Welcome to the Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis. |
GFF is a community of gaming and music enthusiasts. We have a team of dedicated moderators, constant member-organized activities, and plenty of custom features, including our unique journal system. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ or our GFWiki. You will have to register before you can post. Membership is completely free (and gets rid of the pesky advertisement unit underneath this message).
Signature rules |
In order to not stretch the tables on 800x600 display resolution, we've adopted the following guidelines for creation of signatures:
- Maximum number of images: 2
- Maximum image filesize: 50 KB (total)
- Maximum image dimensions: 550 pixels wide, 300 pixels high (total)
- No more than 10 lines of regular-sized, single-spaced text (with no images)
- Text and images not to stretch the postbit on a one-line post.
Also, all signature images not deemed "work-safe" by staff may be removed without notice. |
Can I summon Captain Planet? |
No, summoning Captain Planet is a bannable offense. |
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