and placing them into his mouth to chew on. However, not even an acquired taste could change the putrid taste the leaves held.

Spitting it out in disgust, the logger scowled at the tree and said, "No wonder this tree has lived so long to grow so large. It's utterly worthless!"

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[public entry #69]

Jan 18, 2009 - 02:54 AM
Some Music I put up for those interested
Alpha preview songs
Singles 01
Singles 02
Singles 03
Singles 04
Singles 05

I put these up a while ago for a friend. Since I just found the urls, I figured I'd put them up here too. Enjoy.

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[public entry #68]

Jan 17, 2009 - 11:31 PM
Just Ask Any Russian
In Soviet Russia, Мы говорим на русском языке.

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[public entry #67]

Gamingforce Choco Journal
Robo Jesus's Journal

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