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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Elidibs's Journal


Elidibs's Journal Statistics
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Oct 3, 2021 - 05:31 PM
So I got dumped yesterday. Good news is, we're still friends. Bad news is, SHE KEPT MY FUCKING RADISHES. She sends me a message a couple of weeks ago, all, "Golly, there sure are a lot of radishes in my fridge! When are you going to get all of these radishes?!", and I'm like, "Oh, yeah, I will, my bad.". Then this week, she gives me my cookbooks back, gives me a cat mug, a bunch of Pepsis and flavored waters, gives me all my tea I left at her place back... but no radishes. Or the Brussels sprouts I left in her fridge. like wtf
Like, come on, she can't even appreciate radishes unless they're ~seasoned~ and ~baked~, she saw me eating one raw, and she was all, "Ohh, whoooaaaa, how could you do that, those are so hot!". I'm all, "Uhh, no they're not, try one.". Last time I date anyone from Match, too, if all the people there do is steal your fucking radishes.

Match: Start Soemthing Great, more like Match: Stealing Your Radishes Fuck.

Currently Playing: Syrian - Walk Into the Sun

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May 8, 2021 - 11:58 PM
oh cool ChocoJournals are still here
Haha, it sure is fun reading old zany entries, what a bunch of rascals everyone here is and was!

Currently Playing: Gina T. - In My Fantasy

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Jul 1, 2013 - 02:05 AM
i suck at titling these things
I found my old passwords!

Probably going to misplace it again, soon. Take care.

Currently Playing: Karl Jenkins - Adiemus

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Oct 23, 2008 - 09:51 AM
I think a while ago I told myself I wouldn't make another YouTube entry. Eh.

YouTube Video

I had to include a cat video.

YouTube Video

I'm in love! I want to force-feed her sandwiches.
I wasn't really going anywhere else with this entry. I might have something meaningful to say later.

Currently Playing: Dune - Mega'LoMania Remix

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Aug 27, 2008 - 03:26 PM
What I did with my afternoon.

Currently Playing: Rhapsody - The Wizard's Last Rhymes

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Mar 7, 2008 - 09:04 AM
"Your rabbit has a pretty expansive vocabulary."
So while my sister was at work I trained her seven year-old rabbit to associate the word "titty" with treats-- pieces of lettuce and other vegetables we give her when she behaves, or whenever she wants them because she's a spoiled little fuck. Did I mention my sister's going to be living with a friend who often refers to her/all breasts as "titties"?

Currently Playing: Queen - Princes of the Universe

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Elidibs's Journal

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